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good and bad news

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. So its the third week for the mange pups. Three are still left. Two have their hair back and are doing great One isn't doing so great. He's actually lost more hair. The vet seems to think the meds are working. SO He's going to try something else. My funds are limited here. And the Houston SPCA will put the puppy down. SO he's not going there. Special Paws is overcrowded as it is, and Pups, well none of the volunteers have room for him either!!!! I don't know what to do!!

    The vet assistant has been doing her best to help out. (thank god for her!) and she's going to adopt Rue.

    But I don't know what to do about this one.... he's almost completely bald now!!!! There may be a total of 200 hairs on his entire body and the most of it is on his tail!

    He's not itching, scratching, or biting. And his sores are all cleared up. The vet is at his whits end as to why the hair is continuing to fall out. Skin biopsies and test have all come back clear. The mange is gone. But NO HAIR!!!!

    What do yall think? Granvel thinks the dip killed all the hair. and thats why its not growing back. OTher than no hair. He's the bounciest, (loudest) puppy of them all!!! OH he may be the smallest but he can eat the most!!!!
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    :roll: Well hairless is nothing to get weirded out about. Some people purposely buy dogs with no hair. Their are the simpythizer type of people that look for dogs with oddities and don't have a chance to be adopted out. Maybe he will be one of them. He'll just need sunscreen.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sam have you thought about listing him online? With all the animals you take in you really should get registered as a Rescue.
    I have a friend who designs websites and IM positive he would make a website for you for free considering it would be for such a good cause. It would be much easier for you to get the dogs adopted out or find fosters when you are overloaded if you had a website to posts available animals. And once you are a registered rescue there are many transport people who all pull together to help out as well as private pilots who do transport for nonprofit organizations. And some airlines will also give rescues hefty discounts for shipping animals.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm trying to work on a web page now. I'm not all that great at it. I've alread applied for my 501(c)3 tax certificate...

    I'm thinking of partenering up with PUPS here in Bellville. We're looking into a building now to use as the shelter.
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    sam- I agree with Gina H. If you had a website, think of all the NATIONAL contacts you have right here who would pitch in and help with transport, etc. What great way for all of us to be able to help in the rescue of these desrving babies and a great way to help out a truly deserving human too. (That means you by the way! :D )
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Since the mange has been taken care of you might start with the healing of the skin. Grace had a bad rash and I started giving her suppiments with Brewers Yeast, omega3 fatty acids, garlic, proteins, zinc and biotin. It heals the skin and promotes hair growth.

    The suppliment is called EXCEL. It's tasty chewable tabs. I give them to my dogs all the time, now, just to keep their fur really shiney and keep their skin healthy.

    You can get it at PetsMart, feed and grain store, or most any pet supply stores.

    Also wiping them down with apple cider vinegar helps heal skin, also.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WEll their skin seems to be fine. All the little sores have heeled, and its nice and soft. No dander, or flakes.
    It just looks like someone shaved him bald! WE ot the results back from all his tests, and he's fine. healthy, no infections, bugs, or allergies!!!!

    So I was doing some yahoo searches for "dipping reactions and side effects" it listed that , loss of hair may occur in dogs with low tollerances.

    SO I guess there's my answer. WE make srue he's got lots of sun screen on him. He's got black skin, but I imagine it will still burn. WE keep them in the pens in the garage during the day, and in the evenings we take hims out to play for a few hours before dark. I'm just scared he's going to end up getting sunburned!

    On a good note, They are getting BIG! He's smaller than the other two, but he eats the most, and plays the hardest, Last night, he was running throught the back yard. And I guess he got side tracked.... well he attempted to cut a corner really fast, and BOOM! Ran smack dad it to a tree! HE kinda got up shook off and looked at me like: "mom!!! Where did that come from!" It was tooo funny. He's got a small scratch on the top of his head, but he's ok...
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    One other thing to remember with the hairless fellow is he will need a sweater to keep himself warm.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats true. I'll make sure all his needs are taken care of. I doubt he'll ever leave. :roll: But, if the right family comes along. I'll be sure to let them know that ONLY the BEST is for him. He's a special ugly little guy! Who's going to need a lot of attention! He's definaltly a ladies man! he he he....he has this stuffed bunny....its sooo gross its funny! He'll be getting neutered jsut as soon as I feel he's up to it. Theya re almost 2 1/2 months old. And the best part about him, he's only like 5-6 lbs! The other two are almost 10-12!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could probably find a home for him if you call him some exotic hairless breed. :)

    Then again, people who would want him because of that would probably NOT be good people to adopt him.

    Of course, we want pictures of the homely little guy.

  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    What if he does have some hairless breed in his genetics. Its possible.
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    you know, I didn't think about that one! Maybe some Chineese crested? That could explain his petiteness......

    Granvel Calls him little Rat...Sooo mean, but it really does fit him!
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You should find out what "rat" is in some other languages. Or try to think of a famous rat name. All I am coming up with is Disney's Ratigan, but he was a villian. Then again, probably most movie rats are...

  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh this little rat is a villian!!!! He got ahold of one of Granvels welding gloves! OMG, he freeked out! All the fingers are chewed off, and if any of you women have welder men, you'd know a pair of gloves is their Religious Object. And they cost like $50 a pair!
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I don't weld at work, but if somebody tore up my work gloves I'd be pissed. I have them all broken in. I bet he's pissed.

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