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Has the world gone mad!! (off topic)

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by bullylove1, Mar 26, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Okay, I know I am really off with this one, but seriously, what the heck are the vet's problems!!? I am talking about my 1.5 yr. panther chameleon who is very sick right now for god knows what reason. I brought him to this vet before, who charges an automatic $60 bucks before they let you in the door. And then they usually suggest up to 5 tests that can be done to try to find the problem, but will not tell you what they think is your best option because they want you to do ALL the test (which are usually $90 each) and THEN HOPEFULLY we can tellyou what's wrong, or do MORE test!!! Right, because I have 5 Million dollars to throw away on nonesense. I have already been told that the sist (sp?) on his head needs to be drained, BUT again, I have to pay the $60 before they charge me the fee to drain it! Last time we spent almost $300 bucks on the little guy and they came up with nothing, so we bought him all new plants and increased the humidity. It turned out he was slightly dehydrated and his plants had gone a little bad. You think they'd be able to tellif he'sdehydrated! GEEZ!! Anyways, thanks for letting me vent, I have brought him to work with me today and hopefully we can get him fixed up. They wanted me to wait until Sat. but that would definately be too late for him.
    Again, thank you for the venting opportunity, I think if I kept goign off about it on Curt, he would tape MY mouth shut. LOL!
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    bullylove1: I spent a lot of money to become a vet tech and quit for just that reason.That is one thing they teach you is to "Frighten", for a lack of a better word, pet owners into testing, and taking medications. Meds are a big money maker for vet clinics. It use to make me so angry when someone brought a sick pet in and they couldn't afford the cost. So the vet would "Treat 'em and street 'em". I have pet health insurance with my clinic which helps off-set the high cost of care. So far nothing bad has happened. I think I'm still paying credit cards from years ago for pet care, and the dogs have long been gone.
  3. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    argh that vcet sounds terrible! mine actually tell us not to get tests if they feel they wont find anything or will find the obvious.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    And people wonder why so many animals are abused and brought in to be put down. NO one can afford them any more!!!

    Luckily my vet understands, and he's not a $$ maker. He's a true VET who's soul priority is to HELP THE ANIMALS!! Not to make money.

    I understand what he charges, because it costs him $$$ to get the meds. But he doesn't up the prices. He sells with the prices that he bought them at and no higher.

    Some of these vets out there today don't care about the animals, only what their paycheck is going to be at the end of the day!
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    So, we took him to the vet yesterday and spent a whopping $200 big ones. We will now find out on Monday if he is incurable and needs to be put to sleep. That was told to us AFTER we had spent $175 on meds. for the next 2 weeks. How thoughtful of them. And, of course...they have NOO idea what is wrong with him. I know I would have spent the money anyways. But THEN, the vet is going on to us about , "well, remember last time you brough thim in, I said these cells were really low, and you should probably put him on THIS med for THIS long...blah, blah". So I am glaring at Curt because I assume that she spoke to him about all this and he never told me , and this could have been done to help him moths ago, while at the SAME time he's glaring at ME!! So I ask the vet to give us a minute, and Curt looks at me and says, "She never told me ANY of that", ya, me neither. So, unfortunately, from the lack of info and wiating so long my Mister Surly will probably need to be PTS.
    It just aggrivates me so much that they just don't care.
    Thanks once again or the vent session.

    And Sam - Its a darn good thing your vet is soo kind. You'd be living in a box with all your strays right now if he wasn't. Maybe he can refer a vet to relocate to Canada, preferably Calgary. ;)
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm just about in a box!!! Yeah with out him, I don't know what I'd do!
    I suggest finding a new vet!
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    They're the only vet in the city that specializes in reptiles. Harley's vet is really good and gives us the best price all the time. He is kind of uncomfortable around her, because of her breed, which makes me nervous, but she has never really needed anything more than a check up, so as long as I am with her when she goes, I know she'll get treated right.
  8. #1SBT

