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Anybody with a mastiff out there? Help?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Belles_mom, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Belles_mom

    Belles_mom New Member

    I have a mastiff that is going to be 1 on 7/28. We've never had one before nor do we know many people with them. Belle has two big balls on her elbows and they feel like fluid sacks. She has been to the vet and he said something about them being hematomas (Ithink thats what he said?) and that its from dropping on her elbows too hard on the hard floor. We got her pillows and she's allowed on the couch too but we have two friends who have had mastiffs and they have never seen anything like it with theres. Do anyone out there have any clue or have you had anything like this??

    The largest one has gotten infected now and she has to start antibiotics or they will have to be surgically removed.

    Thanks .. .
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm afraid I can't be much help to you. But I do know that "hematoma" is a fancy name for a bruise...

  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    sounds to me like it has become abscessed. Sometimes that happens with dogs when they get scratches or bruises. I would take her back to the vet and ask about it being a possible abscess. If that is what it is it can be very easily drained by your vet.
    Good Luck to you and Welcome to the board! :D
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I've never heard of it either. A friend of mine had a mastiff. He was the sweetest boy.

    Good luck, let us know what the vet says, or if he needs surgery.

    Welcome to the board!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    hopefully Srah sees this, she has a boerbel,l which are like mastiffs mayve she can help

  6. Belles_mom

    Belles_mom New Member

    I'm going to take pictures of them tonight with my digital camera and load them up tomorrow and see if that might help with what I'm trying to describe. They aren't graphic or nasty or anything like that. Thanks for the help so far though!
  7. Belles_mom

    Belles_mom New Member

  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I looked at your pictures. They're not hemotomas. Like Jamiya says, that's just another name for a bruise, or bleeding under the skin

    Some dogs get fatty tumors which aren't serious. But if it's in a place where it's constantly getting bumped, they could get infected. Since it's on the leg area, they may have to be removed. Of couse your Vet may want to do a biopsy on them to make sure it's nothing more.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Well I've taken a look... At first I thought maybe this dog had the callouses that they get sometimes that had absessed or something... But it looks like a fatty tumor that ended up in the same spot that also takes a lot of abuse and that usually would form a callous... So it would absess much easier than a regular callous... Personally I would see if you couldn't find a vet in your area that has a lot more experience with large breed dogs like the Mastiff breeds. I know that a lot of times if it's a rare deal (as this seems to be) only the people with lots of experience with the breed would know how to deal with it...

    You can post your questions and links to your pictures on "Molosser-Talk" a message board devoted to Bullys and Mastiff breeds and I bet you'll get a REALLY good response from people who probably know more about this condition than I do... Let me know if you need the link... A google search should bring it up as the 5th or 6th result...

    I would for sure though get a second opinion from a vet that specializes more in Mastiff. Have you contacted your dog's breeder? Their vet may be able to help out more...
  10. Sara

    Sara New Member

    This dog has the Callouses that I thought you might be talking about... it would look similar if these calouses absessed.


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