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Floob Got Atacked.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Nik, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Yep, we'd just left the house last night when it happened. We walk around the green over the road at night, so it's just me n him, no phone or purse or anything.
    2 women had 3 rottys, when they saw me they ran and put one on a leash, the other 2 ran over to say hello. I saw how much they were struggling with this one on the leash so I walked out the way to let them get out of sight. When they'd got right to the bottom of the green (about 50 meters) I walked back on. This one dog that HAD BEEN ON A LEASH ran the whole length of the green and went straight for Floobs back leg. I was just swinging him around by his collar trying to stop the rotty getting at him. He was yelping and peeing everywhere :cry: It got hold of him on his back side and wouldn't let go. I was hitting it and kicking out trying to stop it. The woman starts shouting at me to stand still so she could grab her dog, LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT SHE COULDN'T CONTROL IT! I knew if I stopped moving it was gonna get a good grip, no way was I gonna stop. She eventually got hold of it's collar and dragged it off, then proceeded to beat it shouting a stream of abuse at it.
    People came out of their houses, one man carried him to another mans car who drove me to the vets. It seems the only place he has punctures are in his front left leg, which is amazing.

    I'm so scared he'll be jumpy now, or even go for the next dog we see before that gets him.
    I just cried all night and laid next to him on the front room floor.
    I was dredding taking him out this morning. But as the night wore on I stopped being scared and was just angry.
    So I just gave him his pain killers and left the house with him as normal, walking right by the spot. He was really weary, and even timid looking. He paid no attention to anyone else out and was jumping at cars passing. I'm so mad right now.

    I don't know what I'll do if I see this woman again, I just hope I'm not this mad when I do.

    Apparently she left the green for a short while and came back with just 2 dogs, walked around it 3-4 times then left again, coming back a minute later with just one. Where's the logic or reasoning in that? She's obviously not right in the head, or she wanted to show she wasn't to blame.

    Before everyone with a rotty starts deffending their dogs, I'm not blaming the dog. I'm struggling to deal with the fact I hit and kicked it, but if it'd been a less powerful dog I know that it wouldn't have got to him as much as that did.

    The vet told me I'd be wise to inform the police, even though I don't know her or where she lives, so I did. I know it could bring me trouble, but these irresponsible people have to be stopped.

    It's gonna take alot for me to stay on the same side of the road as another dog for a while :(
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that really sucks. right now I have been worrying about some people habging out in my neighborhood that have a dog that i think wants to attack and they treat it the same way as that lady treated her dog. Some people are just so stupid! I really wish you could find them and then bite the lady!! I hope Floob gets better soon!!
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Poor Floob!!! Poor YOU!! Some people have the common sense of a rock. I see so many people walking with their dogs without a leash and the scurry to put it on them when someone approaches. Well, HELLLLOO Ding Dongs, it's a little to late when their dog is a half a block away attacking someone.

    Good thing you turned it in to the Police. And carry your Vet bill with you if you ever see this person again and say you wouldn't mind some reimbursement on it.

    And then she's screaming and beating her dog like it's all his fault. She needed to go home and beat herself up.

    I'm sorry to say, I just don't walk my dogs any more for just that reason. That and dogs jumping fences. I get so scared, I shake.

    Tell Floob to get better soon. Poor guy will have nightmares.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi niok you did right by calling the police atleast then they can keep an eye out for them.

    I really hope floob is ok and he is not mentally scared by his ordeal poor guy.
    You also did right i am sure if another dog was attacking mine i would not have just stood there.

    I think everyone that knows there dog will run and attack another dog like this lady did when they tried getting its leash on should have it on the leash at all times and by the sounds of it muzzled aswell i dont believe in muzzling but this dog sounds nuts.

    will be thinking of you and floob.

  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Poor Floob! And poor you!! She obviously KNEW that dog would have a problem since she had him on a leash to begin with - WHY did she take the leash off just because you were no longer right in front of her?! Moron!!

    I feel sorry for her dogs. Maybe if the police can find her, AC can take them away. They deserve a better home.

