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Budgie Cage

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Aqueous, Jun 12, 2004.

  1. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    OK I've seen this new budgie cage at my local pet store since around Christmas and I've always wanted to get it but I'm just not sure if I should. The corners of the cage are made out of rounded plastic ( could be acrylic) and the sides are the normal cars. It's supposed to keep the seeds and feather inside of the cage (instead of all over my floor).

    Just wondering what everyone's opinion of this cage is.

  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi that cage is fantastic, I dont see why you culd not have your birds in there providing you dont have more than 2 in the cage is fine some cages are big enough for 4birds.

    But if you want that cage you go get it as its fab i want one now heheheheh

    Please let us know if you decide on purchasing the cage.

    mike :D
  3. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    I have it!

    I have that cage, the vison 110 with stand it's great! It does everything it says but you have to clean the towers every once in a while, and the grate on the bottom too. Sometimes seed hulls get past the tray and rest below it (hard to explain) but all you have tot do is vacum it or wipe it out. The stand is perfect to keep things in. It's an awesome cage and I hope you get it. Angel has so much fun climbing around and hanging upside down. :lol:

    Try to get one with the 'bonus', a bath and splash guard. They are good.
  4. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    i have a friend who got this cage & there budgie got it's foot stuck where the food goes so watch out for this i will see If I can find the post
  5. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

  6. lilest Budgie

    lilest Budgie New Member

    Not true.

    About that post F.Y.I you can easily hang toys. There is bars on the top as seen in my picture. The towers stop drafts, I don't think the over heating thing is true. Plus Angel has a ball climbing all over the bars, and specialy sticking his head up throught the 'bubble's at the top. I don't think a birds foot can get caught unless you take it out while the bird is on it. Of course you decide, this is just my opinion, some people in that post only seen a picture on the computer. So you decide I'm just giving my opinion, some people may think it's bad but you make your judgement :)

    Let us know whats your choice.

    go 2 http://community.webshots.com/album/141350017VnWMUA 4 the picture. Refresh if it dosent show 'cage top'
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    That cage looks fantastic! If I knew a store that sold that exact cage I would buy it in a second! I don't foresee anything wrong with it!
  8. GogetasWR

    GogetasWR New Member

    beautiful cage.....what's the price? :lol:
  9. GogetasWR

    GogetasWR New Member

  10. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    enought room for them to climb to get there excerise no less than 24' i guess

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