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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Remember a few weeks back when I got home after work and discovered that Nala had eaten the phone cord and a nice patch of carpet at a seam that I didn't know existed? (My husband still doesn't know about that, BTW.)

    Well. I think it may have been Bonnie! TWICE yesterday I caught her chewing on the carpet in places similar to what Nala did as a puppy (which is why we thought it was her). I have NEVER seen Bonnie chew on anything inappropriate!

    I wonder what the deal is. Random, infrequent destructiveness? Sheesh.

  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Surely she wouldn't pick up any inappropriate habits from Nala, would she?????? :shock:
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's just it. Nala doesn't do it anymore. They have been uncrated all day since we got Bonnie in March, and the one time a few weeks ago was the first (and so far only) time they have done anything destructive. Nala's trouble spots are still covered up just for good measure, but she has been fine with everything else. When we are home, we leave shoes and all sorts of things in her room and they are safe (they wouldn't have been when she was a puppy). The only thing I have seen Bonnie chew was a slipper, so we don't leave slippers out.

    When we are gone of course the room is as dog-proof as possible. But I can't remove the carpet....although it appears they will do it for me, soon! :|

    I guess I need to find a way to cover up that seam. I sprayed it all with Bitter Apple this morning and my daughter is home, although she sleeps in very late.

  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Well, some "experts" say that this is a sign of anxiety. Anything new going on she might be feeling unsettled about? And do any of those stop biting/chewing/digging sprays work that you know of?
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie is always anxious. I can't think of anything that would have made her MORE anxious, although maybe something happened while we were gone.

    I sprayed everything with that Nature's Miracle spray (the no-chew stuff, not the odor stuff) and she left it alone yesterday, but it seems to be a totally random event anyway.

    I'll just have to keep an eye on her. That carpet will need replacing anyway, but I'd like it to not be in shreds and last a few more years, at least until we are out of the puppy stage.

  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Yes, our area rug is going to the big Doggie Destroyed Heaven in the sky! Sarge pulled up one harmless loop of the rug and practically undid the whole thing! (of course this was on daddy's watch, and I use that term loosely!) so daddy got in trouble not Sarge! Maybe Bonnie is a candidate for an anti anxiety medication. I have never had to make a decision regarding that kind of Med. for a dog, but my aunt had to put her poodle on it because her separation anxiety (the dogs, not my aunts!) literally made her a non-functioning animal when my aunt was not around.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nah, Bonnie's not that bad. She's anxious, but she has never been destructive. Except that one day. Silly doggie!

    Our carpet is wall-to-wall carpet.

  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Curt got a persian rug from his grandmother when we moved into our house. Well, it HAD a bit of fringe on it. It was quite lovely and quite expensive. Then we got Harley, hehe. Lets just say that now half the fringe is a long string that is no longer connected to the carpet and just sorta lays beside it. I try to keep it close to the carpet so you can't really tell, but every chance thtat girl gets she just pulls it out again to show off her work.

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