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My last story . Otherwise known as

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 25, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    bye Guys !!!! :shock:

    The reason I have been putting some of my stories here , silly ones ,sorta off the wall and the last one about friendship is cause I wanted all of you to know me alittle better and I promised Puttin I would .The stories are true ,much longer in detail than I have written,but I thought a good ending .
    Tonight is my last night here at Auspet .I have enjoyed the years I have been here .As I have said often ,I was here a few times before and left ,came back and now it is time for me to put it aside for good .I will be 52 ,June 12 ,set in my ways ,lots of good times and bad times to write about and to remember in my life as well as here .
    I have a rescue board and a couple other boards of my own .I use to monitor them on a daily basis and do not get to do that as much and finally just let a few go and have just a couple now ,need to go in ,clean them all out and restart from scratch ,so I will be busy for awhile .
    I am also a member of a few other boards and now I am starting the NAMCR which is the maltipoo club and a cross breeders information club ,so I have alot to consider and do and need my time to be as free as possible to do that .
    Puttin knows how to get in touch with me and i am sure some of you others know also ,so if you ever need a supporter ,let me know .I will always have time for those I care about .
    And I do love all you guys !
    Monster ....sorry about the mess at your house LOL ! ,you are full of love and laughter and I hope all is evermore happy for you .Keep this group in check and you can use my dancing man when you want to .
    Shihpoo ,we started out at odds and grew to be friends I hope ...you are full of it and know it ! LOL! Honestly ,you know alot ,use it here often .
    Poogirl ...Get that lasso out cause you are gonna need it with those 2 new babies ! May have to rope your own hubby in after awhile ...Send me pictures !!!!!
    Jennifer ....where the heck are you ? Loved you being here ! Come back and keep up the talk here ,get out from in under the tree girl ! LOL!
    Puttin ....,you know how I feel about you .no need for words ,see you in another place ,another time .
    To all of you that I have not mentioned ,I will miss you all also ,you have challenged me ,talked to me ,helped me ,made me grow in knowlege ,laugh ,cry and just had a ball with you all .SAM ..e-mail me (the paypal didn't go through ) !!!!!!
    If any of you can ,e-mail me with updates on your babies ,pictures every now and then it would be nice .Every tiem I can I will try and at least come back and look at picts ,but wn't be often .
    Well ...the night is short ,I have to sleep and wake up tomorrow with a new agenda and a another sinus headache ! everyday now for a week ...Drives me nuts !
    please ,all remember the BEST ADVICE comes from your own vet .Find one you feel confortable with .GIVE ALL THOSE FURBABIES a BIG hug from me too !

    You all can print out the stories ,keep them as a memory of someone that walked a mile with you on a rainy day ,a day of sunshine ,a day that just past .The last one about friends ....well ..wherever you all go ...whatever you all do ,I will walk a mile holding hands with all of you !
    Keep on trucking .Be cool ..and remember that I -LOVE - MALTIPOOS ! :eek:

    Bye guys ! :0008: :0009: :kiss_puppy: :love_y_t_much: :kiss_heart: :y_the_best: :-k =D> :eek: :eek:
  2. Riley'sMom

    Riley'sMom New Member

    WOW I havent been a member of the board that long, but you about brought me to tears. :cry: Your words are so poetic and beautiful!

    Maybe I didnt know you like some of the other members. But I wish you only the best of luck!! :y_the_best:
    And I'm sure we're all going to miss you, your advice and your wonderful stories.

    :-k GOOD LUCK!! BEST WISHES! Hope to hear from you or about your MALTIPOOS in the future! So long :( Give your furbabies a hug from us! :wink:

    =P~ :bow_now: =P~ :-k :0008: :bow_now: =P~ :-k =P~

    *Rileysmom* :kiss_puppy:
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Oh Malti you made me cry. :cry: I will surely miss your stories and GREAT advice you always have to offer. Just know that we will be here if you decide to come back. Good luck in everything you do! :kiss_heart:
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh Shirely, my eyes are all teart eyed and all I have to do is click on my inmail and there she be. I hate it when one of the group leaves any of the fourms I got to. In all reality, I don't have any idea how on earth you even get done half the ings you get done. You are probably the busiest gal I know. I'll see ya on the other poo side. Anyone wanting to know where maltipoo is I can help ya.
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Oh Malti, I sincerely do hate to see you leave!!! :cry: You're right, we didn't start off on the best note, but it sure hasn't stopped us from becoming "cyber-friends"...and you are indeed a great one at that! :y_the_best:

    Regardless of the fact that you are leaving, I hope that you will keep in touch! Things just won't be the same without you here, you've brought so much to this forum with all your incredible knowledge and great humor!

    Again, I really hate to see such a valuable forum member leave, such as yourself, but I respect your wishes, and hope for nothing but good to come your way!!!

    You're such an amazing person with an incredible heart, and I commend you for that...glad we have people like you in our world!

    My Kind and Sincere Regards, :D

    (*Come to think of it Malti, who am I going to page when need be?!?! :wink: )
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I know this is a bit early, but I must say:

    :eek: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :eek:


    *Be sure to have a Bloody Mary for me in celebration of your birthday! :0008:
  7. Jody

    Jody New Member

    :cry: :cry: :cry: PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US. You have given the best advice anybody has ever given on this forum. Even though we never got to know each other at all (and your probably wondering 'who the heck is this'), I've come to learnt that your advice was inspirational to me.

    I wish you the best of luck in the future for you and your babies.

    Please holla back everynow and then to say 'hi'.

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Malti! We love you. We'll miss your advice and mostly I will feel the loss.... Don't worry I'll email you often, keep you updated and send you many photos' of those babies that come to my care!
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Oh Malti........ I am crying :cry: In all my craziness the past few days I missed this post and just found out from you that you had left these boards.

    I will miss seeing you on these boards so much. You always had advice and stories to share and I hope you know how important that is to someone who has yet to experience for herself what it's like to be a poo mom.

    You have demonstrated time and time again the wonderful person you are ~ I feel very lucky to have met you.

    I'll send you pics of my girls and as Puttin said, I too will see you on the other poo side :D
  10. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    :cry: I am sitting here with a lump in my throat. I feel like a complete HEEL for not seeing this thread earlier... I DON'T HAVE A CLUE how I missed it! :(

    Malti sent me a private message a couple of days ago and told me that she wasn't coming back to the board because she was so busy with the other sites and boards. But, little did I realize she left such an incredible goodbye posted on the board.

    :love_y_t_much: I feel truly BLESSED to have been mentioned directly by her in her goodbye, so I definitely felt the love!

    I, for one, definitely plan on keeping in touch with Malti. :kiss_heart: She has been an inspiration to me :bow_now: (I now know that I, too, can be FUN when I get old and decrepit like Malti! AR AR AR :-$ ) and has kept the conversations a blast. Heck! I am probably going to get my next "baby" from Malti :)

    So, let's all raise our glasses and paws.... HERE IS TO MALTI!! :0008: <<<<HERE HERE!!!>>>> :0008:
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    <<<<<<HERE, HERE>>>>>>>> :0008:
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  13. tgiles91

    tgiles91 New Member


    MALTIPOOS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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