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Molly & Emma are HOME!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, May 28, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

    We got home at 11:00am and it's just been wonderful & hectic ever since!

    They are doing GREAT! The ride home, they were terrific. We had them in their crate and they snuggled the whole way (I sat in the back seat w/them). We played classical music (I read that suggestion in a book) in the car and it seemed to help keep them relaxed.

    Bonnie (our breeder) was WONDERFUL. We received 2 puppy packs with their papers etc., a new owners guide, 2 bags of dog food, 2 cans of dog food (to mix with the dry if needed), a video and a toy for each of them (that Bonnie put right in their crate). The entire process went so smoothly and the girls did beautifully.

    When we got home we immediately took them out to their fenced in area, Emma peed right away.. Molly did not. After some play time we took them inside and they feel asleep on the couch w/hubby in the middle! Then, time to go out again and they played and ran and eventually they both went poo... we were very excited that they were able to eat, drink and go potty as I've read that sometimes they won't do any of that because they are so nervous. We are so proud of them!

    Right now, they are in their crate with the door open in the living room, sleeping. It's been quite a day!

    I have taken over 100 pictures today!! :shock: Haven't downloaded them yet.. I will soon as I want to take more pictures!! :lol:

    This has been the BEST day!!!!!!!! Part of me still can't believe they are here!!!!

    Oh, Molly did get lighter and Emma's stripe on her forehead is gone... amazing how they change so quickly!!! They are the cutest pups in the world!!!
  2. Rene

    Rene New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: CONGRATS!!!! I just know you guys are going to be great fur parents. It's great that they potty and everything already and we want to see more pictures as soon as you can
  3. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Aweeee ,.... I bet your having a time. :0018: Can't wait to get mine . already got them named . the Maltese will be M & M's White Diamonds *di* for short. and M & M's All in Due Time. *dewy* and the yorkie girl is M & M's Prissy China Doll *dolly* have fun with molly and emma im sure you will don't forget the treat everytime they go potty in right place.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh thats great!!! Glad it went sooo smoothly!

    Waitng for photos!!!!
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Great news. They are already doing their business outside too. I met a gal once down the street, that was sitting on the curb. She had been outside for hours waiting for her westie pup to go outside. We want to see them.
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Aww so glad to hear things are going great. They sound like the transition is not going to bother them one bit. I hope you got lots of pics of your hubby sleeping with him. They will work wonders when one of the chews up something he loves.
  7. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    new pups

  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: YAY!!!!!!!!! :eek:

    I am so happy that everything has worked out so wonderfully for you and your husband (and Molly and Emma :wink: )! Can't wait to hear those updates, and see some pics! :D

  9. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    <<<---- such the proud Auntie!!

    Oh, Christine, I'm sooooooooo happy for you!! :) I bet you guys are just in heaven!! (just wait until about 3am tonite tho! ar ar ar)

    And you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ABOUT NOT POSTING PICTURES YET!!!!!!!!!!!! Get them posted, immediately!! :) hehe
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    :eek: Congrats on your new babies!! :eek:
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    HMMMMMMMMMM... nothing from the new mommy since yesterday! Hmmmmm....... someone must be "A TAD" Busy! :)
  12. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi everyone!!!!

    I've been thinking about you all and wanting to post.. but, ah, Molly & Emma have been keeping me quite busy!!!!

    We are having SO much fun!!!! They had their vet visit yesterday and did so well.. everything was great, except Molly has a bit of a yeast infection in her ear so she's on drops for 10 days. Other than that, they are as healthy as can be :D

    Man, can these little ones expend energy! The first day they didn't eat much, but they did eat. Day 2 they ate a bit more and today is going fine. You would think with the little they've consumed they'd be lacking some energy! Not!!!

    They were up twice the first night.. went to bed at 10pm and were up at 11:30 to go potty outside. About 2:00 am I could hear them wimpering so took them back out and went potty again. They lasted till 5:30 am and we were up for the day.

    Last night, we went to bed at 10:30. They got up at 1:00am and then lasted till 5:00am! Holy cow! We were up for the day at 5:00am :D

    They caught on going potty outside very quickly. There have only been 3 accidents and that's because mommy is still very new to this and missed the warning sign :mrgreen:

    They were weighed yesterday at the vet's office (they put them on a huge platform scale!) and Molly is a whopping 2.2 pounds and Emma is 2.4 pounds (my little chunk!). Hubby and I were laughing because we thought Molly weighed more just by the looks of her... but, black is a slimming color... :0017:

    I have a nickname for them already... I call them my little fluff butts. When I first caught a glimpse of them walking away that's the first think I thought off... they have such fluffy butts!!

    I'm working on getting more pics together (wait till you see how they've changed!... Emma's stripe on her forehead is gone!) ~ I've taken over 150 pics so far and I'm going to start downloading them as soon as I finish posting this message.

    Pics coming....... promise!!!

    Love you guys & I've been thinking about you!
  13. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    First thing I thought of this morning when I woke up was, "Bailey, Honey! Get off mommy's bo*by!" and then "Christine better have some pictures posted!!!" : :wink:

    Those babies are soooo darn cute, I just can't stand it!! You're right...they HAVE changed a lot!! They look soooo much bigger than Bailey was when I got him, and they aren't! Bailey weighed 3 lbs at his first vet appt and he was about 9 1/2 weeks. Emma reminds me a LOT of Bailey... except she's less white....

    I just love those pictures. They both are soooooo cute -- i like how they are very different. My favorites were the "gotcha" and "gotcha back" ones... Molly definitely isn't afraid of that camera, huh? (((pose))) (((pose))) And i loved the pics of them sleeping. Don'tcha' just LOVE how they stretch out when they sleep?? I LOOOOOOVE THAT!!
  15. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    your pups are sooo cute. I especially love emmas black and white coloring!
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Whew, that was alot of pictures. Now which one is which. They are just too cute. I'm envious. I noticed you Puppies for dummies book. How funny is that. Also your fence, it looks like they can go under it, can they? Well I think all the poo's have such cute butts. Thats one thing I like to do is look at sasha's butt as she walks, its so cute. It will be interesting to see them change.
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    About the color changes...I know exactly what you mean!!! Tigger used to be quite colorful, but now he is practically all white!!!

    Here is a before and after pic. of Tigger (hopefully it'll work):





    Anyhow, I am thrilled to hear the great news about the girls! I remember when Mickey & Tigger first came home, for the first several weeks they would get up at about 5 a.m. ready to go, so that's when my day would start! :lol: (Luckily, that isn't the case with them anymore! :y_the_best: ) The pictures are adorable!!!

    Keep us updated!
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Wow, that is a big difference in color. I bet its because of the poodle in them. Almost all the poos except white change.
  19. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Isn't though Puttin!!! I kind of miss all of his color, but I still love him to pieces no matter what color (or lack there of) he is!!! :kiss_puppy:

    Mickey (who looks almost identical to Molly - PooGirl's black and white shih-poo) has stayed the same color since we got him, so it's kind of weird to see!

    Oh well, just thought I'd share! :D
  20. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    You are too funny! I knew you'd give me a hard time for not posting pics right away! LOL! And, rightfully so.. I know what it's like to be on the 'waiting end' myself!

    It's amazing about the color... Now, I try to picture Emma's stripe back and I can't.. she looks too cute the way she is!! I wonder if the white around her nose will stay.

    I've really tried to have the camera with me most of the time cuz you just never know! I know I've missed a lot of really cute pics but I know I captured a few too!

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