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Cant keep him OFF my lap!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by ILoveGreatDanes, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    So I saw that video of people putting animals to sleep and now I have a rescued from death row kitty that I love =) In the month I've had him he's totally become one of the dogs..which is awesome! And when I eat I've been known to toss a french fry down..and hes totally up against these 150 pound dogs for a fry. Anyways....whenever I have something to eat...he is instantly in my lap...and I literally have to put him down 5 or 6 times while he whines pitifully at my feet. I like the fact that this guy can't think of anything better to do than be in my lap...but when I eat....its unacceptable....

    I know cats are like...not trainable..and this guy is like 5...so does anyone have any tips or advice on how to keep him out of my lap during mealtime? (he was doing it long before he ever got a french fry from me!)
  2. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    Cats are very trainable.

    You're particular problem though I haven't had much of a problen with....I suggest a small water gun/spray bottle. That seems to be a pretty good way to train a cat. Good luck. :y_the_best:
  3. footsie

    footsie New Member

    just keep putting him down consistantly and he'll get the idea. Maybe even when you're not eating, but are at the table, so he doesn't get mixed signals. It will take a while.

    I just recently noticed that Footsie wasn't on the table trying to eat off my plate. I don't know exactly when he stopped, but he did.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on the new cat. What's his name and do you have any pics?
    I have 4 cats and when we got them they all want table foods. I used to feed them Iams dry and switched to Wellness dry and can foods with occassional switch to other brands like Innova or Chicken Soup. Monty, Milo, and Rene have completely stopped begging for table foods. Pumpkin is the only one that still begs for table scraps. Since doesn't like can foods, I figured giving her table scraps every once in a while is not bad for her. I give her cooked chicken and cold cuts and sometimes peas + carrots. I've found out that if I give her a catnip bag/toy, she'll leave us alone for a while so we can eat in peace. Maybe you can purchase healthy cat treats and feed him at mealtime.
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    stop feeding him your food - he'll get the idea after awhile. You can always put him in another room when you eat till he understands your food isn't his.

    Sounds like a love
  6. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    He is a total love...but he was after my food long before he got any. He only got on my lap twice today at lunch so I'm hoping thats a step in the right direction
  7. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    definitely just keep putting him down on the floor when he jumps up and don't ever feed him human food while you're eating. He'll get the jist. It just takes time.

    EDITED TO ADD: I recently adopted a kitty that is super affecionate and insists on sleeping on my lap and crawling all over me all the time. I've had her for a week and have weened her off the needy behavior a bit already. I'll let her sleep on me occassionally and crawl on me occasionally but half the time, I pick her up off me and put her on the floor and now she's starting to become a bit more indepandant and finding other places to snuggle up to and sleep at. For kittens as well as kids, behavor is taught. If you let them get their way all the time, then they've taught YOU to live with their behavor ;)

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