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Home alone for the first time

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by PooGirl13, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Tomorrow we go back to work and I am so nervous to leave my babies alone. We will leave them in the kitchen, with food & toys so they can play etc. but I hate that I have to leave them :cry:

    Luckily, hubby is going to come home on lunch all week to check on them, take them out etc. but.......

    How on earth am I going to get through my first day at work!?! I'll be worrying about them all day!

    I was also thinking of putting out a radio or something so they have something to listen too ~ good/bad idea?

    Overprotective/nervous mommy strikes again! :mrgreen:
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Ohhhhhh, the memories! I remember the first time I had to leave Mickey & Tigger home alone! :cry: Believe it or not, I still miss them when I go to work, or wherever I might be and they have to be left alone. It's funny how attached you get to them!!! :D

    I'm sure Molly and Emma will be just fine during the time you are gone tomorrow. Your husband being able to come home during his lunch break will be great for the girls! It is good experience for them at this age to get used to you and your husband being gone sometimes, if you were always home with them, there would probably be some major separation anxiety later on! Just make sure you completely puppy proof your kitchen!!! :y_the_best:

    Whenever I would leave, and Mickey and Tigger were home alone, I always (and still do) leave the T.V. on for them. The background noise is often comforting for dogs (esp. puppies) instead of complete silence! So yes, it would be a great idea to leave a radio or T.V. on for them!

    Good luck on your first day without them! :D
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thanks MyBaby :D I know it's going to be tough and I'll be watching the clock all day!!

    I'm glad to hear that you leave the TV on for Mickey & Tigger! I am definetely going to do that as well..... it will make me feel better knowing that they are not sitting in silence all day!

    I'm simply amazed how much I love and am attached to Molly & Emma.. it's the best feeling ever!

  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG, I feel your pain, PooGirl!! I am sure your girls will do great -- especially since they have each other! That is such a "PLUS"!! I was the same way with Bailey on his first day alone.... I didn't crate train him, so I left him locked up in the kitchen/laundry room areas with pee pads and just came home at lunch to check on him and change the pads (which was about four hours into the day)... and I swear I was breaking speeding records on my way home. I had awful visions and just worried myself sick.... of course, it was all for not, cuz he did just fine. JUST LIKE YOUR GIRLS WILL! :)

    I will tell ya tho.... speaking of being worried!!! we had an earthquake out here in December that happened during the day (so I was at work). And, the entire time I was standing in the door way of my office, I kept worrying about Bailey and how he was doing!! I was literally saying out loud "oh my poor baby... oh my poor baby." And gosh, the little guy was home alone and nobody to comfort him and tell him that it'll be over soon........ and well, HELLO! He's a dog!! They don't teach them about earthquakes at "mommy to puppy" training and weaning, ya know!?? Anyhow, I couldn't leave work to go check on him, so I sent my nephew who said that when he opened the door, Bailey was shaking there in a puddle of pee!!! :( This was about 15 minutes after the earthquake (thank God it wasn't longer). The poor little fella was terrified! It absolutely broke my heart!!!! Can you imagine being around all that loud equipment (washer/dryer/fridge) moving around on the ceramic tile?? Yipes.... Anyhow, he survived just fine and I still come home every day at lunch to check on him! :)
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I agree that they will be more fine than you think. I think puppies mind set is easily changed. One may cry, then the other start playing then both are playing. Its good that your starting this now. You will have two pups that don't go nuts when you leave. I have a second dog all becuase my Rufus had separation anxiety very bad. Thankfully it did not backfire and end up with two having the same problem. I leave the radio or t.v. on sometimes too.

    Monster, that was so sad about Bailey and the earthquake.
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Poor Bailey...how scary for him!!! :cry:
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I wouldn't fret about it too much. At least they have eachother and will keep each other occupied. I remember my first time leaving my "kids" alone. Of course they were already grown when I got them. And not going to work that day. SO I was freeking out. Usually they are with Daddy working at the rig yards or out in the fields.....nope. They ahd to stay home all day. SO I bought one of those outdoor kennels its like 16'X16' they loved it! SO thats where they stay during the day when no one is home. I don't have toworry aobu them running off, choking on a chain, or tearing stuff up in the house.
  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    How did it go today with the girls???!?!?!?!
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

    First, Monster, that had to be SO SCARY for Bailey!!!! And for you because you weren't with him :cry: I can't even imagine what that felt like...

