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off topic, but you might be able to help

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok so this is for dogs, not horses. but possibly someo fyou have had this problem or heard of it.

    As you know, I have horses, dogs, you name it..... Maggie is a rescue. She came from one of the Canadian PMU farms. WEll here's the problem:

    Ok so it was expected that the PMU mares would have a time adjusting to the Texas heat.

    Well maggie Foaled to a Beautiful filly a 3 weeks ago. The baby is just fine ( a little stinker!!!)
    But momma isn't doing so well. She's been diagnosed with clogged arteries from blood worms. Well this has reduced the bloodflow to her intestines, inturn making her colic.

    SOooo Add the heat, and we have a SERIOUS problem!!!!

    She's about 2800lbs, so you can get a good "mind vision" of her size. SHe's about 17 1/2hh, and solid black with a white diamond on her forlock. Shes registered PErch.

    Yesterday was the first time we couldn't get her up. Baby couldn't even get her up. SO the vet was out again....WE finally got her up and this sounds cruel, but there was no other way, we hot shotted her. If we wouldn't have, her colon probably would have turned or flipped over. (BAD VERY BAD) SO we get her up, hose her off, and let baby nurse. (horses down is not a good thing!)

    She seemed to do better. She ate hay, rolled in the mud, and drank.

    I transfered the "show cattle" fans and mister system into her barn. SO we'll see if that helps.

    So my question is. What else can we do to cool her down? Anyone had this problem with blood worms either? I personally have never delt with blood worms. The Vet wormed her with some (foal safe wormer) but how long does it take to get rid of them??
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh your poor Maggie, :( I dont have a clue, I have to go to my holistic vet tonight and the woman who runs the front office is a horse person so I will ask her. Those fans work great, do youput the mister in the fans, they do that a lot here since it gets so hot.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I wish I could help, but I know as much about horses as I did about dogs a year ago - which is next to nothing!!

    I know you'll figure it out - you're almost as stubborn as I am. :)

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    I raised show cattle (brag: I never lost! ha ha ha!!!) Ok. my one second of bragging! One of the few things I was actually good at!!!

    Anyhow. We put them in the barns. We bought high powered fans. and a mister system from SullivanSupply.com. The fan blows the mist, and lowers the temp almost 20'F !!!!

    Works great. The misters put out about a gallon of water per hour. SO it evaporates before it hits the ground, so there's no mess!
    The dogs used to live out in the barn with the steer! I'll send Jamiya my photos so she can post for me!

    Maggie is having a better day today. WE got some good showers last night so it was cooler this morning. She's LOVING the fan. Babyis beeing a toot. She wants to play sooo bad, but momma can't get too excited. I was trimming feet yesterday. UGh. tooo hot! and Baby grabbed my glove and hauled butt!! The little stinker!

    Taco-the other Pmu mare with baby Moonie, she's getting to be BAD!!! Yesterday she walked up to the dogs sniffed, turned around and kicked! I was shocked! Well that wasn't enough for her. She did it again! Then went prancing off. The dogs were ticked, they wanted to chase soooo bad,b ut they know better. She mocked them all day. But I gotta hand it to the dogs. They held their tempers, and walked away.

    Taco has really adjusted well, but Maggie. She's just having a much harder time......
  5. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    sams- Can I come live with you? [-o< I would lovve being around all those animals. I grew up with it and have not been aboe to ride for the last 10 years!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Maggie is having a good day. Then again, its raining its butt off and thats keeping it pretty cool outside. She's LOVING her fan. So Thats good. She ate all her feed last night, and a good deal of her hay.
    Baby on the other hand is a little fart!

    She tries to play with momma, but momma jsut isn't up to it. So she wants to play with me. Now all would be great if she was a normal baby. But she was born at 250lbs. She's almost 400now!
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    You've got a big baby there! I'm sure your mare will turn around especially with the misters.

    I'm sure you saw at the last summer olympics in Atlanta they had LOADS of giant fans and misters set up on the cross country track it was quite a sight to see...so I'm sure it will work out for the best. Seems like mother nature is helping you out too...

    I've never heard of blood worms...I'll have to ask around...now I'm curious...
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Mom called, Seems Maggie is colicing agian. Sooo she's gonna have to give the shot. Mom hates needles.
    Thats one thing alot of pet owners need to learn. How to give shots! I think I'll post about it!
  9. Jody

    Jody New Member

    :0023: :0023: :0023: :0023: :0023:
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well. Today, she's ok again..... Ugh... I'm so tired!!!! I wish she'd just perk up and get over everything! Draft horses are horrible for these problems. They don't climatize very well, and we suspected she'd have a hard time, but not like this!

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