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Malamutes-Smaller Pets-Do they mix?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    My sister in law has a full blooded Malamute named Nanook and he is about 9 months old. They are wanting to get another puppy in the fall. she is worried that Nanook will track and eat anything smaller than him. Anyone know anything about Malamutes?

    P.S. Nanook is already the size of a small residential home!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I think 3dogsihave has huskys which i think they are the same temperment maybe she can help

  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    People do have both. I have been told by a huskey rescue not to put them together because of their high prey drive. I would say maybe adding a puppy to the mesh would give better chances, starting them off with the pup learning to respect the small ones. But never leave them together alone until you know that they can be trusted. I've also heard of huskey hurting each other after knowing each other for long periods of time, just getting into a scrap but killing the other. Its just something to really think hard about.
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey there yes I do have a husky. I can only tell you my experiance with them and what I have read and my friend who has a pack of huskys experiance.

    My husky at first was not too thrilled with my pomeranians. In fact this is how I found this board. Within a few weeks they were getting along and now they are like her puppies. Now let me give you some backround on her. My hubby found her about 2 1/2 years ago and brought her home but she is rather large for a husky and we didnt have the room then, so she lives with my friend who has huskys for 8 months or so. When we moved into our new place we brought her home, she has been abused and never loved. Is scared of loud noises and a tie out. It took her a long time to come around to us and learn how to love. She is very laid back and protective of our family including the poms. Now I dont know if any of this has anything to do with her accepting our other dogs.

    Now my friend has about 6 huskys and several other dogs. (we live in the country and they live in the middle of no where with all kinds of animals farm and otherwise) Their huskys have formed a pack and do not get along too well with any dog that tries to interfere. Now they each have different personalitys but they all have a high prey drive. (As most huskys and malmutes) I remember one incident where a littler of kittens were killed because they got near the dogs. I have seen many fights between these dogs and with them ganging up on other dogs. Now I dont know if the fact that they are a pack escalates some of their more natural tendencies but it might.

    Now everything I have read about Huskies and Malmutes talks alot about their high prey drive and tendencies for fights with each other. I have read things that recomend you not add another dog and things that read just to be carefull. Forgot to mention my husky does not like anything small except for my poms. Any small wild animal or cats. My advice would be if they are going to get another dog to watch them very closely and seperate them when no one can. And by this I mean no possibility of one getting to the other. I learned early that my husky can jump a baby gate even with arthritis in her rear legs. In the early weeks we had a huge jelously thing going on and had to watch them like a hawk and my husky did jump on one of my poms once for playing with her favorite toy. Thank god we were right there and had to break it up. But she did slightly injure my pom. I still worry about them even though they get along great and dont hessitate to take toys out of the others mouth. But I do still seperate them when we are not home and always make sure I am right there if any problems. Now I dont want to sound like this breed is horrible and unloving because they are not. Both huskies and malmutes are a wonderfull breed but need structure and training.

