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New Puppy - Do I need to say more? ;-)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Bianca_E, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Bianca_E

    Bianca_E New Member

    Hello there,

    This is my first time here, so please be gentle ;-)
    Ok so we bought a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy, exactly a week ago.

    the first few days were fine, apart from the usual, doing her business inside, chewing everything, not sleeping at night, nothing we didn't expect.

    I managed to teach her sit and down, also from time to time she will actually come when we call her, when we go outside to do her business and I walk away afterwards I call her and she trots next to me.

    She knows to sit and let me walk through the door first, to sit when I give her food etc etc etc..

    Now, she doesn't understand the word NO. I tried everything from a sudden NOO!! to a firm low NO Zhenga...she doesn't even look at us.
    She just carries on, I tried clapping my hands, rattling a cane with pennies in it, clapping my hands she will look at me, I praise her for stopping and 1 second later we are back at chewing or doing whatever she isn't suppose to be doing.

    What can we do? We already sprayed some "Pets off" stuff on the carpet, but I think she got used to this now and doesn't mind it anymore...well thats great for her...

    Yesterday and today I feel she is really testing me, specially me not my girlfriend, I am usually the one who is home with her all day so I am the one who feeds, trains and takes her out. but the last two days she really is testing me, she tries to bite all the time ( I know its playful) I take her by the collar she will try to bite me and get out of the collar, I tell her to come, she ignores me, No doesn't exist for her anyway.

    I think slowly but surely she establishs herself as the boss of the house, perhaps she doesn't trust or respect me?

    Or is all this normal and I am just too tired and exhausted to see the funny side of things?

    Please say anything, please let me see a light at the end of the tunnel ;-)

    Many thanks in advance
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    She is testing you. Ridgebacks are strong mided dogs. And thats why they make great hunting dogs. You need to start some real obediance training now. nip the bad habbits in the butt.

    When she's chewing on something she's not supposed to, repremend her and then give her something she can chew on. Then praise her when she plays with it, or chews on it.

    As for the biting. IF she bites you, Yell really loud, A sharp sqeel. Then leave her. Don't let her see you, or hear you. Only do this for about 10 minutes at a time. and EVERY time she does it. She'll learn that biting hurts you, and you won't tollorate being around her when she bites.

    Kennling her, or moving her to another room when she bites is best.

    Ridgebacks need LOTS of exersize. They are a working breed. Playing hard in the yard, long run/walks. and SOme mind exersizes too.

    I'm sure Jamyia can explain the NILIF program to ya! Works great.
    Also teach her certain games. Ie; hide and go seek, ball, ect....
  3. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    What about feeding him with one of those Buster Cubes? That kept my dog busy trying to figure out how to get the food out. It was a little loud but it sure took him longer to eat his food and it was hilarious to watch!! Lots of exercise for sure! Sounds like a normal puppy to me! Congrats and have fun!!
  4. Bianca_E

    Bianca_E New Member


    Hello there,

    First of all thank you for your advice, I took her to a different room yesterday and left her there, that seemed to do the trick, even though she wasn't too happy with me afterwards, jesus I never thought its so obvious when a dog is sulking!

    We have already tried the yelling bit, but she seems to think that is part of the gameplan, however we will try to ignore her for longer than we already do.

    So again, thank you very much, I guess I just needed to hear that she is normal, I know she is, but she really is a handfull sometimes, like all puppies I guess.

    Have a wonderful day now!

  5. ddd0102

    ddd0102 New Member

    she is testing you. Just hang in there. They say until they are atleast 3months they really do not understand anything. She will eventually just get it. keep reminding her of the word NO but remember that she is still learning and will need reminding. somedays you will seem worn out believe me but it will all be worth it when you see that she really does understand.
    Proud mom of 13 month old Cocker Spaniel
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yelling does NOT help! I think dogs think yelling is barking, and we all know when one dog barks they all go nuts. Try to stay calm and speak slowly and quietly. It's a challenge, I know.

  7. Bianca_E

    Bianca_E New Member


    Hey Guys

    Thank you so much, and specially to you Jamiya.

    well I don't know what has happened but she has been an angel around me since yesterday. She even stops chewing when I say no, perhaps it is because I am calmer with her as well. Well, thank you Guys, I know she is a puppy and I know I have to be patient, but sometimes well sometimes..I think ya all know... :wink:


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