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any advice about owning a cat? eg essential needs

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by xxrachfromtheukxx, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    hey guys.

    im getting one of my friends kittens. its 7 weeks old and im gonna pick it up next week. please can u advise me on like every detail of a cats needs, and what i wud have to buy for it like a bed n things.
    thanks much appreciated :D
  2. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I'm sure there is much more but off the top of my head.....

    Food/water bowls....NOT PLASTIC

    Scratching post/s......with siscal(sp?) rope

    Toys...but be selective...it's funny what they will and will not play with...some are just happy with a paper bag and a cardboard box...lol
    My cats favorites are the fuzzy mice and a plastic circle with a ball that zooms along the outside with a cardboard center for scratching. Lazer pointers seem to be very popular too. Just be careful when using it not to go near the cats eye's.

    I would also suggest a water bottle. Use this when the kitty is doing something he/she is not suppose to like digging in house plants or scratching furniture.

    Well thats my 2 cents. I'm sure others will have more for you!

    Best of luck with your new kitty!
  3. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    thanks a lot for that :D its rlly helpful!
    i find it hard 2 believe u guys live in america n all over the place lol!
    i live in sunny england.......... NOT :(
    is everyone on this board like years older than me lol? im 14 :oops:
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats! Taking care of a kitten is a lot of work and I'm sure you are anticipating it as well as looking forward to reaping the rewards. It will be a lot of fun!!!

    -Do you have a good vet /emergency 24 hr clinic/hospital picked out yet?
    -Is the kitten dewormed and had its first vaccinations?
    -Make sure it does not have ear mites/fleas and physical problems. The first vet visit will take care of that. Make sure you bring your kitten to see a good vet right away and be ready to neuter or spay your cat when the time is right, before 6 months of age.

    -Need good quality food. Stay away from grocery store brands. They contain a lot of fillers (junk) like corn + gluten + meat by products. Go to your local pet stores and look for brands like Wellness, Innova, Chicken Soup, etc. Get both can/soft and dry foods. The first 3 ingredients should be wholesome meats. Stay away from liver, giblets, and fish as main ingredients as well.

    -Metal bowls that are secured are great for food + water. Clean them 1-2x daily.

    Cats will play with almost anything like wtpooh said. Paper, plastic, card board box, tissue boxes are free and lots of fun! Fishing poles with feathers or mice on the ends are great too. Turbo scratchers, flash lights, or lazer pointers are popular. Scratching posts are a must, at least in my household. I have those short ones that you place at the ends of sofas. They will leave your sofas alone! I also have a tree furniture- great excercise for my 4 kitties. Strings, ribbons are wonderful, but make sure your kitten doesn't swallow them.

    Zoom Groom, a must after your cat is a year old , it will shed a lot. Start early and get your cat used to the idea of getting groomed.
    Teeth- I have no idea. I bet Chessmind has great suggestions. He's a dentist! My Monty is the only one with bad kitty teeth that needs professional cleaning 1x year. I know some people wipe their cat's teeth with toothbrushes or cloths. MY cats would chew off my fingers and scratch me if I tried cleaning them.

    An enclosed one is nice. You can save some money by buying a $4 plastic container and plexiglass to cover 2 sides so if you end up with a boy, they won't overshoot the box when he pees.

    Cat litter:
    Very personal. I like the no-track, easy clump and scoopable clay litter. Arm and Hammer is a good brand.

    Cats don't really need beds. They sleep everywhere- on you, on the bed, under the bed, in cabinets, on top of cabinets, floors, rugs, carpets, chairs, sofas, bathtubs and sinks. You can buy regular cat/dog beds. They like curling up in them especially in the winter time.

    I never win. My cats own me. The spray bottle don't work on them. They are not afraid. On second thought if Milo is extra frisky, all I have to do is pull out a plastic bag and shake it and he runs away and is calmed down immediately.

    That's all I could think of right now. I'm sure others here will correct me if I give out the wrong advice. Enjoy your new cat and let us know how it goes. And don't forget to post pictures! We love pictures!!!
  5. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    i will put the pics up asap! shes adorable u shud see her! shes like jst a bit bigger than my hand! :D bless her!
    cant wait to show her off 2 u all! 8)
    vene can i have a look at your cat? got any pics?
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    What's her name? Here are my kitties: Pumpkin, Milo, Rene, and Monty!




  7. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    awww how adorable! their eyes r gorgeous! well her name is chinky at the moment lol which her owners av given her but obvz im not 2 happy with shoutin chinky in2 the yard wen calling her in, i quite like the name phobe lol? wat dya fink? :?
  8. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    oh and also what a cute little baby! bless! :cry: lol
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you for the compliment! What does Phobe mean? Do you mean Phoebe? I gotta see her pic and know her personality first to decide if it fits her. Phobe sound nice, but it does sound like a short name for Phobia.

    Are you going to let her outdoors? Will she be safe from predators like dogs/ coyotes and cars? Will she be on a leash?
  10. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    SORRY :D i meant phoebe lol! shes gorgeous. shes all black n like the size of my hand with little blue eyes. im in love lol! :lol: yeh she will be fine with cars, its quiet here in the part of england i live. i need 2 have her vaccinated 1st 2! :) how old r they when theyre due their 1st vaccination? sorry about all these questions it must be so annoying :oops: lol! but as ive said im only 14 lol and never had this much responsibility be4!
    cant thank u enough!
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Rachael, I hope this helps. You are no bother, and definitely not annoying. You will not learn if you don't ask questions. I'm learning too from reading your post as I just figured out how to paste the url. Please read this page:

  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    my cats name is pheobe. we never knew how to spell phoebe so we always spelt her name pheobe and its stuck. we didnt name her, the rspca did and they microchipped her as that. it suits her though, shes all ladylike and delicate.
  13. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    yea thats what my phoebes like, shes really timid n walks round with a certain air about her lol 8) cnt wait!
    2morro night guys! :D
    i promise 2 post piccys!

    and thanks 4 that vene :p
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. You have a lot of great advice here. :D As for the teeth, a lot of vets suggest brushing your cat's teeth when they are about a year old. So, at least that's one less thing you have to worry about for now.
  15. xxrachfromtheukxx

    xxrachfromtheukxx New Member

    thanks for all the help. going to pick her up tonight. i will post pictures when we get some :D

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