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weird kitten

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by misssmurf26, May 28, 2004.

  1. misssmurf26

    misssmurf26 New Member

    I just got 2 new kittens right now they are 6 weeks old. the bigger one is really vocal and meows all the time. I have fish tanks and one is right next to my bed. this morning he was really crying and he knocked the lid to the fish tank off and just jumpped in. I cant understand why he did it cause they have water not only in the kitchen but in my bedroom too. my fish thinks he is nuts, and just sits thre like "what is going on?" is there a reason anyone can think of other than the fact that he is a kitten and into everything?

    http://www.growthspurts.com/image.asp?w ... 638501.jpg

    this is a picture of him. his brother looks JUST like him.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Very cute kitten you a have there. I'd say its just normal kitten behavior but I would be worried about him falling into the fish tank and not being able to get out when you're not around.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    You've got a cute rascal! Nern's right. You need to secure the lid.
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. What a cute kitten. I agree with Nern and Vene about getting that lid secured. Kittens are just very curious and they love to get into everything. That's why you have to kitten proof your home.
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    No advice here, just wanted to say you're kitty is adorable. I love the tongue sticking out!
  6. KarleySimon

    KarleySimon New Member

    What a little cutie!
  7. misssmurf26

    misssmurf26 New Member

    lid is taped with duct tape now but.... I think he just like water.... I have his water bowl out all the time and now that he cant get into the tank he goes and sits in the bowl for a while. guess I just got a nutty kittie????? LOL
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We had a cat when growing up. He was into EVERYTHING!!! Up until the day he died. When we took a bath, you had to get there and close the door before the cat did! He would get in the tub with you! He was always playing inthe puddles and ditches after it rained and in the fishtanks, and ponds!

    He was a great cat. He lived to be 14 years old. He was just a regular orange tabby cat. His name was Mischievious! Fit him just right.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    LOL Samsintentions. Some cats just naturally love water. My grandpa had a couple of ponds and his grey tabby would dive in and catch fish and eat them all the time.
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :lol: that is totally the funniest picture. hes adorable. i just laughed and laughed when i saw that expression. pretty much says it all.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL. I have one named MisterChievious! I call him Chieve for short. :lol:
  12. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is so weird because last night I had a dream about my cat jumping into my fish tank and peeing and killing all the fish, It was a pleasant dream though (but I haven't had a fish tank since I moved and I my cat never showed too much interest in the fish tank)
    but maybe try gettiing a water fountain if you think it was to drink the fish water, which I think is poisonus, becuase of the different chemicals you have to put in the water and how much poop collects in the water even when you have filters, because I have seen things advising people not to eat tank fish and not to drink the water.
    the second thing it could be is that she or he (sorry I forget) just wanted to play with the fish they are in there all swimming around chasing each other and she thinks wow what a fun game I gotta catch one. so if it s more that I suggest getting more toys and spending alot of time during the day playing so the kitty gets so tired at night he wants to sleep more. My old roommates cat was like that when she first move in he would be a total terror a night and sleep all day, so I realized when I played with him in the day he would sleep through the night.
  13. iryna

    iryna Guest

    Gee! Judging by the picture he looks like a hyper-active one. Not the kind to sit in the corner and wee-wee in the litter box and do all things normal. We've had a hyperactive kitten once and my mom totally hated when he would try to climb up her bare leg in order to get to the shoulder. If you're wearing jeans - it's ok but otherwise.... Anyhow try to be patient with the troublemaker and consieder other dangerous areas for him, also try to discourage him from any bad habits right away without waiting for him to grow up or mature first. Kittens are like kids - they actually want to be disciplined. When they grow older - they are their own masters and hate being given so much as advice to;)

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