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Spayed cat in heat?!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by wtpooh, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I had written a few days ago about the strange behavior of my 15 month old kitten. Since I always spay before the first heat I didn't recognize the signs. My vet took a look at her on Friday and said he couldn't see any signs of it but said to wait a couple of day and if it continued to bring her back. She is continuing the signs of a heat and I will be bringing her back to the vet tomorrow.

    Mary NH asked if I had a Tom cat around the house and stated this could be the reason. Has anyone else had experience with this? I do have what I believe is a stray male cat hanging around. He has been moaning outside the windows of my house for the past week or so. He's been hanging around the neighborhood for about a month.

    The only other explaination is that when she was spayed the vet didn't get everything and she is in fact going through heat. If this is the case she will have to be operated on again and I don't want her to have to go through that if she doesn't have to.

    If anyone has more information on this please let me know.

    Also...any suggestions as to what to do about this Tom cat? If he is in heat when will it end? If I keep shooing him out of the yard will he eventually leave?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm surprised the tom is hanging around your place with a spayed cat....does your cat have a spay scar you can see? Check the belly or some vets do side spays
  3. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member


    male cats do not go into heat,if this cat is not neutered, as long as there is a female cat around who is in heat he will stick around and drive you nuts. Spraying and stinking up the place. Your best bet with him is to call animal control to come out and get him.
  4. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    I have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is definately spayed....I brought her there myself :)

    Sorry, I didn't realize that male cats don't go into heat. I just figured that if this male cat was moaning outside my window night after night that meant he was in heat. Always learning from this site.......

    I just got back from the vet. He said there is a chance that when she was spayed that she could've had an ovarial cyst that wasn't removed. She is still not swollen or showing signs that the docter can see. I am again waiting a few more days and bringing her back. We will probably wait and see if she goes into another heat in the future. He doesn't want to operate unnecessarily.
  5. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    sorry wp

    I was unclear in my posting. I was referring to the male cat not being neutered ,not your little girl. Perhaps there is another unspayed female cat in your vicinity that is attracting the male?
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi it sounds to me like whats happend and this happens in dogs aswell is that whe your kitty was spayed she was due to start her hear cycle so even though she has been spayed her body still thinks she is an intact female this should pass.

    With dogs if they are spayed just before a heat cycle they will still come into heat but this usually only last 10days rather than the 3weeks they are usually in heat.

    It has been know for a female to be spayed and a tiny piece of ovary was left behind and the female carried on to come into heat but can not conceive.

    Hope all is well and she is soon to make a full recovery.


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