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help small fish in tank

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by greatfalls, May 27, 2004.

  1. greatfalls

    greatfalls New Member

    I was cleaning my tank and turning up rocks when a saw a small little fish swim out and back and hide and I have not seen it since what should I do i might of killed it what should I do look for it or leave it alone and hope for the best and there might be more help. :?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    If it where me, I'd just leave it alone. Fry are really difficult to catch (they're quick little buggers); I've completely dismantled tanks on many occasions trying to catch a couple of stray fry.

  3. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    depends if you want to keep it if you want to give it a shot and if you don't just leave if you might end up with one
    good luck
  4. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    i have manage to rescue some, but i have given up on doing it again. No more tanks for the fty anyway.
  5. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    if it were a small tank, cathcing them maybe an option. iv fished out 20 fry in my time out a small tank, but then again, when i went away and my guppy had more fry, my mum spent an hour trying to net out one fry in a small tank. its a progesive learning curve to learn how to catch fry. perhaps you could just say ' jump' and in it goes. worth a try. hehe.

    if your tank is well [planted, the fry will be fine, if it isnt, try and make it so it is, or net it out.

    amy. x
  6. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    I would try to net it myself and there may be more! It's surprising how fast those little buggars are! They are hard to see too. I've spent half the day before catching fry. Just when you get the last one you'll see three more! L.O.L. If you have a floating breeder or something safer to put them in it can be fun! Just crush up your flakes and there is your baby food! Have fun! :eek:
  7. greatfalls

    greatfalls New Member

    Thanks for the advice I couldent find it it might of been eaten by the other fish or crushed but I still have hope. :) :)
  8. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Don't worry I'm sure you will have fry again someday soon! Next time get an inexpensive floating breeder trap and when the mom is ready to pop put her in the top part. You can get them for about $5 here in Canada. They have a small area for the fry (babies) to fall through in to the bottom where they are safe from becoming a quick treat. I think some people use a net of some sort for fry also, but I thought the acrylic breeder trap was convienient and transparent so you can see the fry really well. If you get some fry you can powderize some flake food to feed them or get baby brine shimp in the frozen section of most L.F.S. Good luck and let us know when you get some fry! We all get excited for each other when that happens! :eek:

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