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Breeders, breeders, everywere but...

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Lunchbox, May 28, 2004.

  1. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    How is someone who is looking to buy a puppy online supposed to figure out who is a good breeder & who isnt. There are massive amounts of breeders for our APBT's. Just check out this one page alone.


    I found this page about a month ago & I just like to check out all the diff. web sites etc. But if I was serious about buying a puppy, I would be dumbfounded. So how can you tell the good from the bad? Or is it really a game of chance.
  2. jao_apbt

    jao_apbt New Member

    First I would stay away from anything with Big, Blue, combat or any other rediculous name. A name says a lot.

    Look for health testing...pennhip, ofa-hips,cardiac,patellas, just to name a few. Also make sure they are doing somthing with there dogs, and have titles, confomation champion, or grandchampion, or weight pull titles. Somthing that proves they are bettering the breed somehow.

    It's also great to see dna testing, that way you know your dog came from who they say it did.

    I am sure everyone will be able to add too that list.

  3. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Look at these.




    Thats why its not suggested to buy online most of the time. There are some good breeders with their kennels online but also a massive amount of peddlers and bybs. I wouldn't suggest looking on that link page because there are hundreds of links to look through which would require hours of laboring. I wouldn't say look online for a good breeder, and if you do just you may have to search through a lot of different sites. Look and see if they are a good breeder if not close the window and keep searching if so save them for later and then contact them further once you decide.

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