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Help me design a new dog park, Need ideas.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I am currently designing another dog park to be located in one of our existing county parks. This one will be much smaller than our first one as the site is only about 3 acres. I posted a copy of the schematic layout here but you will have to rotate the pdf drawing to view it correctly: http://home.flash.net/~jdebess/Photos/dogpark.pdf
    I am thinking about creating some special doggie play equipment. One idea is to add some of the agility equipment but lower and wider like the balance beam, hurdles, and seesaw. I would like to innovate other things that the dogs might be able to enjoy on their own. One idea is to create a tunnel out of concrete pipe maybe with a couple of turns for them to explore.
    I would love to install one of those splash pads where the water jets up from different nozzels in a random pattern. I may work with one of the spray park equipment maunfacturers to see if they could create a simple splash park for dogs.
    Please post any ideas you may have based on watching your own dog at play.
    Lets think "Outside the box" and not worry about what it might cost.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh thats a great Idea!!!!

    The concrete colverts would work for the tunnels!!!

    On the diagram you have, what are the circles for??? Just curious.

    I think a small adgility equipment section woul dbe a good idea too. Maybe people would see it and get intrested in the sport with their dogs. I would have a section designated for "throwing" area. That way people walking their dogs in other areas won't have to worry about flying objects hurdling over their heads!
  3. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I think a "sand box" area, that was just basically lots of soft sand would be lovely for dogs to play in and especially dig!! I know Cameron loves to dig in the sand!
  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Sam, The circles represent trees. This site has a beautiful tree cover. I'm leary about installing actual agility equipment because some idiots would try to use it without proper training and I'm affraid dogs could hurt themselves. Should I be concerned about that?
    Puggle. Like the sand idea. I do remember that my old Lab really loved the beach and though sand was Gods gift to dogs.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    On all arenas and horse barns (as well as mine!!!) Fenced in areas, EVerywhere! There are signs that state in no way are the property owners liable for any injuries occured. All animals should be properly trained before using the equipment.

    the signs state the law, an dall the technical stuff... and should be placed on every fence at a minimum of 50' apart.

    I would also reccommend having MANY trash cans with signs stating a fine will be issued for not picking up the "poo" and trash that the dogs might make. Also have a signs stating that video servalance is in use! whether or not you have it, its still a good deterant!!!

    I think the sand idea is a good idea. ALso maybe a swimming area???

    Let me know when you have the grand opening! I would LOVE to be there!
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think I would worry about real agility equipment as well. You could modify it to make it safe, though - tunnels are a great idea. A few sets of weave poles would be easy and safe - dogs wouldn't play with them by themselves, but it might be really appreciated by agility people who could get a bit of extra training in. A very low, wide dog walk would probably be safe, but I don't see dogs wanting to go on it just for fun. Nala goes over the jumps (sometimes) and into the tunnels on her own. The other stuff is only good for getting treats. Oh, and she used to jump on the table - I think she felt like she was standing on the furniture.

    Can you put in a pool for swimming? It would need to be fenced so that dogs who can't swim would not have access.

    Is this a fenced off-leash park? Is the small dog part fenced off from the large dog part?

    Our Bark Park has about 5 kennels so that you can kennel your dog if it needs a cooling down period, or you can kennel one dog while you work with another. It also has several watering stations and several stations with plastic bags and trash receptacles for cleaning up after your dog.

    A digging pit would be great! Some dogs would go nuts for that. I also like the idea of the water fountains.

  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I would be leary of agility equipment and pool because of libility issues. I think the sprays/fountains that come come from the ground liked you talked about is a great idea.

  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    This area is too small for a swimming hole like we have at the large Millie Bush Bark Park. I go out there with the boys every weekend and the swimming hole is the most used feature by all of the dogs. The non-swimmers splash around the edge barking at the swimmers. Almost every time I go I hear someone say " I didn't know my dog could swim."
    I'm going to try to sell the Precinct on the splash pad concept. Duke goes crazy when I am using the hose to water the yard. He bites at the stream then runs when I squirt at him. I can chase him all over the yard with the sprayer.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Another thing I love about our Bark Park is the double fence at the gate - like an airlock kind of concept. You go in the first gate and close it behind you. Then you can take leashes off and open the second gate into the park. That way if someone in the park runs through, they are not loose - you can just shoo them back out into the park.

