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Speaking of Idiots...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Our neighbors have a Dobe who is about 6-7 months old. They are training him to be a guard dog. they have a 5 month old bab, 2 year old toddler, and three teenage girls in the house. Saturday night we heard Shaq (the dog) screaming like he was being beaten or hurt. They have him on a running lead in the back and I was immediately worried that he had gotten himself tangled in and might be hurt or strangling. My husband ran outside to see if he was ok and saw the dog cowering behind the garage crying unleashed, then the owner came out and grabbed the dog and dragged him yelping back into the house. By then another neighbor cam out becasue she had heard the racket too and she told us that the dog had nipped at the baby recently and she wondered if that was what had happened. We saw one of the young girls about 10 minutes later and Shaq, still not on his leash came charging at us growling and snapping. The girl grabbed him and dragged him into the house yelling at him! Why that is how they are training him! Then they are mad and shocked that he is acting just like they are training him! My husband and I were so mad! My husband is going to talk to a friend of his with our City Dept. and see what we can do. We took our neighbor around to meet Sarge so he would know her, etc., which we have done with anyone we know as a friend or family so that he gets familar with them on his turf. PEOPLE MAKE ME SO MAD!!!! :x Are we doing the right thing by introducing people to Sarge or should we be doing something more? He is signed up for the next obediance class session too.
  2. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I sure hope that someone can intervene on the dog's behalf. That is just so sickening!! And the poor kids may end up just as moronic as their father :(
  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    ARGH! People like that make me sick! I personally am not fond of "guard dogs" in the home to begin with. ESPECIALLY with children around. Dogs that are trained to be agressive can sometimes view children smaller than them as "bait". They do not feel like the child is dominant over it, and therefore accidents like what happened happen.

    See what your husbands friend says. I would also file a report with the local animal control or shelter in your area. Each time a report is filed, it builds a stronger case against your neighbours. No "pet" should be treated like this.

    The worst part is the children are also abusing the dog. This is NOT teaching them anything good in responsible ownership, and in many cases, these kids will grow up to abuse their own animals because they think its normal.
  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Exactly! And I am worried that the children and/or the dog will get seriously hurt or worse if we don't intervene. But, we have to live next door to them too, that is why my husband's friend thinks he can handle it so our name is kept out of it but something gets done regardless.
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    If you call AC or your shelter, your name will be anonymous.
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :D Many thanks bullylove1! That makes me feel better to know I can do something and protect where I live. It has been bugging me like crazy since it happened.
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    please report what you have witnessed and maybe you can get your neighbor to also call anonymously...the more who complain maybe the quicker something will be done about this situation. Idiots is right...goatlicking idiots
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Mary_NH- your avatar is a scream! :lol:
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree with all that was said about reporting them. I fear very much for the well-being of the dog AND the safety of those children!!

    As for your question about Sarge - very definitely you should be introducing him to new people and places (as long as your vet has said it is okay to bring him out). It is VERY important to socialize dogs - let him experience all sorts of people (of different heights, weights, colors, sizes, ages, with and without facial hair; wearing hats, glasses; carrying boxes, umbrellas; etc.) and all sorts of places (parks, stores, schools, noisy places, elevators, etc.).

  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    We have only been introducing him at our house for now. Everyone has to step into a bleach pan before leaving and I have not let my friends who have a new puppy come over since his shots are not current. I ask before I let anyone come up on the property! (My husband calls me the Yard Nazi!) :lol:
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    PLease file an anamous report. For both the safety of teir childrend and the safety of the dog. This sounds like an accident waiting to happen. It sounds like are abusing the dog trying to make him aggressive, and he he did bite one of their children because of tehy way they are training him. Wont even go into the BIG maistake they are making trying to train him as a guard dog.

    Forgot Sarge is getting over parvo, when can he get his shots and get out into the world?

  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    We rescheduled his appt. for this Friday so, as long as we don't have another little relapse episode, this Friday he will be closer to being free!!!! He's been such a good boy about everything. He loves to go bye bye with daddy and he hasn't been able to really go anywhere and he has so good about it all. He has gotten over every symptom so far (fingers crossed!) Thanks for asking honeybears.

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