    #1SBT New Member

    my cousin has a bull arab cross doberman and when it was in labour from a accidental pregnancy was having trouble so he rang the vet and told them he needs to bring her in but didnt have alot of money on him to pay all the vet bill, they told him not to bring her in until they had all the money.
    i thought that was pretty rude considering that vets supposedly got into the profession to help animals.
    it looks like they got into the profession to make money not for the love of the animals.
    and because i was going to the same vets as my cousin i have since changed vets to a vet who is also a breeder.
    its just frustrating when your dog gets sick unexpectedly and you dont have 500 dollars to get treatment, and vets wont help people out.
  9. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    luckily my vet has payment plans for procedures with huge bills. id hate to think what would happen if i was with another vet and kuma needed some kind of surgery that ran into the thousands. i think that all vets should offer payment plans.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I live in a very rural community and the vet here is just great! which is good cause the nearest one besides him is an hour away.
    Anyhow we have had a lot of tragedy lately with our dogs and our vet has been so caring through out it all. In a 2 week period we had 8 week old pit bull pup come down with parvo so we took her in to the vet and he put her on IV with fluids/meds for 5 days while in his care at his office and he only charged us $180 for 5 days of treatment. The puppy recoverd and is doing great now! AWwww but then the next week after that one of my husbands hounds became very sick she wouldnt eat couldnt go to the bathroom so we took her in to see the vet and found out she was having liver failure from a bacterial infection that she had gotten called Lepospirosis I had never even heard of it before so she stayed in the care of the doctor he was trying several different medications to reverse the liver failure. Poor thing she was so sick i went to visit her everyday and the last time i went in to visit I was told my sweet girl had died peacefully in her sleep. China was 9 years old and the sweetest dog ever it was so heartbreaking.
    I had really expected to receive a very large bill for everything he had done for her but in fact the bill was only $127 after he spent 4 days caring for her I was shocked I asked the vet why the bill was so little because I had expected to pay a lot ,and he just simply said "I charged you what i needed to get your dog the medicines she needed everything else was the love for that baby So Sorry wish I could have done more". He also explained to me why he only has one tech in his office and why she only works 4 hours a day it is so that he does not have to charge people an arm and leg for services. He is truly a great person who works for the animals. It's to bad more vets are not like him.

    BTW you can get a vaccination for your dog to prevent lepospirosis it is some sort of bacterial that dogs can pick up through the urine of rodents.
    We have assumed that she got this from our barn we have mice very bad in there. It's rough stuff almost absolute death if your dog contracts it. :(
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Well, my mister Surly, the chameleon that first sparked this post died on Sat. afternoon in my hand. It was the most horrifying thing i have ever been through and I will be speaking to the vet about this. The medication she gave him was giving him a really bad reaction, causing me to think he was allergic to it. When I gave it to him, he just fellon his side and layed in my had. For anyone that doesn't know reptiles, they don't lay on their sides. So, I thought he was dead and I just sat there crying an like 5 mins after he took a huge gasp, yup, STILL living. This continued for the next hour until he finally gave up the fight and stopped breathing.
    My reason for beign so mad at the vet is that it is her job to give a professional opinion on the situation. In this case, she just told us what she thought we wanted to hear, and make a quick buck. She knew when she examined him he would have to be put to sleep. Instead of telling us that so we could have euthanized him then, she told us, it could be fixed, allowing him to suffer immensly over the next 2 days and suffocate to death. SUFFOCATE, I mean, what kind of a monster, let alone a vet, would do that to a living thing just to make a quick dollar, or $200!! When she called Friday to give me test results, she also told me about the $140 dollar euthanization fee. How kind of her.
    So, we buried him yesterday and said our goodbye's. And although I still have 3 Chameleons who are in tip top shape, I will never again buy another reptile, if anything else its becuase of the lack of service and care anyone will provde.
  12. pitzerlover

    pitzerlover New Member

    I'm sooooo sorry to hear about your animals Regina and bullylove. I know exactly what you are talking about.
    I had a litter of schnauzer pups about a year and a half ago, and when the pups were about five weeks old, we put up the baby gate and let them run around the kitchen. Well my fiancee (dummy) let Lady (left) out of her kennel to go out, she went right to the pups (who she is usually really good with) but they tried to nurse off her and she snapped at one of them. Well, her little head started to swell and she cried and her eyes were bloodshot, so he jumped in the car and drove her to the nearest vet. :cry: Not our usual, we used him for a while but he was wayyyyy to expensive and he isn't very good with our animals. Anyways, William got the dog to the vet and they rushed her to the back, and before the doc even treats her he asks how William is going to pay. Well he told the vet that I was at work and I had the credit cards and the check book, which was true, and the vet told him to take her home and bury her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: Is that not the most hateful thing? He said to Will, Do you expect me to work for free? I hate him and tell everyone that we know not to use him. I want him out of the dog business.
  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    OMG Pitzer, what and A-hole!!! I can't believe that those people are even allowed to be in a medical profession. It is soo sad to hear that these people would rather fill their pocket books than help a dying or sick animal. I think almost everyone at some point in their childhood wants to be a vet so they can HELP animals. I wonder why they lose that after they get their degree?

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