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Just Jealousy?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    OK this is very weird? Pinky has all of sudden since Princess has arrived started going potty in the house? And now tonight out of the blue she is lifting her front leg as if she has hurt it? To my knowledge she has not. I honestly think she is faking it! And I think she is going potty in the house for attention. What do you guys think? Do dogs actually fake being hurt or ill? If she keeps up with the hurt leg thing IM going to take her to the vet just to be safe.
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Has Princess gone potty in the house? If she did, maybe Pinky is just copying her.

    If she's not lifting her leg or limping all the time, I's say she's probably wanting a little attention and sympathy. After all she's been the baby for awhile, now.

    I use to have a dog who would lift her front paw like it was hurt and all I had to say is "Poor Baby," and give her a few kisses and out the door she'd go.

    Hopefully she won't continue to do the potty thing. Just need time for adjustment to Princess.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Actually no Princess has not gone potty in the house. I was told that she was not potty trained but she has done great. Not one accident. So I don't know? I guess it is just jealousy.
  4. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Has Pinky injured her leg before and got heaps of attention for it?
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    No never...But she knows she's very special. She's deaf and every since we adopted her she has been babied and treated extra special due to her disability.
  6. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I had a vet tell me that dogs can fake injuries especially a limp. Hopefully it is just an adjustment thing!!
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I would also think it was a psychological thing, but she may not realize she is doing it at all.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I've known horses to fake a limp to get out of being ridden or something... So it's possible...

    Hunnyjade is pouting due to the new puppy... I keep telling her only for a few months and then the puppy will be big enough to go out and play with the big dogs... She does well though as long as I give her some good one on one attention. That might be the key for you.
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Sassy (my mare, I know not a dog, but same thing) WE brought home a very special LSER mare, she stared to limp and roll and moan! We thought "oh great, she's colicing!!! So off to the vet we rushed, We get there, the mare's looking at us like we're stupid, And Slaudeck, our vet, he just laughed because nothing was wrong with her.

    So we get home, settle her back in to the pasture, and go tend to Jett, All the sudden we hear this moaning, and she's thrashing on the ground.... WE rush to the vet for the second time that day. She's fine.

    We finally figured it out. She knows how ot get attention fast!!! So now when we mess with him, and she starts her little antics, I dont' freek out right away. Its just jelousy. But after we're finished messing with him, WE'll check her out and love her too!

    She's sooo spoiled its not even funny. SHe's been known to let the other horses out of their pastures!!! Like she's telling them, "there, go home!"
  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    You know, I was just thinking, animal are a lot like kids.
    I knew this lady who had a little 4 yrs boy who was potty trained and everything, when she brought her new baby daughter home, the 4 yr old started wetting the bed at night. She thought maybe her son just wanted the same attention the new baby was getting.
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I think it is jealously, I have heard dogs mimicking being hurt to get attention. and as for the peeing that is also probalby jealously.

    Make sure you lavish Pinky wiht withaattentiona and I would back off giving antention to Princess in front of Pinky.

    You have this new dog taking her away from you and she doesnt like it. so again make sure Pinky is not getting ignored

    but it sould works things out make sure you get something to get that smell out.


  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Dogs definitely can fake an injury to get attention. Probably that's all the peeing in the house is, too. Make sure you give her some undivided attention so she knows mommy still loves her just as much. :)

  13. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe I would DEFINATELY say its jealousy. Try to spend some alone time with Pinky. Honestly, it happens with human kids all the time. Very weird.

    Harley is my only dog, but if I want to stop playing and she doesn't she will stand there with her front left paw in the air. Silly girl!! Like I'm gonna keep playing if she's hurt!! But, it does work like a charm. She just looks too funny with her paw in the air and ball in her mouth.

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