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2week old pit

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Pit_Bull_Fan, Mar 26, 2004.

  1. Pit_Bull_Fan

    Pit_Bull_Fan New Member

    i have a new 2 week old pit what age can she start eating dog food :?: [/b]
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    How is it you have a 2 wk old pup? What are you feeding it now? How often are your feedings? It will be around 5 wks before a pup can eat anything but mother's milk/formula. Consult with a vet A.S.A.P. OH, I hope your little pup is doing fine. I had an Aussie pup at 4 wks. and I had to feed her formula for two weeks every four to six hours, just like a baby.
    Good luck with your pup! Lets us know how it turns out.
  3. chickee

    chickee New Member

    Better get it to the vet. How in the heck are you feeding it? How do you have such a young pup?? Two weeks? OMG. Did the mama die? :cry: They are still very suseptable to dieing at this age. You have at least another week they should be on mom's milk. You can start WEANING them at 3 wks - 4 wks.
  4. chickee

    chickee New Member

    They are perfectly able to start going into mush at this age and earlier. I always start weaning when they are between 3wks - 4 wks. Saves on wear and tear on mama.
  5. Walt

    Walt New Member

    I gotta admit I to am curious about how you came across a 2 week old pup :?:
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Yup, everyones asked it, but I will now repeat it. EEKKKK!! 2 weeks, that is very very young my friend. I hope you are ready for a possible plethra of problems to come. I would consult with a vet very soon. You have not given us any information on the dog. What happened to the mother. Did you just buy a dog at 2 weeks. I don't know about the food thing, go with Chickee, she seems to be dead on most of the time. ;)
    Good luck to you, I have a feeling you are going to have your hands full.

    Chickee - one question, when you wean at 4 weeks, do you keep them with the mother and other pups still and just feed them other supplements? I am just curious to know. In the all dogs forum there was a huge debate about when to wean and the consensus was 8-10 weeks to help with socialization and decrease risk of Seperation Anxiety. Just want to know your take on it.

  7. chickee

    chickee New Member

    Weaning is slowly taking the pups off of mother's milk and getting them used to eatting/slurping food, alot like you do your own children from bottle to cup. For instance, the 1st day, you make up a watery substance and introduce each individual pup to it. I usually put some on my finger and give them a taste. Doing this several times a day. Next day doing this again of course. As they catch on, they will start slurping this from a dish. Each day you make it more thicker. In the beginning, mother and babies are together. It isn't until they are really slurping good, that I will take mom away from the pups and let her come in a few times aday. Then a couple times, then maybe once a day toward the end. This whole process USUALLY takes a week, but sometimes longer. It's your call on how puppies are catching on. In MY opinion, keeping puppies on mom for 8 - 10wks, and that IS a long time, runs her down even more. Puppies are drinking way more milk than they did when they were small. Damn! Do you know how big 8 - 10 wk old pups are? lol!
    Maybe they are referring to that age of the time they are actually going to their new homes? That sounds more like it. And if that is the case, I would agree. I do not let puppies go to their new homes until they are at least 8 wks. But this is different from 'weaning'...

    PS. And no, I do not give them any suppliments. There is no need to if the dog food you are giving is nutritious. Over supplimenting is not good.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Thanks for your response. I had assumed weaning was just getting off mommys milk, but wasn't too sure. Hehe I leave the breeding to professionals. ;) Thanks for clarifying. The 8-10 weeks, was for the new homes. I kinda thought that it was all done at the same time.

    Love your doggie by the way. I also love to see pics if you've got more.

    *whispers* pictures......

    Have a great weekend Chickee! I love Fridays!!!!
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh boy, 2 weeks!!!! Man have you got your hands full. I bottle fed a litter of 4 one time, and it ain't easy. Three died within a couple of days, and the other (after having its vaccinations) died from parvo at 6 wks.

    Usually you bottle feed either "pet milk" or you can suppliment it with dehydrated goats milk (way watered down).
    Feed them every 2-3 hours. Once they open their eyes and begin to move around you can start the process chickee explained.

    Good luck. Your vet should be able to help you with the most of it!
  10. Pit_Bull_Fan

