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should i call authorities???

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by juice1348, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    I was at my parents the other day and they live on a circle with about 6 houses on it. My parents have two mini dauschands and a golden retriever. All 3 are wonderful dogs (Tucker, the one mini, used to be mine in college, i love the little guy!) Anyways, 3 houses away there is this rotty who is about 2 years old. I used to see him when he was just a little puppy get kicked around the yard and beaten by the 3 kids that live there and by the parents. You could here him yelping the poor little guy. We said something to dog control, but nothing was done. They keep him in a small kennel in the back yard with a broken, crappy dog house and still yell and beat him. I dont think this poor dog is too mean, because I walked up to the kennel to see him and he was VERY timid but didnt seem mean. But the problem is he is VERY aggressive towards other dogs. I took Tucker for a walk the other day when i was visiting (he is jealous of my new Avary, lol) and the rotty was growling barking and trying to get out after him. I know its not the rottys fault, its the owners. But I am scared if he get loose he will kill Tucker or Buddy, the mini dauschands or even Dutchess our golden.

    What should I do? The people are EXTREMELY ignorant and wont listen if we talked to them.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Especially if they are still beating him, or if he has inadequate shelter and/or no water, I would call animal control and keep calling until they send someone out.

  3. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    ive honestly thought about going over there when they are not home and taking him out of there. But then I would probably get in trouble for it.
  4. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I agree- by calling animal control, you can solve two problems at once- you will remove the threat to your dogs, but also give that poor rotty a chance at a better life. Once he exposed to other dogs in a shelter environment, maybe he will even learn to tolerate them better- I imagine part of the reason he's so leary of other dogs is that he's probably never had any exposure to them and has been beaten by the only people he's ever been around.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    The best thing you can do is document everything you see, If you can, take photos. Keep calling animal control and complaining. They will listen, You can also call your sheriffs dept. Persistance gets results. Don't give up on this poor guy. Keep calling.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    What would you do with him if you did? Unless you could get him to a rescue and they didn't look for him, he'd just end up back with them and probably punished. Although I'm thinking Maisey "stole" a dog once and the people ended up being okay with it - but I doubt that happens very often.

  7. oso

    oso New Member

  8. juice1348

    juice1348 New Member

    well, when i thought about taking him, i was thinking about driving to the next city with him and finding a NO KILL shelter. I havent really thought more about actually doing that yet, its kind of extreme.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree. :) I'd go through "proper channels" first and see if you can get results that way.

  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    DOn't give up! We had to do something similar, but we knew somebody in our city and it moved VERY fast. But, you have to do something. Once we know, we are responsible. At least you care what happens to the pup when his own family does not seem to care about him.
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Yes, you should call the authorities. I wish that people had to go through a test BEFORE they were ever allowed to have a pet, or children for that matter!

    What these people do to their dog is disgusting. I hope you do call. Wouldn't you rather have him live the last couple of years knowing what true friendship is, rather than being alone in an old crate.

    UGH! Stories like this make me sick.

    If you're worried about the ppl finding out it was you, the call to AC is anonymous.
    Let us know what you decide to do.
  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    bullylove1- Best line in a movie, from Parenthood, scene where Keanu Reeves is talking to Diane Weist about his real, abesent, father-

    "You know, you have to get a license to drive a car, hell, you even have to get a license to catch a fish... but they'll let any butt f#$%*&^ a%%&*#@ be a dad". We can add "pet owner" to that.
  13. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    That is a great line- I have always remembered that line from that movie as well!
  14. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe, I've been saying that for years. My mom just laughs at me. I do think that there should be tests and licenses to have children. I know some ppl may think I'm overboard, but its true. I have TONS of "If I ran the world rants" on parenting and the way things should be and I'm not even a parent!!

    Its just that with the field I'm going into and the jobs I've had in the field, it almost seems like the generations are getting worse and worse.

    Now if I walk down the street at night and see a group of 14 yr. olds I get scared and cross the street. I'm only 21!! The violence in youths has just gotten so bad here. You just have to wonder where the parents are.

    Okay, I'm done rambling! hehe
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think they are. Parents are busy and forget to teach their kids things like responsibility. Kids are exposed earlier and earlier to harmful things like violence and drugs. And a classical homeopath would say that the chronic diseases that have been built up over the years get worse and worse with each generation and the mainstream medical profession does not even recognize it as disease and has no way to combat it anyway.

    The world is a big mess and is out of control.

  16. nern

    nern New Member

    I would call animal control and keep hounding them until something is done. How sad, I will never understand why people like this get dogs in the first place!!

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