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cat with 6 toes

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by 3_second_memory, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    we used to have a cat who we baught off a farm.

    he was a kitten when we got him.

    He had 6 toes on each foot.

    an extra thumb.

    he died of lukemia at 5 though. :cry:

    we now have 3 cats, one i got my birthday, Ebony. and blood bro and sis, maise and ralph.

    do any of you have cats with wierd features that make them extra special, or does your cat do something totally unique?

    ralph is 7 now, he likes to head butt me. its his way of giving kisses, and god does he talk.

    he is aslo scared of anything. even his shadow and fluffy pencil cases!

    amy. x
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I never knew what a "lucky cat" was until everyone told me I had one so I looked it up on google! By the way a lucky cat is a calico here is a little about them: Usually the three coloured cats are also called "lucky cats", because they probably do not occur all too often. Many cats appear to have three colours, but are not true tricolours. The genuine three coloured1 cats are always female and have to show the colours of orange, black and white. Every coloured patch of the coat must consist of one of the basic colours. Altogether, each colour should be represented by a 3rd on the cat's coat (Tortoiseshell with white).
    or here is a website to look up more:
    http://schneider.ewald.bei.t-online.de/calico/calicoeng.html I think it is quite interesting! but make sure to read it in english!
    but my cat also has unusual(but quite common with other cats here) habits such as chewing on anything and everything metal/plastic. she really likes people food as much as I try to keep it away! she purrs very softly, there can'T be any noises to hear it! she also does the headbut thing. She loves her belly rubbed, she rolls over for it, which i read somewhere cats have a have relfex in the stomach, which makes them kick when the belly is scratched or rubbed, but not her she loves it!
    can a cat be a poly on just one foot? like it has 6 on one hand and 5 on the other? or is it always 6&6 or 5&5?
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    Milo and Pumpkin can go in closed cabinets and only Milo knows how to get out on his own and get in closet doors too. He also meows and lets me know if other cats get locked in closets or the garage. Yeah, I know, bad meowmmy. Rene can turn on the food disposal switch but only if the drinkwell fountain is next to it. I've removed it to another location so this doesn't happen again. The thought of shredded Rene paws? Now, that's scary. Monty is the perfect cat. He never bothers me or ask for anything. Now that's special!
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    6-toed cats are polydactyls - I have one. My Little Fella Zeus that I adore. He has 28 toes in all and it takes me forever to get all of his claws clipped - 2 a night cause he hates it.

    Zeus likes my SlimFast that I drink every morning. While I'm pouring it into a glass (hate the taste of the can) he'll headbutt the can knocking some SlimFast out and then he licks it up. I'm careful and he doesn't get much but it's become our morning routine - and since I'm not much of a morning person he really takes advantage of this.
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    aw i love cats who head butt. none of mine do it :( we found a stray who did it excessively, we took him to the shelter. 8)
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I have 2 Siamese cats and they are supposed to be headbutters...mine don't, although the foster I recently had was a great headbutter :lol:

    Zeus is my headbutter and he's a big fella so when he headbutts it's concussion material :mrgreen:
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I once had an orange tabby with 6 toes on each paw. It was cool. I also once had an orange DLH that would retrieve! I'd toss a little tinfoil ball and she'd chase it down, bat it around a bit then bring it back to me in her mouth and drop it in my hand so that I'd toss it again.
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Bean headbutts me, the dogs and the other cats all the time. He does this constantly. Chieve is the most talkative and unique cat I've ever met. If I go in another room without him he lays by the door and makes the loudest, strangest noises while sticking his paws under the door...he really cracks me up. Matter of fact I can hear him right now yowling loudly in the other room. :lol:
  9. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    ur maise is a guard cat.

    she sits out side the front for when people arrive at our house that she knows, and she meows at them 9she doesnt usually meow), and then disapears again untill the next person.

    ralph loves a belly rub, he has slipped down the stairs whenbeing bely rubbed before.

    ebony, my cat , hates belly rubs, she kicks. we reckon she had a nasty previous owner.

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