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Suggestion's Please :0)

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hi guys so you all know about Princess and how badly she was burned. Well she still has some serious wounds that are not healed but she needs a bath badly! I took her to the vet today and he recommended baby shampoo. But IM worried to even use it. So any suggestions on a very gentle dog shampoo? IM just so worried about hurting her. If you look at the picture below you will see what IM talking about she looks very bad and some of the sores are still very raw. I am also wondering if there is perhaps a home remedy any of you know of to maybe help with the healing of the burns? Thanks a bunch.
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Gina I am not sure of anything to use but boy my heart goes out to that little girl. I think that is the first pic I have seen of her body I didnt realize it was that bad. Poor baby. I wish you well with her and thank god she is with you cause I know you will give her the love and care she needs.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    3Dogsihave Thank you so much that was so sweet of you to say. :cry:
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hiya baby shampoo is safe and gentle to use on dogs and its delicate on the skin.

    Aslong as all the shampoo is wash from the skin there should be no problems.

    My heart goes out to her she looks like such a sweet girl and she is in good hands with you.

    Give her a huge hug from me

  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Gina: How are you planning on giving her a bath? Are you going to put her in the Tub?

    Since the burns are still pretty raw, I wouldn't put any shampoo or soaps on her yet. If she can accept getting in the tub, fill it part way and put baking soda in the water. Baking soda will help sooth the burns plus take away the doggie smell if she has any. If she lets you, try to gently wipe the burn areas to wash away the dead skin. This will let the new skin grow quicker. This process will continue for awhile on the deep burns until all the layers have healed. You might even make up a paste of water and baking soda and apply it to the really bad burns.

    Also, I might add, a paste of water and corn starch works good, too. Back in the old days thats what Mother's use to use before baby powder for diaper burns.

    Whoops, I'm showing my age.
  6. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    What some shampoo with alvera in it? aLSO THE STUFF FROM INSIDE THE ALVERA plant is good for burns. That poor dog, makes you wanna cry.
  7. goob

    goob New Member

    You can put some listerene in a spray bottle and mist it over her (not on the wounds, but on her fur), then rub clean with a towel, and that should help a lot. I wouldn't use any shampoo on her yet, if it does get in the wounds, it will burn,
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I usually don't post over here on this board, but I thought I would contribute my two cents. First of all, bless your heart for taking Princess in...she looks (and sounds) like such a sweetheart, and I am so glad she has a good home with you!!! :y_the_best:

    As far as bathing goes, I too think regular bathing with shampoo, no matter how mild the shampoo, would burn her wounds. Have you considered getting "Spray on Waterless Pet Shampoo," or "Foaming Waterless Dog Shampoo," both made by Miracle Corp. With those two products you can just clean around the wounds, and neither require rinsing.

    In addition, you could also try "Bath Wipes."

    As I am sure you already know, the wounds do need to be cleaned periodically to prevent infections, and unfortunately I am not quite sure how to do it, or what to use for that. I just wanted to give you some waterless bath ideas!

    I sincerely do wish you the best with Princess!!! :D
  9. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow, pictures of pain as severe as that really are hard to look at.

    You're a real gem Gina for taking this on, alot of people wouldn't, good luck (although you won't need it cause as everyone already said, she's found a great home that'll care for her now and show her not all humans are evil)

    I'd suggest the bath wipes too. I always have some in and they're great. It's just like a really thick baby wipe, filled with dog shampoo, so she'll just think you're stroking her. She's obviously gone through so much, a good stroke (with a wipe or 2) will be alot easier on her than trying to bath her and risk her being in any more discomfort.

    Of corse, if you wanted to get her used to taking a bath/shower you could always use just water and then wipe her over with the doggy bath wipe after so she gets a nice smell.

    Floob's favorite part of bath time is getting the big rub down with the towel after. I can't imagine you'd be able to dry Princess at all, the area's to avoid are just too big. I'd steer clear of baths for a while, but that's just me.

