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Why is this happening?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Okay, so this is a pretty new thing for Harley, and wondering if this is normal. Actually there are 2 things, one is not so new.

    The first thing: Last week we were excercising in the yard before I left for work like every morning. Lots of catch, running etc. Play hard enough where I make sure she's got a good pant going before I leave.
    Anyways, once last week and again this morning she threw up after we came in. Well, she drank some water then after a couple of minutes threw up. Mostly just the water (looks kinda like white foam) and some grass, not a lot, just a couple of strands.

    Am I working her to hard? I find that hard to believe, this girl can go for hours! Should I just limit her intake of water after we come inside?
    Anyone experience this before?

    Okay Number 2:
    Harley has this weird snorting problem. Not all the time, but if she gets too excited, or eats a cookie to fast she starts snorting really bad. Sometimes it will be a couple of seconds, sometimes a couple of minutes. I usually pat her on the back of the neck when this happens. Not sure if it helps or not, I just feel the need to do SOMETHING. Its like when a kid is sick wiht a stuffy nose and they just keep snorting to try to open it. Sorry, gross analogy, but most mums out there will know what I'm talking about.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    smokey snorts too. I think it may just be a thing they do??? Possibly they get a stuffy nose too?? He does this after he drinks too fast or eats too fast, or plays too hard, which is all the time.

    As for the throwing up. Its my understanding dogs eat grass to induce vomiting. Why, I don't know. But its probably the grass making her vomit.
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I thought I read something about dogs throwing up after they had been playing hard and immediately drank water... hmm.... the snorting thing sounds lika an allergy. People can develop them later so I imagine dogs can too. What does your vet say?
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm thinking that people are not supposed to chug a huge amount of cold water right after exercising - you'd think drinking too much too fast might induce vomiting, and who here knows of a dog with common sense or self-control? :)

    Maybe the water is too cold? Or maybe you need to put a little out and let her drink it and then refill with more to slow her down? Or maybe it is the grass - dogs do seem to vomit that up every now and then.

    Then again, my dog horks up phone cord...

  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Phone cord, hehe. Jamiya you do have your hands full.

    Harley isn't eating the grass purposefully she just gets a couple of strains from grabbing her ball. I'm sure its from the water. I will just give her a small amount at a time. I just never thought it was a big deal, she's done much bigger runs with no problems before.

    The snorting is quite funny. She just gets this look in her eyes like she's been taken over by some "evil" force. Silly doggies.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie was doing this little coughing thing that was starting to alarm me, but she has stopped now. Silly doggies is right.

    In the meantime, *I* got a tick bite that is itching like the devil and driving me insane. I think I am going to take garlic (or eat more of it) like the doggies do because THEY haven't had ticks since we started that!

    Apparently, I am allergic to tick saliva, just like I swell up when mosquitoes bite me. Ugh.

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hey Jamiya. Not to alarm you hear or anything. My aunt, got bit by a tick. It itched like the devil. And when the itching wouldn't go away, she went to the dr to get some cream (otc stuff wasn't cutting it)
    ANyhow. THey diagnosed her with Lymes disease. ITs nasty stuff. There is no cure for it. But if caught early enough, they can control it.

    I say go to the dr just to be sure. KInda put HUGE red flags in my mind when you said the tick bite was bothering you.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, I have read all the tick sites I can find and looked at lyme disease rashes. I think I'm okay. I was going to go to the doctor today, but I read more and am reassured. Mine started right away - it was red and itching while the darn thing was still attached. Usually the lyme disease rash doesn't start for a few days. My officemate assures me there is no lyme disease where we are, but I'm not so sure about that.

    I am watching it carefully and monitoring for other symptoms. Most tick diseases involve fever, muscle aches, etc. They also say the tick has to be attached for at least 24 hours to transmit a disease and I don't think it was on for very long. Nasty thing. I was about to take a shower when I saw it (on my back where I can't reach) and had to run screaming into the bedroom, jolting my husband awake while shouting, "Get it off! Get it off!!" :oops:

    And I found this: "An allergic reaction to tick saliva often occurs at the site of a tick bite and may be confused with the “bull’s-eye” rash of Lyme disease. Allergic reactions to tick saliva usually appear within hours to a few days after the tick bite, usually do not expand, and disappear within a few days."

    If it's not going away in another day I'll go to the doctor. Although I have to admit if it was one of my kids, they would have gone to the doctor yesterday, holiday or no.

    Thanks for the concern, though! I did tell my husband that if he finds me collapsed with a high fever or paralyzed, he should tell the doctor I got bitten by a tick....

  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Well, as long as hubby is prepared. Silly girl. ;)

    Keep an eye on it for sure. I have only seen one tick before. Last summer when we were driving to BC it got stuck on the side mirror of my car. I hoestly never knew what they were. Curt pointed it out and told me I had to watch out for them in BC. I thought he was joking at first. Didn't think it was possible for a bug to do that to you. *shudder*

