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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Julia1119, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    I want to post some recent pics of Winnie..do I have to pay? I have them scanned on my computer from my digital camera...I am having some difficultes..any suggestions?
  2. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I will try to help I just figured it out myself.

    first you go to www.picturetrail.com and register, it is free then you have to upload your pictures when you click upload you can click browse and then get your picture, make sure you know where it is desktop works good.
    Then once you have completed that you click on your pictures in picturetrail, right click to properties and on the bottom it will have a web address wright that down that is what you use to put them on here.

    When you are posting your reply you type that address and then highlight it and click IMG on top you can preview it first to see if it shows up try that.

    Hope that helps...... :0023:
  3. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    Recent pictures of Winnie!

    Here are some recent pictures of my 1.5 year old Shih Poo, Winnie. Enjoy!!!



    Shes great!!! She looks at me when i talk to her, turn her head, and I swear she wants to answer me!!!!! Shes awesome!! [/img]
  4. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member


    she has some BAD tearstains in this pic....they are MUCH better now...[/img]
  5. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :p :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    you got it, did you go to picture trail or no?

    what a beautiful dog, same age as my Max, she looks tiny how many pounds?

    you can also post one of those pictures under your profile just go up to your profile and on the bottom where it says URL type that same address it has to be a really small picture though so maybe resize first if you can, which you should be able to because you have a scanner.... :0023:
  6. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    Close ups...(And yes, that IS the shiztu underbite..)


  7. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    here are my boys, they would play together nicely.......

  8. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    I did go to picture rail!! Thanks again..I used that before, but i just needed a refresher course!! Winnie is 11 pounds. Is Max a Shih Poo?
  9. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

    oh my god!! they are SOOOO cute!!!! Winnie would love to play with them!!! She LOVES other dogs!!
  10. Julia1119

    Julia1119 New Member

  11. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    Max is not a shi-poo, he is a papillon (pure breed) but he likes all dogs, to play with, she looks so much smaller, Max is 11 lbs exactly too, funny huh. Same age same lbs we know how to pick em...... :y_the_best:

    Glad to help w/that whole picture thing boy oh boy I needed help too...

    I don't know how you guys get all those amazing pictures my boys won't stay still long enough as soon as they see the camera they run, or look the other way. :oops:

    I am working on them though...... :0023:
  12. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    are those pictures taken around the same time because she looks much bigger in the last one, and very small in the one on the bed or couch? \:D/

    As for the tearstains my little Rosco gets them occasionally and it's on his blaze though, like by his nose what do you use to clean them off, they really do stain, how do ya get rid of that stuff? :?:
  13. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    All your babies are absolutely precious...and awfully darn cute!!! :y_the_best: Thanks for sharing, I love seeing everyone's furbabies!!! :eek:
  14. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    He's definately got the shitzu bite. He's a cutie pie.
  15. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Thank you Julia for posting Winnie's pic!! TOOOOOO CUTE!! I just love seeing other shihpoos.... and I just love that white coat :)

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