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I Need Some Help !

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ILoveMyKya, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. ILoveMyKya

    ILoveMyKya New Member

    Hey PPL. I got a new puppy June 10th. Shes a Pomeranian and shes about to be 7 weeks old. She so cute. Theres one thing. I can't potty train her! I don't know what to do. I've put her on the pad and she backs off it, or sits there and acts like she doesn't have to do anything so she can walk off and do it. I read that if she starts, to pick her up and put her on the pad really quick. Well it's not working at all. She just pee's whereever she feels like it. PLease someone if you got a trick I could use, tell me. Thanx a lot ! :roll:
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Welcome to the board! Oh gosh this is always the hardest part of raising a puppy. And at 7 weeks is even harder. The only tip I can give you is be consistent. Whenever she does go on the pee pad give her lots of praise. I never used the pee pads with my girl's I just took them out many times a day. All my girls were crate trained so I never had to worry about accidents in the night.
    Good luck to you. :D Hopefully someone else will have some good advice for you.
  3. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hi there your puppy is still very young so dont expect miracles from her right away. Do you want her to learn to potty only on the pads or outside in the long run? For the pads the only thing I can think of is taking her there often, about every 30 min or so, right after she eats, drinks, wakes up, ect. I have also heard and sorry this is a little gross but if you put some of her poop on the pad she may smell that and go there again. As for outside, which if that is your ultimate goal I would skip the pads. You should be taking her out every 30 min or so and like earlier when she eats, drinks, sleeps, ect. Patients is the key and when she does go potty where you want her to praise her and make sure she knows this was good, with a treat or praise. Remeber that it is going to take her time to learn and stay patient with her. Do not yell at her when she goes in the wrong place. Also keep in mind young puppies cannot hold it for very long and this takes a few months until they can hold their bladder and bowles. So when she has to go she has to go. Good luck and maybe someone else will come along with some more tips. Its been awhile since I had a puppy around!

    P.S. We want pics!! LOL I love poms have two of them myself!
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    PS Forgot to suggest you do a search on this board this topic has been discussed many times.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    what i have heard people do with the pads is cover the whole floor with them and then figure out where she likes to go then pick up the rest (after she is consistenently in the same spot then slowly move it to the spot you want it or to the outside door if you want her to go outside. I had a friend who once had the pads and they already had a smell in them to make the dog want to go there. maybe you could find those also? good luck.
  6. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I also tried the pads w/my Max and they didn't work for him, I just used outside, to me it was easier just to go outside. I do have some bad news on the pads though my girlfriend trained her yorkie on the pads and now she won't go outside at all she just keeps using the pads and she's 2 now. So yes I would say if your ultimate goal is outside I would try that. I am now potty training my Rosco - 6 months and still working on it but I got him when he was 3 1/2 so that didn't help, praise, praise, praise seems to be the best for him lots of treats....Good luck p.s. post a picture of that baby for us to see...... :wink: [/quote]
  7. ILoveMyKya

    ILoveMyKya New Member


    :D Thank you everyone who shared your ideas with me. They all sound good. Im going to try one at a time. Im going to be patient though. And don't worry, Im deffinatly going to post her picture up here as soon as I can. Once again thanx to everyone and If I have anymore questions, you'll be the great people I come to. :wink:

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