    I have a HUGE fear of all bugs. I seriously paralize with fear from any bug any size. I am such a nut in the summer. Needless to say it was the first and last time I will camp in the kootenays again.
    I am much more of a bed and breakfast girl anyways. ;)
  10. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Rusty occasionally does the snorting thing too.... I've known several dogs that do it occasionally. Not to sound gross, but I think it's like with what happens to people sometimes too, when something you eat or drink sort of gets stuck in there where your sinuses and throat come together, you know what I mean? I'm not sure how to explain it, but when Rusty does it, I can tell it's like something all of a sudden is sort of stuck temporarily back there by his sinuses. :? Anyway that's my 2 cents worth! :D
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    first I think ticks are the most disgusting thing ever they don'T just come off they cling to you and bury their nasty little heads under your skin, that is sooooo disgusting.
    Ok but next I think the puking thing comes from being excited and breathing out alot and slobber gets all over the mouth and down the throat (and this all wants to come out)and when a dog (or a person) tries to drink it has to force that gunk down, but it doesn'T want to causing a gag reflex and then possibly puke. Which I would also believe the snorting is also a result of this everything wanting to come out thing. My old dog used to do this too, but she also ate plenty of grass. I hope this make sense because I am not very good at describing.
    And lastly I want to ask is anyways some srt of dialect thing or always a favorite typo I noticed everyone here (it seems like) writes anyways (not anyway) I am not saying because I am a grammar person, but it just seems odd to me, where I live we only say anyway?? So is that a dialect thing??
  12. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Both my pits snort...my friend's lab does the snorting thing too and she took her to the vet... the conclusion was allergies... Which might explain why my dogs always do it more often in the summer... Could be an allergy to something...?

    The "throwing up" mostly water...after she gulps down a bunch after play is VERY common... It's more like the burping up of a baby...not harmfull and not even that messy since it's pretty much just water... ALL of my dogs do it periodically when they gulp down too much water too quickly.
  13. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    They also say the tick has to be attached for at least 24 hours to transmit a disease and I don't think it was on for very long.

    Depends on the type of tick and if the person is allergic to the bit. I took one off me after it bite me. Formed a large target on my back and it came back off and on for three years.The doctor told me I should have came in right away and they would have monitored it over the month.It put me in the hospital for 24 hours, but now I have trouble every so often. It runs me down fast and I have to go in for shots for a few days. There was a program on TV some years back about people who got bit and many of them suffer the effects for the rest of there life. It's up to you but I would go to the doctors right away ( bitter safe then sorry.)

    My guys get all wound up when we play and snort like little pigs but goes away after they are done playing and relax. I would only look into it if it were me if they have the problem when they are at ease.As to vomiting after playing, it could be a lot of things our jack likes to eat grass and it does not take much to make her throw up. I do hold back on the water for a few minutes till they slow down some after play. It could even be certain grass's that make them sick, doubt it but worms are a possibility.

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I agree, My aunt didn't have the tick actually attach to her. She was pulling it off the back of our bull (he's a really BIG baby, all 200lbs of him!) And she thought she squished it a threw it down. But it stuck to her leg and bit her. It didn't have a chance to completly attach, she swatted it off and the rash started, then her arms itched like crazy and by the third day, she couldn't stand it. It was all over her.

    I just worry. They say that the deer ticks andthe green ticks carry lyme diseases, this one was a sand tick. Smaller. Soo that shoudl tell you something.
    We have taken several ticks that we've found to the vet to be sent to the lab. 3 out of about a dozen we sent came up positive to carry lymes disease!!!! Now thats scary. and two were deer ticks the third was a sand tick. Everytime we find a tick on the dogs, we put a pair of laytex gloves on and pullit off with a pair of needle nose plyers and send it in. One of the dogs had one of the 3 ticks on it that came up positive, but luckily the dog hasn't shown any signs of it, and the blood work we had done on the dog came back negative. But that doesn't mean anything. It can show up later.

    Ewwww...I shudder at the thought of a nasty little bug crawling under your skin with its head!!! ewwwww
  15. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Can't you feel it burrow under your skin? How does it get its head in there?

    Why do they do this?

    Sorry, never really encountered one. Don't have 'em where I am. Just want to know in case I ever go to BC again.
  16. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    2pyrs - a target rash sounds like lyme disease. Is that what they told you it is? That very definitely can bother you for the rest of your life.

    This is what I found about being allergic to tick bites: "An allergic reaction to tick saliva often occurs at the site of a tick bite and may be confused with the “bull’s-eye” rash of Lyme disease. Allergic reactions to tick saliva usually appear within hours to a few days after the tick bite, usually do not expand, and disappear within a few days."

    I am allergic to mosquito bites, too. It is their saliva that does it - it contains anticoagulant and other poisonous stuff. But trust me, I don't have recurring problems with old mosquito bites. :)

    The rash appeared right away, did not expand, and is starting to disappear. I also e-mailed a medical doctor friend and she confirmed it sounds like a simple reaction to the bite and not lyme disease or anything more serious. She advised waiting. Specifically, she said, "I don't worry at all IF they haven't been attached more than a day (yours prob less than 24h) AND the redness/swelling in the immediate area around the bite disappears within a week with no other symptoms." She also noted that in our area, it was very likely a dog tick which are not very likely to be dangerous - it's the deer tick where lyme disease is a big concern. I also took a homeopathic remedy to combat the terrible itchiness and I feel much better today. (Speaking of which, the Whole Foods pamphlet on homeopathy is chock full of incorrect and possibly dangerous information. Sheesh.)

    Sorry for hijacking your thread, bullylove. :oops:

  18. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I'll let it slide this time Jamiya. hehe.
    I don't mind silly girl. Our minds are all over most of the time. ....
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Minds? We're supposed to have those? Crap. :shock:

  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    whats a mind???

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