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I need help w/walking on a leash?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :roll: My Rosco is a 4lb papillon (I enclosed his pic) he is very squirmy and likes to run but I can not get him to move when I have a leash attached to him I tried w/the extendable leash, short one I tried leaving it on him in the house he is fine but as soon as I pick up the leash and try to walk he just sits there, I tried using treats I put the treat on the floor towards me and I held the leash he wouldn't move, I have tried dragging him, I literally dragged him down the street (harness) that is another thing I tried w/a harness but I had to get a cat one and he still that day I dragged him he just won't budge he is very stubborn? Help I need advice, he is so cute I want to take him for a walk but he won't let it happen. He even see's my other dog on the leash (he loves to go for a walk) but him he doesn't like it. I don't knkow what to do I have tried every trick I know.
  2. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

  3. Riley'sMom

    Riley'sMom New Member

    Consistency is the key the more your practice with him the easier it will be. Try walking him indoors first at your house somewhere that he is comfortable with first, outside maybe too much for him to start with, with all the new sights and sounds its a big place out there for a little puppy. When you think he's had a little practice inside try going outside if he's still scared or stubborn try luring him with a treat to try to get him to start walking on his own w/o being dragged. When he gets the hang of it start rewarding him with those treats it may keep him from misbehaving on a leash in the long run :wink: Maybe that help.
    Good Luck!! :y_the_best:

    (The URL address didnt work on my computer for the pic, just to let you know)

    Riley's mom
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great advice Riley's mom! :y_the_best:

    Mickey and Tigger were not too fond of the whole walking on a leash thing, but after a couple of weeks of practice with treats and a lot of positive reinforcement, they were walking on a leash with no problems at all!

    Best of luck to you! :D
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Consistency is definitely the key! If you don't continually try (and treats/positive reinforcement like MyBabyShih said), he's not going to learn the "rules" :)

    Bailey was awful at first on a leash.... but NOW he loves it!! And, one thing I should mention is that Bailey did terrible in the beginning when I used a collar...once I switched to a harness, it made a WORLD of difference!
  6. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I have tried several times w/both a harness and a collar he will not move at all, if my other dog is running he still won't move I tried treats and he won't even come get them, how can I start to make him move at first? If he moved a little I would be happy but he won't move at all. As for going outside I tried in the house and I can have the leash on him for an hour but as soon as I pick it up and say comeone, and I start moving he just sits there, I tried putting the treat on the floor a little further away from him and he just sits there he will scream if I pull him. I don' t know how to start making him walk.
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Okay, if he won't move despite every effort, then you need to gently "reel" him in. Stand about 10 ft. in front of him, leash in hand, and gently start to reel him in using a very positive voice saying, "let's go" or "come on," (whatever phrase you'd like), and have a VERY good treat in your hand ready to give him as soon as he makes it over to you! When he gets to you, profusely tell him how he is such a good boy, lots of petting, and reward him with that GREAT treat that you know he loves.

    As far as the screaming is concerned, ignore it, by giving in and stopping when he screams will only teach him that if he does that, he gets what he wants...you DON'T want him to get into that mindset! Simply ignore the screaming as if you can't even hear it, and continue speaking in a positive voice coaxing him over to you as you reel him in.

    I would definitely stick with the harness, it's a lot more gentle! :y_the_best:

    Keep working at it until he gets better, it may take weeks (or even longer), but you must be consistent with it...it will surely come sooner or later! Have several practice sessions with him, approx. 10 minutes in length, throughout the day! After each session, have a little play time with him, it'll help him to calm down a bit if he gets upset over the session, and also helps to make things fun!

    If at any time he walks on the leash when you are holding it, even if it is only a few measly steps, "jackpot" him. Meaning, give him several small treats, one after another, and of course, TONS of praise!!! Any little progress that he makes on his own is a definite sign of progression, and should be rewarded like crazy, even more so than when he makes it to you when reeling him in!

    It's always important to remember that walking on a leash is something COMPLETELY new to every puppy!!! Such an experience is often very confusing and complicated for certain dogs, some pick up on it easily and don't mind the leash, but for those that don't, one must be patient and understanding in such situations, and willing to spend extra time working on it!

    I wish you the best of luck, and let us know how he progresses!!! :D

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