    She does look a real beauty :D
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have never had a dog burnedbut 2 things my mom used to do for us is if we had a sunburn she would put teabags on us, so maybe if you just let her get into a btah tub with tea, but i don'T know if that is toxic for dogs and you need to watch out for it staining her skin for a day or so! the other thing was vitamin E but I wouldn'T let her in the sun with this on she would only reburn( ithink) but maybe at night to help? I was going to suggest the stuff they use in hospitals for people who can't take baths, there is no water involved, but it seems like there is a thing for dogs too so maybe that would work better, or if you have a burn ward at your local hospital call and see what they use. Or if the problem is she just stinks they are some doggie deoderant products out there.
    You are doing such a wonderful thing by loving her a taking her in!
  11. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Ask your vet about maybe using PHYSOHEX soap. This is a precription anti-bacterial soap that may help protect the skin.
  12. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    poor baby

    if you have one and she will tolerate it might I suggest a whirl pool bath, you might have to get in with her, it is very helpful in removing the dead skin, ask your vet first. This is the method they used in the burn unit of the hospital I worked at. Hope this helps I am so sorry for her pain. Again please check with your vet first.

    http://www.medbc.com/annals/review/vol_ ... 5n2p88.htm
  13. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I like love the pitts reply to baking soda sounds good to me. I do not know though if it can be used on dogs, I would ask your vet, I use Aloegroom on my dogs and my vet says it is gentle enough to wash them everyday but I wouldn't try it on that poor baby he has been through so much and it is still very sensitive so maybe just water and baking soda if allowed by vet. The dry bath idea sounds really good too but I would be scared of that getting on the raw skin, it probably would burn. :eek: I also have the up most respect for you for taking on that poor dog he needs the TLC you can and will give him....... :0023:
  14. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I would also not use any shampoo. Maybe call a Pharmacist and ask what they recommend for burn victims. Then I would purchase Mycatracin, Neosporin or Bacatracin ointment and put it over all of her burns. I grew up around the doctors and when I was younger, I burned my hand badly, one of my dad's friends (doctor) told us to always use one of these three. they are painless, oderless and soothe instantly. Prevents scarring and speeds up the healing process like you cannot believe. One of my dad's other friends, (another doctor!) even had me put a little Mycatracin in my ear once when I got an ear ache up at our lake and could not get to a doctor (ear ache was from our lake water). They are all three a triple antibiotic ointment. If you cannot find any info from a pharmacist regarding the shampoo/cleaning, try calling the burn unit of your local hospital and see what they do. There is that orange antibacterial soap, but when my youngest was born he was in NICU for a month and we had to wash everytime we touch anything at all and that soap TORE up our hands and arms! It is very harsh. And one more thing... you are an amazing soul Gina. Bless you and your family for having the compassion and humanity to extend yourselves to another living being in need.
  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Gina, I wouldnt use baby shampoo, maybe somehting like dukesdad recommended because it is an anti-bacterial shampoo. YOu need to keep her wounds clean. I would also try neosporin and also call other vets in you area to see what they recommend for treatment since your vet is not knowledgable in this area. I did a search and they basicly said you treat them like you would a person, and it looks like she has 2nd to 3rd degree burns so if you do a search on how people are treated that may help

    good luck

  16. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Gina, I also wouldn't bathe her yet. The wipes sound like a good idea though.

    also, ask your vet about vitamin E for the burns. A friend of mine had a really bad accident last summer and her face was severly mangled. The doctors said she would have facial scars for life.

    Everyday she applied Vitamin E to her face. Now, there is not one scar on her face, you can't even tell she was in an accident.

    In case you're wondering, she was rollerblading at a park in our city on the bike path. She tripped (while checking out some local firefighters posing for our firefighter magazine) and skid over 30 ft. on her face. All her front teeth tore out, and her face was a HUGE asphalt burn and scab.
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. My little sister got 3 degree burns over 2/3 of her body from the sun. We actually used a veterinarian cream for her, and believe it or not, she has very little scarring!!!! It did stink a bit when we put it on, but only for a second.

    We were also told not to bathe her in hot water with soap, as the soap can cause dryness and the hot watter can make the fever in the skin worse. But to give her a bath with luke warm tap water and put a small bit of apple cidar vinegar in the water. DO NOT RUB. Just let her sit in it. Until the skin turns "whitish" then you know she's saturated. Don't dry her off with a towel either. Kinda squeegie around the wound areas and allow it to air dry. Then apply the cream. I'll look up the vet burn cream when I get home and post!
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't think I would use soap at all. I would just use lukewarm water and rinse her off.

    I will look for a homeopathic remedy. (I PM'ed you - need more info to choose a remedy...)

  19. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Thank's so much for all the kind & caring replies. You guy's are all so great! I got some really great advice :eek:
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I PM'ed you again with a remedy suggestion and instructions. Please PM or e-mail me (jamia_w@hotmail.com) if you have questions.


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