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pictures of the girls

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, May 29, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    :eek: I thought I should take a few more pictures of Olive before she leaves me (next week :( ). Unfortunately only one of them turned out really well as she always turns away from the camera.

    Olive looking for a treat:

    Moe looking sweet:

    I'll post some farewell shots next weekend and try to get a few more good ones on the weekend.
  2. dolly

    dolly New Member

    What beautiful girls! Their coats are so shiny.
  3. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks dolly! They are very well taken care of (read: spoiled rotten).
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. They are just so pretty! Is that the new wood flooring? If so, it looks very nice! Is there any chance you could post a pic or two of Moe with her harness on?
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That is the new floor. Thanks for the compliment! The only problem I have with it is that big clumps of cat fur now congregate in the corners so I have to sweep all the time! At least with the carpet they stuck themselves to it so they were far less noticeable!

    I'll take some pictures of Moe in her harness tonight or this weekend. My irises are blooming so I thought I'd get her out there with them.

    By the way - I've been feeding them Wellness dry food for about a month now and I really do notice the difference in the shine of their coats. And I thought they were glossy before! Thanks again.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Your cats are so beautiful!
  7. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. I'm glad they are doing well on the Wellness food. They both have lovely shiny fur. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics of Moe with her harness. How did Moe end up being apart of your life? You mentioned you have had her since she was two years of age.
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Halaroo, I love your kitties. They are beautiful and so is the background. You must be a very neat person!
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks for all the compliments! LOL Vene - I try to be very neat. I cringe at untidiness in my home but I do deal with the excessive amounts of cat fur.

    Chessmind - I've always had pets until I lived with my husband's family (fiance at the time) while we waited for our house to be built. It was horrible living in a place with no animals! The only positive thing was that my allergies almost disappeared during my time there. Once we got our house I was trying to put off pets to help with my allergies, but after two months of living here I just couldn't take it anymore!

    We went to the Humane Society to "look" at cats. I wanted an older cat since kittens always are the first to find homes. Well Moe was in one of the first cages by the door. By the time I had made it half way around the room I was in tears. By the last cage I was literally sobbing. I couldn't go back and look at the first ones - I was just going to adopt one of the last ones. Kendrick (my husband) convinced me to go look at the cute little one by the door again. Well she was meowing and purring and since the Humane Society used to take her on companion animal trips to retirement homes we thought she was perfect. A quick name change from "Chandra" (she's definitely not a Chandra!) to Moe and things were done.

    It's been a long and strange ride from there (+$1000 vet visits in the first week, her psychotically attacking and sending me to the hospital), but I'll leave that for another time. She's my baby now and that's all that matters!

    Sorry for the long post!!
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    moes face looks exactly like my cat pheobe, and thats the one that looks like the french bulldog. moe has a resemblence to a french bulldog too!!! tell me im not imagining this!!! big eyes, big funny rounded ears etc...

    trying to find the prefect picture at the moment.

    the one on the right has the most resemblence. ive seen better pictures though! just dont know where :(
  11. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    ROFL Kyles. I don't exactly think she looks like a bulldog but I've always thought she acts like one. She is kind of bow-legged so she always struts around and acts all macho.
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Halaroo. Thanks for posting about how you ended up with Moe. I was on www.petfinder.com just browsing, nothing else and there were a few cats that looked like Moe. There was even a little baby Moe. There are just so many fur animals that need a home. It's so sad. I wish I could take them all home. So, I understand how sad you were that day that you went to the shelter. It's just heartbreaking to see all these beautiful animals in cages. :(
  13. Mrs.Jingles

    Mrs.Jingles New Member

    They are so adoreable, I feel like going hugging my cat now ehehe
  14. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    It was a very sad day, but I ended up coming out of it with something great! I just wish I could have taken more of them home with me! I'm hoping to start fostering soon after Olive leaves. I'll try it once and see how Moe reacts. She's definitely a one-cat-household type of animal so I'm not sure how she'll cope.
  15. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    harness pictures!

    Here are some harness pictures. Ignore the lawn that is in desperate need of mowing and weeding!!


    I love this picture:

  16. dolly

    dolly New Member

    Moe seems to love being outside! What a sweetie. I know what you mean about the lawn, with all the rain around here it's been impossible to keep up with the weeds. I don't mind too much though as Oliver prefers the long grass to a manicured lawn--he likes to prowl like a jungle cat!
  17. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    your kittys

    your kittys are just gorgeous!!
  18. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Great pics halaroo! Moe is just so pretty. :mrgreen: She has all the body language of being a happy and confident kitty on her harness: tail held up and her ears are pricked forward. The second pic is so funny. Thanks for posting those pics.

    p.s. I like your new Moe avatar. :wink:
  19. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    She is very happy in the harness. When my sister was getting the last of her stuff out of the house on Saturday we had to leave the front door open, I put the harness on her in case she bolted (it has her registration tag on it). She was sleeping at the time so I just propped her up, clipped on the harness and let her go back to sleep. Thankfully she's not bothered by it at all.

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