    I always wonder what I would do in that situation (hopefully I will never find out). I can't imagine hitting or kicking a dog, but I think I probably would in order to protect my own dogs. I think all of us would - what choice is there?

    Can you take Floob somewhere like a PetsMart where he will see other dogs, but they will all be on leash? I did this with Nala after we tried to adopt that dog that kept attacking her. I was worried about her being scared of other dogs, so I took her to PetsMart a few times and just walked her around so she could see them. Try to act like nothing's wrong and nothing's scary, for Floob's sake. He can sense your fear and that will only make him more fearful. Not easy, I know.

    Give Floob a pat and a kiss and treat yourself to a nice bowl of ice cream. I hope this woman is found and her dogs are taken away. They deserve better.

  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I have a male APBT who would do exactly as this Rotty did and I dont' need to put him in a muzzle... I do however walk him on a leash and have heart failure if we ever meet a dog off leash... One day I was walking them to potty (Monty and HJ the pits) and these two dogs came running. THeir owners were screeming at them the whole way (I'm sure they no doubt knew what kind of dogs I had) and one listened the other did not... I decided to just hang on to my dogs... I grabbed Monty up tight by my side by his collar (he wouldn't start anything if I were in the way) and Hunnyjade, just a pup at the time I let out at the end of her leash praying this dog was nice. She jumped up on the dog eyeing it and Monty positioned himself for an attack...the dog walked around us (I stood silently holding my dogs) and finally the dog went home... The guy stood at his door looking at me as though it were all my fault... I yelled at him... "Try a leash" and he just stared some more... I went on my way cursing all the way to potty and home... I called Animal Control the next day and the people got a warning about the leash law in town. Another day we were all walking...3 APBT's at the time (I was fostering one) and I had two while Andy my BF walked Monty the dog aggressive one... We were on our block and this TINY teacup poodle came running out from his fence barking and jumping at our feet... I grabbed both my dogs by the collar choking them holding them by their heads their whole front ends off the ground and Andy was practically carrying Monty trying to get the little dog to go home... He finally did and the owners were outside the whole time... they didn't even call the dog... What do people think?

    Then the lab accrossed the streed gets loose periodically...he fence fights with every dog on the block if they're out... Luckily I keep mine in unless I can supervise...so they're never in the middle of that... THAT dog is vicious...pretty scary really...

    Irresponsible people are the reason some of us are no longer allowed to even own the dogs we have in our cities... It's just not fair...

    I feel for you and your poor pooch... I can't imagine... I'm sure I'd be on the floor in the living room with my dog if that happened to me...I'd also be out looking for the lady or for her dogs so I could report her to the AC and get her to take a leash law seriously... maybe she does now...but I doubt it. It just sucks! Rotts should NEVER be off leash in public in the first place....and one woman with three? That's just idotic! I never walk more than one at a time usually (the two pits I had were younger smaller then).

    I hope this lady gets what she deserves and I hope your dog gets over it without any ill effects... I'm sure he'll be spooky for the next few days. Give him a hug for me.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Very true! I can barely control my two 40-pound non-aggressive dogs at the same time. I know ONE rott could fly me like a kite. But THREE? No way.

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh NIk! I'm sorry to hear about floob!!!!

    WTF was this lady thinking!!!!! Three Rotties at one time!!! OMG!! I can't even walk my two and their only 45lbs! Rotties are very sweet tempered dogs, My mother inlaws sister breeds them. They've never in 26 years had one even potenially mean dog. That just goes to show that 1. this dog was raised very wrong and 2. poor breeding.

    Yes I agree, her dog attacks, so she goes homeand then comes back, not once but twice!!! She'really can't be right in the head.

    Smokey can be very (male) dog agressive. He usually won't start it. The other has to instigate it, or be messing with Charllotte. But anytime we incounter another dog, I'm sure to bring him close to me and have my hand on his harness, If needbe I can pick him up quickly to avoid confrentation.

    Whats with people!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She must live close if she kept coming back. Hopefully someone will catch her.

    I love Floob. He's such a handsome boy.

