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A terrible accident

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Zekesmom, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    This had been a post over the weekend that disappeared. The stories that have been a discussion here have helped ease the pain a little and is appreciated. For those of you who did not see it I will recap the incident where our neighborhood lost a dog. Friday evening a few friends were enjoying conversation in their backyard. One of the Goldens, Quincy, and the neighbor's lab, Parker were playing. Somehow Quincy got Parker's collar stuck on his teeth. The dogs panicked and Parker's collar turned and became extremely tight. My neighbors tried everything. But not having the "quick release" collar made it virtually impossible to get the collar off. The dogs were big and scared so it took a lot of people to hold the dogs. It was too late though. They tried mouth to mouth and CPR to no avail. They rushed the dog to the emergency vet and they even tried to shock his heart. We lost Parker. Our neighborhood is very close and it was a very sad weekend. One of the women, a firefighter, owner of Quincy has had a very rough weekend; she is blaming herself for the accident. So, keep Parker in your thoughts and give your furbaby an extra hug today. And if your dog does not have a quick release collar and likes to wrestle, please go get one.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH I'm sooo sorry.

    I've heard of this happening before. But with a choke chain. The dogs get to playing rough and teeth or paws get caught, then they freek out and struggle. My dogs wear harness's most of the time, but they also have a "safety" collar on as well.

    GIve your neighbor a BIG hug for me. Tell her its not her fault, she couldn't have known something like that would happen.

    I'm soo sorrya gain.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh thast terrible. I had that happen years ago and was able to get the collars unhooked in time. thats why I use use the snap because collars that have the holes, its easy for things to get caught and the dogs panic. MY thoughts and prayers to Parker (((hugs))) to quincys owner too, and tell her not to blame herself.

    I wasnt aware collars could cause this until it happened to me

  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    so sad....a long time ago in the neighborhood where I lived a dog was found dragging his bud around town. Somehow the 2 dogs had gotten their collars entangled and the dog wearing the dreaded choke collar died and the other dog was unable to free itself so ended up dragging the deceased dog with him.

    I HATE choke collars - we nearly lost a dog wearing one she got tangled up in a bush and in her struggle her front feet left the ground. We found her just in time.

    What a sad thing for everyone to witness at what should have been a fun BBQ.
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Oh, that is so awful. I am sorry for the loss.

    About the choke collars, I HATE them. Harley has one that was just for "jewellery" purposes. she pouted each time you tried to take it off of her. I have finally gotten her used to not wearing it. I worried all the time about something happening to her while she was wearing it.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Bully, you als ohave to worry about the collars that have buckles the buckes and the holes cen get get caught on things and other animals

  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I am so very sorry. I have also heard of that happening. My dogs do not wear collars unless we are going out somewhere because they play so hard and rough with each other. Not to mention regardless of how many toys they have laying around they still would rather chew on their pals collar.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harley also only has her harness on when we are going out. I just dont feel safe leaving her for the day with something around her neck. Especially because we don't crate her, she has the basement. I know she sleeps most of the day, but still, it makes me feel better.
  9. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    My sister-in-law just lost her Shitzu 3 weeks ago due to Buddy's choke chain collar. He was 11 months a old and her husband put him and their other dog (7 month old Malamute) on their leads at my mother in laws house and he thought he had them far enough a part, but he didn't and they got tangled and poor little Buddy's choke chain tightened and with Nanook being so huge he could not get free. The neighbor next door resuces dogs and he saw my neice and I trying to revive Buddy and he ran out with towels and started CPR and we rushed him to the ER Vet but he was gone. I told my sister in law to get rid of the choke collar unless they are in a training session with Nanook, then remove it immedialtey. They did it right away.
  10. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    Thank you so much for the responses. It was sad to hear such similar stories but yet nice to know there are accidents even amongst those who care. I just saw a friend at the dog park and told her not to use the buckle collar. She has a lab who loves to wrestle, what lab doesn't at a year old. I haven't spoke to my neighbor today but I think she is getting through it one day at a time. Thanks again everyone.
  11. Jody

    Jody New Member

    That is so so sad. If I take Jasper to visit anybody, because she's in the back yard, i'll take her collar off. That is so horrible. :cry: :cry:
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    That is so sad. I bought Natalie a break-away collar a while ago because her collar got caught on my rug a few times. At canine social group everyone has to remove harnesses and collars before the play begins.

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