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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Trixiepoo, Jun 10, 2004.

  1. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Ooooo today it was like 93 degrees out and after the paper route Trixie went in the pool 4 the first time!!! She was so cute at first she was afraid but then she loved it. It is so funny watching her do the "doggie paddle" Although if she ever makes a hole in the liner hehe Im dead. Whose else has a doggy pool/swimming story????

    ~ :shock: ~
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    When I was a child we had a mutt and we wanted to see if he would swim so we put him in our wating pool and he freaked out. We quickly took him out and he would never return near water again. I felt so horrible afraid I had tramatized him for life but he would tolerate a bath and suffered no ill side effects or nightmares. Sorry not such a happy story as yours but its a pool story!

    Glad to hear your pup liked the water! Man I want a pool its getting so hot here, wonder if the neighbors would stare if I got in the kids little disney princess pool? LOL
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    pool? are you kidding!?!? :) oh, I don't take Bailey out in "public" wet.... hehe...

    You guys need to share pics!
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I had a rotty named nala and we have an above the ground pool she LOVED IT i had to cover it when we were not home because i could not keep her out of it she would jump in and swim around and around till she was so out of breath. I taught her how to put her feet on the ladder and rest when she got tired she was so cute. I had to buy a new pool every year but it was worth it she had so much fun but she couldnt get out by her self i was trying to teach her how to use the ladder but she didnt like that she would just jump in and wait for me to pull her out. i'm really going to miss her this year when i put up the pool it wont be the same with out her :cry: My yorkies on the other hand my son put them in last year sebastain freak out and sank and i had to pull him up and jasmine just freaked they didnt swim or even try they just sank and tried to get out but when we went camping and i was in the lake they had no problem running out to me then climbing me to pick them up. we will see how they like the pool this year they are a year older now hopefully they will like it.
  5. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    my girlfriend has a yorkie (pookie) and they have an above ground pool but it has an enclosure all around, its rectangular, it was like 4 feet I think, when you went in the pool in the middle you could call Pookie and she would jump in and swim then you just set her out she :eek: :eek: :eek: could run around and keep doing it, it was soooo cute to see Pookie do that... :p :wink:

    Now my Max on the other hand my dad got an inground pool last year and we went over, the steps have a jacuzzi and it is shallow, Max he jumped in but only on the first step, he would run when you tried to grab him but he just has to be wherever I am so he followed. I bought a cheap plastic one last year and tried to put Max in it but he didn't seem to care about it. I will try in a month or so w/both boys now, some dogs love water mine tolerate it.......... :eek: :eek:

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