  10. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    The double gated entry/exit is included. That is a standard design element for most dog parks.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    The double gated entry/exit is included. That is a standard design element for most dog parks."
    where were you when they desinged ours? :mrgreen:
    and its not that old

    Wylie just loves to chase the hose water.

  12. Nik

    Nik New Member

    This all sounds so great!

    We don't have them here, just fields and places where you can take dogs but they're not specifically for dogs so for the most part you have to keep them on a leash :(

    Maybe you'd like a holiday Dukesdad? With your team of designers? Somewhere where it rains? You know you want to :lol:
  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe Nik, I was just gonna ask him to make a trip to Canada. Maybe he can take 2 vacations. ;)

    The dog parks here are just open fields with hills. Nothing fancy, one is right on the river, but that's about it.

    I wouldn't be able to enjoy it with Harley, but I could always take my mom's lab to it.

    What do ya say dukesdad? Wanna make a trip to Canada eh?
  14. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    How fun Dukesdad! I think that as far as the agility equipment goes...just like using the park in the first place, you do so at your own risk. The tunnels actually worry me. When you put that many dogs together, the chances of a dog fight increase, the thought of two dogs fighting and not being reachable scares me. Have you ever tried to break up a dog fight in a crate? It's just a thought.
    I think a communtiy board with an overhang to protect it from the weather is a good idea. A place for educational resources to be posted. Such as microchip and spay/neuter info., socialization tips, proper doggie ettiquette etc. Sports events, lost dogs...you name it. I like the idea of a wading pool or some sort of water feature...my dogs would be in heaven.
    With all the building we are doing here I have discovered my dogs love to play king of the hill....we have a large pile of dirt in the backyard and the dogs love to stand on the top and check things out...they play games using the hill. Dooley actually takes his basketball up to the top and lets it roll down...chasing it of course. So maybe something other than flat terrain.
  15. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Wow, maybe it is theh town I love in, but there is nothing like that for dogs.

    Any Canadians (Torontonians) out there???
    Any one know where I can find a dog park in the Durham Region?

  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I've got it!!!! You could have an area specifically for training!!! I know most people want to train their dogs, but generally don't have an area to do it in! LIke, Teaching the dog to stay, and walking far enough away from them.....things liek that. Also would be good to have a trainer (who would volunteer) on a monthly basis to give basic handling techniques.

    I know space is limited, but perhaps a bleacher area where people who don't have dogs, but love the heck out of them would be able to come and sit and watch them play??
  17. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I can't look at your .pdf file at the moment... apparently my acrobat took a dive and I didn't know it, so gotta reload it..... in the meantime, do you have separate sections for the big dogs and small/timid dogs? I don't know if that's a standard.

    Also, the dog park we go to (only one I've been to) has fire hydrants all around the areas... I thought that was such a cute idea. ;) I looooooove the idea you had about the water/fountains! I guess the "mom" in me started thinking: water + sand = not a nice ride home in the car. If you have both, then I guess a hosing off area outside to use would be a good idea. Heck, ya might as well have warm towels there too! (ha ha....kidding)...
  18. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Yes we do provide separate areas fro smaller dogs. Some of those small terriers are real agressive so it's good to keep them separate and getting in trouble with the larger dogs. :D

    You last suggestions are in the plans for the Millie Bush Park. We are pushing the Precinct to complete Phase II which will contain areas for training, agility, flyball, and even seqarch and rescue. Bleachers will be installed for spectators.

    Keep the ideas coming. I am making a list to discuss with the dog park association.
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hmmm. I think I have to move there. Ummm, where are you again? :)

  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Dukesdad.....Here's what Granvel thought....

    A sign that says, All unaltered dogs must be kept on a leash!!!

    I was shocked!!! I didn't know that male brain actually worked! LOL...

    I thinks its a good idea, that way no ACCIDENTS so to speak can happen. And its a general assumption that unaltered males (and females) pose a threat to other dogs. A female in heat (and why anyone would bring a female in heat to a dog park, baffles me, but it happens) It would really decrease the the chances of un neutered males, fighting over her.....

    Just another thought!

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