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Do you kiss your dogs?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jules, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I do! I kiss my dogs probably about 50 times a day- each!
    I read a while ago in an article that about 60% of Australian dog owners admit to kissing their dogs. Who knows who was too embarrased to admit it though!
    Do you kiss your dog/s too? :kiss_heart:
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Well, now that you brought it up, my dogs and I are always smoching. In fact that's how I'm awakened each morning is by 2 wet kissers.

    I have to be carefull not to kiss Grace when whe's been in the litter box, though. It's pretty easy to detect. I use clumping kitty litter, and if she comes up to me with lips like Mick Jager, I know to just pat her on the head. :D
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Doesn't everyone Kiss their Dogs? :lol:
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    :oops: I DO!!! My hubby thinks I am nuts though.
  5. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I kiss Cameron all the time- I think I have trained her to "kiss" because my parents will pick her up or start to pet her and 'boom'- she plants a big wet one on them!! They don't seem to appreciate the token of affection as much as I do :D
  6. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    EVERYBODY does! Even if they're too rough and tough to admit it! We both give our Rusty boy kisses all the time, and he gives them back.
    A cute story to tell you on this subject....
    My dad is this tough, manly, quiet, non-demonstrative guy in all of those areas....you, know, all of that love and feelings and emotional stuff...(you know what I mean, any of you guys out there, and the women who love them!)
    Anyway, my dad is one of those rugged sort of guys.
    Well, like some of you have already heard from me, when we got Rusty, he was afraid of certain things... one big thing being men sometimes, especially of their feet. (We assume someone in the past was in the habit of kicking him). So knowing this, my dad was careful and moved slow around Rusty, and talked gently to him to try and make friends with him.
    BUt one day, when Rusty and my mom's dog Odie were playing and my dad came in the room, my dad did like a lot of people do sometimes when dogs are playiing, and sort of playfully took a couple quick steps towards Rusty and said "Whatcha doin', Rus!" And Rusty coward, tucked his tail and ran from him barking in fear.
    Well, my dad felt awful! He didn't mean to scare him, he had just forgotten and did what he's always done with our dogs.
    But here's the cute part... a little while later, I look in the living room and there was my dad, sitting on the couch holding Rusty, saying "I wouldn't ever hurt you, little guy!" And then he gave Rusty a little kiss on top of his head. Coming from MY dad, it was so cute, because I've never seen him be like that with a person.....but with a dog, he's mister softie! :lol:
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That's so sweet Pam. My husband is very affectionate with our dogs but when it comes to the cats he claims he can not stand them. He always refer's to my cat as "the stupid cat" but yet everyone night before bed it never fails he will call Molly to bed here it's,
    "Here kitty kitty Here Molly Wolly" She is 10 years old and has slept with him every night since she was a kitten...But he does not like cat's...Ah Huh sure!
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I kiss all my pets all the time. I do try to avoid being kissed back by them though. :wink:
  9. TamiTaylor

    TamiTaylor New Member

    i love kissing my pups...i have 3 of them so i have to make sure that i have plenty of kisses to go around for all of them...i have a lab...a poodle and a yorkie...what a combination...they are all great except for the yorkie who is kind of yappy...but they are all loved...and the poodle and yorkie were rescue dogs...so i love them very much...cant get enough kisses...hehe...
  10. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    yes i kiss my dogs all the time. BoBo always gives me a good night kiss.
  11. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    YESSSSSSSSS I kiss my Bailey... ALL the time!! THAT is the stupidest question everrrrrrrrrr :) hehe.........
  12. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Stupid enough for a paper to write about! :mrgreen: I had my suspisions the other 40% were lying!!!
    That story is so cute, Pam! My partner is afraid of emotion too- he does show it sometimes, but it's usually in a joking kind of way. But he kisses and cuddles our dogs all the time. We always bring blankets and doonas out every night when it's tv time and cuddle up to our dogs on the floor. I love it when we do this. All 4 of us- we are a little pack! They fall asleep after they have fought about the best postion- usually between me and Jim!
    I remember before I had dogs I used to hate the slobber and dirt on your hands after you pat them, now I couldn't care less! You just get used to it. I have a friend now that comes over and has to go wash her hands everytime she pats the dogs. Then she'll refrain from patting them again because she'd have to go wash her hands again. I was like that once... now I love it when my dogs kiss me. I let Leela lick my cheeks and neck, but not my mouth (yuck! I always cringe when I see people on movies doing this) but Bendy has learnt not to lick my face from when I used to hate it. I get hand kisses from him though.
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i kiss kumi wumi all the time! and she kisses me back awww. but i hate it when she tries to lick my ears, ugh wet ears. i try and kiss my cats but they pull their heads away. they arent the kissy kind, damn cats. theyd prefer me to do something that benefits them, like bowing down at their feet while patting them.
  14. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    not to rough ,not to tough these lips aren't kissing a noise that's been in butt. Ok, ok I know all the stories more germs else where so on and so on but lets get real here. I just saw my Collie walk half way across the yard with his noise up my Pyrs butt inhaling deep enough to suck the hair off a cat. I have seen my wife's Jack lick herself for over and hour and there just isn't a prayer that my face is going there. I would compare this to licking a toilet seat after a baseball game at the stadium. (NOT)

    2pyrs :mrgreen:
  15. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I kiss Molly & Emma ALL the time!!!! Can't give them enough kisses in my opinion!! :D
  16. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    :kiss_puppy: Smooches for the Pooches! It is mandatory. It's a law, I think... We always kiss Sarge and whenever he kisses us we say"Oh, thank you for the kisses!" So, now if we say "kisses please" he gives us kisses! Although I must say, I draw the line on his kissing of my feet (more like a sponge bath) and I "edit" his face kisses! (more like an assault!)
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Granvel smooches Char all the time. But NEither of us dare kiss Smoke. You never know where that nose has been!! EWWWWW usually in somethings butt, or licking himself, or eating cow poo. YUCK :0024:

    Now all the other animals. OFCOURSE!! Sassy will even come kiss you! But horses do it diffrently. Their tastebuds are on the bottom of their tounge! So they lick with the bottom of their tounge! COol!!!
  18. ddd0102

    ddd0102 New Member

    HECK YES!!! Who else loves you more! My husband actually kisses more then I do....sometimes I'm jealous! LOL.
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    who doesnt! luvdapits, you make sure you are careful with litterlips :mrgreen:

  20. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I know I may be a little odd :roll: but I was taught animal C.P.R. (mouth to mouth) in Vet Tech school and I was thinking to myself, I don't know if I could do it to a human I didn't know. I wouldn't give it a second thought to drop to my knees and give it to a dog or cat.

    That's just like poop. Cleaning people poop would make me gag and cleaning animal poop doesn't affect me one little bit.

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