    Pit_Bull_Fan New Member

    i havent got it yet but the guy he's giving them away after 2weeks.its been feeding off its mother. i never had a pup that young so i wanted to know if it can or can't eat dog food. what kind of formula should i get
  11. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    huh? why on earth is he letting the dogs go at 2 weeks? expect problems.
  12. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Do not take the dog from that man. A pup should not be seperated from it's mother any earlier than 6 weeks old (8 weeks is preferable). Why can the dog not stay with him and the pup's momma for at least 4 more weeks? If you get a 2 week old pup, (as others have said) you'll have to feed it formula every however many hours (2-3, I think). Then, even if you try your best to take care of the pup, there is a good possibility that it will die anyway. And if it lives, be prepared for temperament problems around you, other people, and especially other animals. I would advise that you ask the breeder if he/she can keep the pup one more month, and then you'll take him/her. Why is he in such a hurry to get rid of the pup anyway?!?!?! At that age, the pup has just got his/her site and hearing, and will barely be able to really crawl, let alone really walk. For what it's worth, I would not get this pup. Especially if you are buying it. You never have explained the situation though. Is this a purchase, or did this guy find the pup and can't take care of it, so he's looking for someone to 'rescue' it. Or did the momma die during delivery? Or is he just tired of dealing with the pups, and wants them gone? If the last is the case, you need to resport him to your local human society/ASPCA/etc. Selling pups at 2 weeks is not only stupid, but (in my opinion) really cruel and uncaring. Why do you want this pup, anyway? Well, if you get him/her, you are in for a handful. I've never dealt with it myself, but from others' descriptions, it's harder than a newborn baby (human, of course). Please give us a little background on why he wants to get rid of the pup so quick, and why you want to take him/her in.
  13. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    As a matter of fact, please post some sort of contact info for this guy. I'd like to talk to him personally, then possibly report him to the ASPCA and ADBA (if ADBA reg dogs) depending on the whole story.
  14. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    There is a "mothers milk" formula, don't know the exact name, but it is available at any vets. Also, if you have an animal feed and grain store, you might look there. It will be a lot less expensive.They will also have a feeding bottle almost like an infants, only smaller. Or you can use a large syringe to feed the pup. I found that using the syringe was more easier. They will suck on it just like a nipple. Do this untill almost five weeks. This is because they are not getting the proper nourishment it would normally get from the mother. Under normal situations, you could start weaning at 4 wks. Make sure you take the pup in and get the vaccination between 5 and 6 weeks. Maybe sooner because no adequate antibodies have been passed between mother and pup. Ask the vet. They will direct you to the best possible treatment for your pup. Good luck with the pup. I had a young pup, not as young as yours, but the bond is very strong between the pup and you. It will look to you as it's "Mother".
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hi here is a milk replacer recipe I have used this recipe before on orphaned puppies. I use just a baby bottle but the premie nipples as they are much smaller then the normal ones.
    You also need to know that aside from feeding keeping a 2 week old puppy warm is very important a chilled puppy will almost certainly die.
    You will need some source of heat rather it be a heat lamp or heating pad.
    There are also many different types of liquid vitamin supplements you can give young puppies if you have a local feed store or farmers supply store they will most likely have a good selection, We use nutra-sure puppy vitamins its a paste and it's liver flavored our puppies really seem to like it.
    Also you can get karo syrup at the grocery store just a small drop on the tongue before feeding will help with digestion.
    Good Luck To You.

    10 oz. evaporated milk (whole fat or part skim -- do not use all skim) or goat's milk
    3 oz. sterilized water (baby water or boiled water) -- delete if using goat's milk
    1 egg yolk (raw)
    2T regular mayonnaise (optional)
    1 cup whole fat yogurt (whole fat or part skim -- avoid all skim)

    Place all ingredients in a blender and mix (or use a wire whisk) till well blended. Use all formula within 7 days.

    Warm formula to puppy body temperature before feeding. Always discard formula leftover at a feeding. If using a bottle, you may need to enlarge the hole slightly. It provides 11 calories per cc.
  16. Pit_Bull_Fan

    Pit_Bull_Fan New Member

    ok this is the hole story. last wendsday my friend told me that some guy was giving away these pit puppies 4 free. so i went over the mans house and asked him why is he giving them away free all he told me was " i just want to get rid of them" he said there were 9 pups but 5 died because the mom wouldent feed them, he had to keep getting up and make the mother feed the puppies. so i told him i take two of them, i would have gotten all of them because i love pits an i hate to see one die, but my mom only let me have two. and no i dont have any info on him. i know 2weeks is a very young age, and it will take a lot of work to keep them healthy that's why im trying to get as much info on how to take care of pups this young as i can, because i love pits and i'll do all i can to see these pups stay healthy.
  17. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    Adding to this, if you get the pup, and use a heating pad, DO NOT put the heating pad directly under the puppy. Make sure it is under a blanket (that he's laying on) or something - you wouldn't want to possibly burn the poor little guy.
  18. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi Lactol or Whelpi is a substitute milk which is used for bottle feeding and weaning puppies.
    They need to be fed every 2hours around the clock until you notice a good gain in there weight.
    Also when using a heat pad make sure there is a place in there bed they can goto if it gets too warm so make sure its not the whole bed that is heated as an over heated puppy will become very sick.

    Also since they are 2weeks old i would advice having them wormed just to make sure they dont have any.

    You can start weaning them on soft foods around 3-4 weeks old and you can also give them the substitute milk or water after there food.

    Good luck and please keep us posted of how the little ones get on and my thoughts are with you.
    I think its great your willing to take on this huge responsibilty :D

  19. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi hows the little one doing.
    My puppies are 1 week old today :)


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