  10. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    She yelled at YOU to stand still?!? Give me a break, you wouldn't stand still so she could grab her dog if a member of your family was being attacked and that's what a dog should be.. a part of the family! Too bad no one who came out to help called 911 so they could have caught the lady. Unfortunately, she would probably just get a fine and the dog would be pts, and I bet she'd have another one to replace it! There are alot of off leash dogs in our town too, and it drives me nuts! One lady walks 3 mixed breed dogs off leash, and when Jersey sees another dog, she cries cuz she wants to play. One of this lady's dogs gets distracted by Jersey and won't listen to the lady, and the lady shoots ME a dirty look! I agree 100% with you defending your baby...I would do the same thing for my girls if it came down to that. Hope Floob is feeling better and I hope there aren't any long term emotional effects.
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    So sorry to hear about Floob! Its sucks that there are so many stupid people out there. I would have done the same thing as you to protect Harley if that were happening to her.

    I hope both of you feel better in a couple of days.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Poor Floob :( glad to hear his injuries are minor, you are very lucky you didnt get hurt in the process. I am glad you called the police. Do you have a camera, so if you see hr again wiith her dogs off leash you have proof.
    give Floob a bug hug for me

  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Poor Floob :cry:
    Im so sorry this happened. That woman needs her head examined for trying to handle 3 dogs at once regardless of their breed.
    Luckily I live in the country and have lots of land so my dogs get all the exercise they need right here at home.
    On the occasion when I have taken my dogs to the state park I admit I was a nervous wreck! Not because I was worried about my dogs misbehaving but other peoples dogs. I personally think regardless of how small or how big dogs in public places should always be leashed.
  14. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Omigod WHY WHY WHY would someone leave their dog, who they know is aggressive, unleashed in a PUBLIC PLACE? It just blows my mind...and you know she knew her dog was aggressive because she immediately tried to leash it. I can't believe how STUPID people can be! I don't think you should be allowed to own a pet if it is obvious that the pet is smarter than you are!!!!!! :0010:
  15. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow you guys are so great. Maybe it's because I'm still all emotional about it but your kind replies had me in tears... again!

    Thank you all so much.

    A few people I've never seen or spoke to before have asked me how he is today, and a neighbour came around to see if everything was ok after he heard people talking on the bus! I've never been the talk of the town before, well not to my knowledge :lol:

    Floob's not quite right at the moment, but I feel alot better about making damm sure he gets back his normal self now.

    I've just been around to the man's house who took me to the vets and treated him. He was really great, even came in with me and spoke to the vet when I couldn't. Floob hid behind me and barked when the man (who's name I still don't know) tried to say hello. I know it's cause he was associating him with what happened so I'm not letting that bother me.

    I'll give him an extra big hug from you all before bed, which isn't too long away as I'm shattered!

    Thanks again everyone :D

    I forgot to say about the taking him to Petsmart thing - There is a field we go to in an afternoon a few days a week. Every dog on there is great and he plays nice with all of them. I'm going to go there tomorrow so he can see some friends he likes and see how we go. The only thing is I have to walk through this green to get there, so if I can't get a lift (ride) I might take the bus.

    It makes me so mad that I'm scared to walk there now :x
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so sorry this happened...I can imagine how scary that must have been. I'm glad Floob was'nt injured badly.
  17. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I, too, am so sorry. Hopefully, Floob will view this as an isolated experience and realize the good and bad owners out there. My rott Zeke gives Floob a big kiss. That is what he would do if he met Floob.
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Without me reading everyones answer to your post. I see nothing wrong with trying to protect your floobie. She is the one that is at fault. God this makes me mad too. Don't people know that dogs in packs seems to think differently than a lone one. I hope he's doing alright. My dog was attacked and he still loves other dogs. He was attacked by a dog twice as big as a rotty too. You go back and find that women, tell her she has to pay your vet bills. And she has been reported to the police. If you don't know where she lives keep going to the area where it happened sooner or later you will find someone that does.
  19. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I just finished reading all replies and my heart is beating so fast now. God I wish people would get a clue. Hope he's better.
  20. SwtBettyLu

    SwtBettyLu New Member

    I am so glad Floob is ok, and I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I wish you hadn't. You will be ok and so will your baby. Take care.... :wink:

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