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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Hootie, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. Hootie

    Hootie New Member

    So hey I breed my Pitt Bull with my rottweiller and everything went ok but now since last week she been bleeding real bad and cryin a lot and sh has a big lump sticking outta her neck. what could it be? Im broke so icant take her to the vet til like next week.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

  3. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    If you don't have the money to take your dog to the vet, you certainly shouldn't be breeding her. In my opinion, you shouldn't even own a dog if you can't take proper care of her, which includes regular visits to the vet. Why would you want to breed an American Pit Bull Terrier to a Rottweiler in the 1st place? Do you realize that you are putting your dog's very life in danger? Where are you located? If you are nearby, I will take the poor thing off your hands, get her to a vet, and have the pregnancy terminated. Do the breed (and dogs in general) a favor, and don't buy, let alone breed, any other dogs - ever!
  4. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member


    why did you breed that poor pit to a rott. i mean its not like you can make money on mix breed pups. you should stop and think about the dog first before you think for yourself. If your dog sound in pain you really should take her in. If you can't pay for it right now at least call a vet and tell them your situation see if there is anything you can give her. sometimes there are human meds that a vet can tell you to give her untill you can bring her in. where are you located and maybe someone reading will be able to help you
  5. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I agree with SpencerPits.
    I don't understand why you would breed a pitbull with a rottie in the first place???
    So many of us thrive on making our pitbulls AMBASSADORS TO THE BREED NOT SEEING OUR BREED PROFILED AS "HOT SHIT DOGS'
    Goodness knows we have enough dogs dying DAILY in shelters ~~ the product of BYB. (BACK YARD BREEDERS)
    If you don't have any money to take the dog to the vets I would suggest HIGHLY that you relinquish your dogs to rescue people to get the puppies aborted and get the mom the proper vet care.
    Please don't byb. So many lives are hurt by it. The stats for my state last year were this:
    2,682 pitbulls/pitbull mixes entered shelters. Many if not most were the product of BYB. 78 percent were considered "Adoptable" out of that only 9 percent were considered "unadoptable" Guess what the percentage was that came out alive and got into quality homes??????????????????? under 20 percent!!!!!!!!!
    The rest were EUTHANIZED thru NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN!!!
    DO NOT BREED and add to this HUGE problem that the pitbulls are already having PLEASE!!!
    If you keep your dogs please make sure you go to an organization to get monetary donations to get you help getting them proper care i.e. SPAY, NEUTER, SHOTS, HEARTWORM TESTING (AND PILLS)ETC...
    Don't own animals and especially breed them if you don't know what you are doing and can't afford proper medical care!!!!!!!
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am assuming that this is a joke? If not may God Bless any dogs in your possesion.
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    yeah id say its just a joke. i dont think someone like that would even bother going on a message board for help.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member


    UGH! This had better be a joke. My gosh, I will pray that this is not true, and if it is, please relinquish your dogs to a responsible rescue or shelter. Jesus, being put down would e better than being in your posession.

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