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my little pupper

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by juice1348, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    hi everyone, im new here. I have a 14 week old amstaff named Avary. She is white with large brindle spots. Too cute. She is very loving and loyal, but she is also very dominant. She was starting to growl at me (and even snapped once) when I tried to move her off her spot on the couch or bed. She is NOT food aggressive at all, but she is dominant like I said.
    Well, I had a behaviorist (one of the best around) come to my house on Saturday afternoon to check it out. She said it will be no problem training her, but she was glad I took action now. She said Avary was trying to become the alpha and part of the problem was that I got her when she was only 6 weeks old. So, anyway, she did a temperment test and at one point Avary got really mad and flipped out, so the behaviorist 'alpha rolled' her. She held her down until Avary submitted. Then she put Avary through a mini-boot camp with sit-down-sit-down being the two commands she used.

    Well.....Avary seems like a different dog. She is still the loving energetic dog I have had, but now she is more humble. NO GROWLING for the last two days, and she is not play biting at all either. I am so happy. The behavorist said Avary will probably forget and revert back soon and we will have to repeat the procedure, but eventually it will set in and be for good.

    I am so happy.
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Good for you!! It is so nice to see more and more responsible owners with their dogs.

    As for her forgetting the behaviour, she won't if you keep up training every day. First, you should put her o a Nothing in Life is Free (NILIF) program.

    This will help show avary that you are "boss". Its a very simple program, snd most people already do some things without thinking about it.

    Avary MUST perform a "task" before she can get what she wants.

    I.E. She wants a pet, she must first lay down

    She wants to go for a walk, she must sit and wait for you to attach the collar,

    To eat, she must first sit and wait outside of kitchen(or whereever you feed her) for you to put the bowl down.

    If she doesn't perform the command, stop, walk away and try again a few minutes later.

    I can guarantee she will try to put up a fight at first. However, don't give in. After a couple of days she will realize that she needs to listen to you BEFORE you will listen to her.

    I swear by this program. It works wonders!! This will also keep reinforcin the things the behaviourist worked on. I also suggest beginner puppy classes for her. Its also a great way to socialize her.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It sounds like you are on top of things! Good for you!
    Welcome to the board. (Pictures please we love pictures!!)
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I posted a reply to some of the people on the All Dog Forum regarding the "Alpha Roll" because I felt some people were misunderstanding WHY they dislike that procedure and procedures like it...

    In all honesty I think in the context your behaviorist was in and the reasoning and behavior that ensued that caused the behaviorist to do the "roll" was right on and well done... Although it probably won't need to be repeated... Keep up on OB training and it will work WONDERS!

    Don't ever correct your dog so harshly she becomes fearfull or she will act out aggressively...go check out my post and you'll see more of what I'm talking about.
  5. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Hello Juice!
    Welcome aboard.
    There are many helpful people on this forum. My name is Susan I run a private shelter and have been involved in pitbull rescue for quite some time now. I also am the proud owner of four of them!!!
    Enjoy your new baby they are awesome dogs in the proper hands. These dogs are also very intelligent and learn quickly. Most pitbulls love their toys and you can use them to help train your dog!
    Keep up the obedience training.
    Always remember to check the credentials of any obedience trainer and behaviorist you hire.

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