    Okay, so as you know I have been neglecting the boards a bit (all I want to do is play with my babies when I get home from work! LOL)...

    So, I didn't go back to work on June 1st because I was really sick. I came down with a bad cold (I think due to all the excitement/lack of sleep I was just worn down) and ended up staying home that day. So, the girls first day alone was June 2.

    We have a baby gate set up so we can leave them in the kitchen while we are at work.. well, we were testing it to see how they'd handle it and the little stinkers fit right under the gate and ran into the living room to play! :lol: So, hubby took a piece of crown molding we had and put that along the bottom so they couldn't fit underneath.... then, as mommy was checking on them, I see Molly with her head through the gate! :shock: Okay, I'm thinking there's NO WAY I'm going to work and worrying about them getting stuck! So, we put a wider piece of wood along the bottom and then put a huge blanket over the gate (and tucked it in behind the wood) so they can't get their little heads through... ah, mommy felt much better! :D

    My hubby has been going home every day on lunch to check on them/let them out etc. They are doing just fine! They were already paper trained by the breeder when we got them so they are going on the papers during the day (much easier cleanup!).

    That first day though, was particularly hard. I thought about them EVERY second and I swear it was the longest 8 hrs I've ever been through. I still worry and think about them all day, but it's not as intense.

    I miss my girls so! They get so excited when we get home at night! Love my little fluff butts :love_y_t_much:
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh, they are going to be so well adjusted as adult doggies. They won't even remember being alone because really they aren't. They've got each other. So you don't have to feel so bad about going to work. When I first got Rufus, he was 1 year old. He had terrible separation anxiety problems. Which also gave me the same. I could only leave the house for an hour or so. He would scratch up the back door. Try to get out windows. Thats when I got sasha. Problem solved.
  11. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Puttin ~ I often think about how I originally wanted one puppy.. now, I can't even imagine not having two! Although I think about them, knowing that they are playing with eachother during the day does make me feel better! :D
  12. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I wonder about the same thing PooGirl! I don't think Mickey & Tigger would ever be able to be "only" dogs...they are so attached, and clearly LOVE the company of one another!!! For this reason, I am so happy that I went with two instead of one! :D
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    OMG... let the guilt trip beginnnnnnnnnnnnn.........lol

    And here I thought that Bailey was a happy dog!!! :cry: :cry: What a bad mommy I must be........ :cry:

    Actually, we really thought about another baby (not too long ago) and decided we just couldn't do it at this time.... but, I do know that we'll probably be looking for a brother/sister for him next year or so.
  14. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LOL Monster!!! :lol:

    I think Bailey really needs a 4-legged pal...c'mon, you know you want one! :mrgreen:

    Mickey & Tigger's groomer does rescue work (dogs specifically) along with grooming and training, and she is trying to convince me to adopt this 10/11 month old puppy! It is very tempting, but I am trying so hard to resist it...two is plently for me! :wink:
  15. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hmmmm...... Monster, I'd be willing be bet that Bailey is one happy dog!!!! However.. you know you want another.. come on... come on... :0017:

    MyBaby ~ Wow.. three would become quite the handful! Two is a handful, but at least I can grab one and my husband can grab the other.. but who would grab the third? :lol:

    What kind of puppy is it?
  16. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    No kidding...that's why I'm trying so hard to resist! The dog is a black and tan, 2 lb., Miniature Pinscher, which no offense to anyone who may have one, but I am not real keen on their temperaments. I must admit though, this little guy has an exceptionally excellent temperament! It's just that Mickey & Tigger keep me busy enough as is!

    (He is a full blooded pure bred, but no one wanted him because he is missing two ribs which takes away from the breed standard, thus deeming him, "no good." Despite the fact that he is missing two ribs, he is perfectly healthy! So, we are trying hard to find a good home for this lovely little guy! :y_the_best: )
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Sorry, double post! :oops:

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