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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    of course as soon as i got these developed, i had to share them with you guys...he is now four and a half months. and full of personality! here kitty...kitty...little maxie says "meowzers"





    peek a boo :p

  2. vene

    vene New Member

    Oh Lynn. He is getting so big! My gosh you're right. He is starting to look like Rene. How adorable! :wink: He does look very macho though. The first pic of Max reminds me of Vene. Vene was always scaling the chairs. Keep these beautiful pics coming! I hope Max's dire-rear condition can be controlled soon!
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    He is gorgeous! That first picture really cracked me up. :lol:
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I want him!!!!! Oh he's sooo beautiful!
  5. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    love love love!!

    that first pic!! He is just toooooo cute!
  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Oh, how cute!

    Do you ever lose him in the cover on the bed? He seems to blend in a little bit!
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    he's so cute
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Oh my gosh, he so gorgeous. He blends in with that dooner though.... :lol:
  9. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Wow, what a great looking cat, his markings are so cool! Glad I could see what Max looks like, thanks for posting the pics.
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :oops: ....you guys are the best....

    max says "meowsas....meeeee-ooooowwww-ssseeezzz....."
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Max is so cute. He does seem like quite the character. Do you have any updates about the other vet you found?
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi chessmind. :) not sure if anyone got my posts. my home computer is crashed. waiting for a part, then it will be fixed. update on max. he is back to the metronidazole and pancur (the latter only for three days). my vet has done alot of research on bengals and clostridium.

    on mon june 14th i take max to see the bacteriologist. he was out of town this week, but i sent them all of max's records ahead of time. his stools are slightly more formed, and he is having less of them. at one point i think he was in that box literally ten times a day. now it is about half that. his last fecal was this week and they believe the clostridium is better, but we are going to send it out again for the special fecal exam.

    my vet gave me some articles on bengals and clostridium...they seem to have more diarrhea than other breeds. :shock: not sure if it has something to do with recent domestication or what....they have only been domesticated for about 20-30 years. only approved into cat breeders assoc in the last 10 years. so...off he goes on mon. maybe my computer will be fixed next week too....

    i miss the forum. thank you for your concern...will keep you posted :wink:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Glad to hear that things are on the upswing. How did your computer crash? Was it a bug?
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hi vene...miss talkin to ya...

    well...i think the button that turns on my computer broke. it is not getting any power. but...it is still under warranty. only about a year and a half old. just waiting for the part...ugh! :x

    should be up and running soon. how are the critters at your house??? think its time for more pictures!!!
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    You mean the computer starter mechanism broke? Bummers! They sure make things cheap nowadays. A few months ago we bought a new Samsung TV and the startup button broke as well after 2 days. The service guy checked it out and said we'll get the part in 3 days. It took 3 weeks before it was installed and working properly. I hope you have better luck than I do.

    My critters are doing great. Thanks for asking. I, on the other hand am not doing so well. I woke up at 4 AM this morning thanks to my toddler. Of course he fell asleep right away, but I couldn't. So you guessed it I went on Auspet.com of course. I went to the dog forum and read about Sam's story of how the kill shelters put down puppies, dogs, cats, and kittens. I was too depressed to sleep after that. Found puke on the 2nd floor. It was Pumpkin's furball bits. I haven't Zoom groomed her in a while. My fault. At least it cleaned up well but I woke up hubby in the process. At least he didn't complain. Whew! Baby was up at 7AM. Let Milo out at 8 AM. We went to our backyard and Milo disappeared for a couple of hours. When we came home, Rene knocked over the drinkwell fountain from the countertop. Baby wiped out twice on the wet kitchen floor even though I moped it real well. He's OK. :? Heard a screach outside. It was Ginger fighting with Milo. She's hungry, but Milo is territorial. Opened the back door and Milo came home looking ragged. He's also OK. Just wondering what else could go wrong. Zoomed groomed Pumpkin and had 3 big fistfuls of fur. I think it's time to groom Monty and Milo soon. Why can the kids be like Monty Boy? Go on the dog forum again and found out that some arsenine person/persons grilled a poor defenseless dog. By then, I was a basket case. Thank goodness baby was good today. Good as in did not destroy anything in the house and ate his food like a good little boy and napped for 3 1/2 hours. I napped for 2 hours with him before he woke me up at 4:30 PM. Boy, was I groggy. Read that JT lost his furbaby Harry. :cry: I'm so sad!!! :( Also look at he puppy mill for sale: it's despicable! It's now 10PM and both hubby and baby are both asleep. What a day! OH oh, some kitty is making crinkly noises in the cabinet. I better check it out. Talk to you later. Sorry about the long post.
  16. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    gee vene lol wat a day im feelin for ya! :shock: lol
  17. vene

    vene New Member

    Thanks Rachael! :oops:
  18. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    ya kno after readin that post im so excited 2 have kids :? lol!
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lol vene!!! love the word "crinkly" :lol:

    got my computer finxed today :) and max saw the specialist today. he is a vet that specializes in bacteriology. i am really glad i found him. he said he looks very, very healthy...wants to do a specialized fecal...he is looking for something that doesnt really have a cure, but at least it is an explanation of why he has loose stools. he really liked max... :oops: and even said that there is a university that is doing a study on kittens with diarrhea, and may want to study his stools, probably free of charge.

    he also said it could even be just his diet. that he is intolerant of some sugar in one of the ingredients. so, he wanted me to mix his kitten food with rice. mash it all up together. ...and....he liked it! thank God...

    vene...sounds like you are run a little ragged. you know...we tend to be caretakers...if we dont do it...wont get done... :wink:

    you mentioned the dog forum. i went on the horse forum the other day...(i had never been to any of the other forums...and i have a tennessee walker....) well!!! i saw samsintentions on the horse forum too!!! she must have a kazillion animals, cause she has at least six horse, some that are either rescued or foster... i was totally impressed!

    anyway...im kinda back on track. it is going to take me a long time to catch up...

    so sad for harry...brings back memories of otis. oh!! by the way, today when i met the specialist (he travels to you)...i met him at the emergency vet clinic where otis died. it was kinda weird...thank goodness i had a distraction. :(
  20. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Lynnhaz. Just wanted to say thanks for the update on Max. I wish him all the best and please continue to keep us posted. :D

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