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Not so good weekend

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Arggh On Saturday I was sick all day long but I finally got out of bed around 10pm or so, when I noticed someone had left a bag of potato chips laying on the floor and someone else had eaten most of the bag. So I called my boyfriend upstairs to check if it was him or luther that had eaten the chips and it was as I thought my bf left the chips on the floor, but Luther ate them. But I shouldn'T have asked my bf to come upstairs, because at that point in time he left a bag of freshly opened rum coconut balls (little balss of chocolate filled with rum) and Luther was down there eating them. I saw one that was bitten into laying on the couch and was like ARGGG!! But then my bf looked at the bag and was like this was bag just opened I only had a few of these and now its almost empty. I was so frustrated I have told him 10000000 times he can never leave anything sitting out. But on a plus note Luther was acting normal so that was a good sign. So after I was in bed for a while my bf comes to tell me Luther puked and I go down to look at it and it is like the biggest pile of puke. No joke this was like a foot long and 3 inches tall in some places (sorry for being so graphic) but he is a little dog I don't see how he had that much food in him at all?? But i guess it was good for him to get it out. But just to make sure he was ok I slept with him in the basement room and he seemed to act normal through the night. So the next day we walked down by the river here and when we first got there he had a normal poop, but then later towards the end it seemed as if he was trying to go but couldn't or every now and then a little bit of diarrahea would come out. So ok my question is do you think that was from too much chocolate, too much rum, or a bacteria he picked up at the river. I am taking him along with dale to the vet later today. He is acting totally normal, no panting, temp. is normal behavior is normal. what can I do for him to make sure he is stays ok. I really think it is out of his system though.
  2. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    EEEEWW! Sounds like an awful pile to clean up. But seriously, I hope everything turns out well today!!
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    NASTY!! Your poor sick dog sounds like he's on the mend.

    Really stress the fact to your boyfriend that chocolate is poisonous to dogs, though. My Husband is really bad about snacking and leaving stuff laying around. Most dogs are like vaccumes and will eat most anything.
  4. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    That's good that Luther puked, he probably got most of the bad stuff out of him. It sounds to me like he's going to be fine- if he had any serious reaction to it (other than a little upset stomach) he would have shown symptoms by now I would imagine. I know it's frustrating when people leave things laying around that your dog can get into--- I tell anyone who comes over to not leave anything within Cameron's reach because she gets into EVERYTHING!! Sure enough, though, my friend came over and left her opened purse with a bag of skittles in it- on the floor. Then she was all upset because Cameron had stained her purse with the juice from the skittles as she was trying to break through the package, but in my opinion my friend deserved it because I gave her ample warning!!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I know what you mean! Very frustrating. My family has become very lax about leaving shoes out, since the dogs have been less destructive lately. But recently Nala seems to be backsliding and I keep warning people and they keep leaving their shoes out! Someday someone's shoes will be eaten and then it will become MY emergency to take them out to buy new ones. :?

    I love this poem. I think I need to post it in my house. Of course, Nala is not at the "beautifully behaved" stage yet, but we're working on it!

  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Well, my story of dog eating crap over the weekend is this:

    On Sat. we were watching the Hockey game and went to the store for some beer. I had just made a huge platter of veggies, so I brought them into the kitchen and tucked them away in the corner of the counter.
    Got home and there was veggies ALL over the living room and kitchen! I was sooo mad!!
    Harley MUST have jumped ON the counter to get the veggies. What the hell? Does she think she's a cat! Normally she stays downstairs when we leave but we were gone not even 10 minutes. I was so angry. At least it wasn't anything too bad but still..........
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Jamiya: LOVE YOUR POEM!!

    I'm going to print it up, frame it, and hang it where my one snooty neighbor can see it when she comes to visit. She thinks dogs and cats are such "filthy creatures."
  8. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    yes, Jamiya, that is awesome. In four years I have not had anyone ask me to put Zeke in another room until last weekend. I was amazed at how upset I got in such a hurry. The poem says it all, I love it.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My "dog eating stuff over the weekend" story involves bones left in the KFC bucket (stupid husband) and a roll of toilet paper. I was really angry about the chicken - cooked bones can be dangerous!!

    I really don't understand why a lot of people think animals are "dirty." I really don't see how they are dirtier than a human. And when they are actually dirty from rolling in DIRT - ummm, who cares? "Dirt" and "germs" are not the same thing.

    I guess I am really weird or something in that respect, though. My cats walk on my kitchen counters and one lies on the kitchen table all the time. It really doesn't bother me. If my husband is not home, I generally don't even bother to move the cat - I just slide him to one side and try to keep his tail out of my food.

    I thought everyone's cats walked on the counters, but one of the moms at the kids' school was talking about how she freaked when her cat jumped on the counter and had to wash everything down. I mean, I would wash the counter if I was going to actually prepare food on it, but I would do that whether the cat walked on it or not!

    Then there was the cat at PetsMart up for adoption who was surrendered by its owner because it "gets on the counters and won't stay off the furniture." I thought that was the definition of a cat??

  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    So let me get this straight... animals should sit still, don't move, breathe or make noises.... PErhaps people like that should stick with STUFFED animals!!!

    GRRRRR people really make me think... and that hurts!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    They shouldn't shed, either....

  12. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    My mother in-law is one of those people who thinks dogs & cats are dirty.
    She despises me because I have always been such an animal person and have always had cats & dogs in my house. She has asked me before how I could stand to have so many dirty animals who constantly shed lounging on my furniture. And her poor baby
    (My husband) has to constantly worry about animal hair all over his uniforms (He is a corrections officer and his uniforms are black.) She came over for dinner one night and we had just sat down for dinner when on of the cats jumped up on the counter and was licking the frying pan I had fried the chicken in. Well, needless to say that did it for her she told me that I was being irresponsible by allowing "these animals" to roam free to do as they please and did I not worry about my kids catching diseases from the dog and cats? And this was when I only had my Pekingese, Izzy my APBT and 2 cats....LOL now I have 4 soon to be 5 APBT plus the Pekingese and cats in and out of my house. She was just beside herself and to top it all off the fact that I have "those viscious dogs" around my children is just awful.
    Viscious PLEASE!! I told her she should really be more worried about the Pekingese then the Pit Bulls. Needless to say she has not been to my house for a visit in months!
    Yeah Me!!! :eek:
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL, I love people who worry about kids catching diseases from the animals. I always want to say, "No, but I AM worried about them catching something from YOU!" :mrgreen:

  14. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hee hee Jamiya, its so true!

    I am a germ FREAK! I admit it, I have a problem. I am constantly washing my hands, and watching other people. I grimace if someone coughs into their hand then opens the door. I disinfect my desk every week and hate it when people in my office use my phone when they are sick


    Harley is the CLEANEST living being I know! Who cares if she plays in mud and tries to eat grass and flowers! Not me!! I would much prefer her to lick my hand and face rather than shake the hand of a stanger. :shock:

    And besides, you know what I love best about Harley? If someone comes over and starts talking dirty animal this and that, she will park her butt right by their foot and lick it. hehe Silly girl. Always wanting to make trouble for me.
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I am with you guys all the way. Our pets are the ones that are there for us all the time, not the people that think they are gracing us with their presence.
    Gina: Now thats one way to get rid of an annoying MIL. LOL
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh lordy!!! I would have told her, I'm more worried about the kids giving the animals something!!!! Tehn I would have had a little talk with my husband.... "ahem, you need to control your mother!!!!"

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