    Sorry for such a long post and hope some of my rambling was actually use full. I know there used to be another member on this board that had huskies and did alot of rescue if they are still here hopefully they can chime in here too.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    My old roommate got a husky from humane society (or something I forget) she was very mild mannered I think she was 3 or 4 or so and she also had a cat. And this dog Haley would always play and run around with Luther. (It was so cute a giant fluffball and a little fluffball) My neighbor had a husky,Mischa, she was maybe 7 or so and also a rescue, but she was I don'T know how to decribe her. She was extremely loving, but wouldn'T want another dog to come near her and hated to watch Luther and Haley play together. My neihbor had cats too (I think 3) and she would never hurt any of them but she would only let the one near her and would let that one do what ever it wanted! it was adorable, but I think that was because Mischa considered this cat (who came as a kitten) part of her pack becuse the older cats didn'T like her so much. But eventually Mischa came to the point where she really accepted luther and would sniff him, not play with him so much, but she would jump once or twice when he wanted toplay, but this could have also been the age difference. Haley moved away and new people came with 3 pit bulls, 1 was a very young puppy, one was 6-10 months old and the other was about two. When they moved in Mischa was to the point of ok you can come near me, but I don'T want to play. SO I think with lots of work and patience(Mischas dad, was always bettering her manners in very gentle ways) it can happe. But if they don'T have time for that, maybe it wouldn'T be such a good idea. Oh yea both of these dogs I always thought looked more like Malamutes than Huskies (mischa was big and black white grey and weighed maybe 80 lbs, just I guess she seemed huge compared to luther, but I always forget she has all that hair) and Haley was red and cream colored and not as big and at the moment I can picture them with blue eyes and with brown eyes. so I can'T remember which they had. But I wanted to ask, what is the difference in Husky and Malalmute? Malamutes are bigger and broader?
    also I once read a book about this man who had husky and other dogs but mainly huskies, I think, I have been trying to remeber the name, but if I do I'll tell ya!
    Ok I found it, it was difficult. My towns library's online catalog isn't as easy as google! But I eventually found it on amazon! Ok here it is The Hidden Life of Dogs
    by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
    I suggest everyone read it. It isn'T an instructional book on dogs but and day to day love story triumph pit fall type book.
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I did a little research last night and mostly what I read summed it up that you have to get the dog trained for proper socialization. That if you do, more times then not the Malamute will usually "adopt" the smaller pet. Nanook had another dog in the house with him, they had a Shitzu that was about 6 months older than Nanook. The Shitzu actually had more of a problem in the beginning than Nanook! But, after about 2 weeks, they were like best friends. The Shitzu is the puppy that passed away by getting tangled in his lead with Nanook. (They thought that they had them far enough apart when they were out on their leads). Nanook has missed "Buddy" terribly and everyday night when they take their evening walk, Nanook makes them visit the 3 dogs that live behind his house. The neighbors have a Shepherd, Chow/???? mix, and Lab/Rott mix and he loves them! Thinks they are all pals. So, maybe hhe has the right disposition that with the training, he would be alright. What do you guys think? Sound like he might have a good shot?
  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Yeah it does sound like they would be able to get another dog. Just as long as they are very carefull leaving them around each other and that Nannok is trained and will actually listen to them. Huskies can be very stubborn and since huskies and malmutes are alot alike I am sure this is a common trait. My husky with alot of training listens to us, if she is chasing something all we have to do is say her name and she is right back at our sides. I am very proud of her since 1) huskeys have a high prey drive and 2) they have a very strong sence to just run and run but have no sence of direction. (yes our yard is fenced in and she cant go anywhere but thought I would mention that) Good luck in whatever they decide!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ummm. So, how did you teach her to break off the chase like that? Want to start a new thread? :)

  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Threedogs: You reminded me also of something. Both huskey and mals can get very jeolous. At the dog park on two separate occasssions once a husky got all over my dog rufus for chasing a ball she had been using, she was really doing the dominate thing, scared the you know what out of him, then on a different day a giant 7 month old malamute nearly crushed his rib cage for drinking water out of her bowl. God that had to be the scariest thing I've ever seen. He survived with puctures and fractured ribs. Yep It's the little terrier mix to my left. He still loves other dogs though.
    I'd be completely cautious about it.
  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Speaking of getting a dog to come to you- two nights ago my mom was over and opened our back fence gate to walk out front and Sarge slithered through (literally). Well, of course my mom, son and husband are all yelling at Sarge who, I knew full well, would b-line for the other Chow mix- Max, next door. Well, he did and he went on the opposite of the yard with Max tied in between myself and Sarge. First I had to tell my entire family to be quiet because Sarge was practically high with his freedom and everyone yelling was only confusing him. Then I told him to come here, he hesitated and I moved a little forward and Max acted like he was going to eat me, so I backed back up slowly and told Sarge one more time to come here and he did. Thank god! I did not relish loosing a limb in the process of getting my runaway! Speaking of, Max is not very nice!
  11. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yikes, thats scarey. Thak goodness you got him out. The other dog was tied up was he. Maybe even more fierce knowing he could not get away. Maybe?
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Jamiya, With her it wasnt too hard. I would let her on a long lead and when she started to wonder I would slightley pull it and tell her to come. She would get a treat. After a while she was out one day with us on no lead and she ran off to chase something I freaked out and called her name and she came running right back. I dont know if the training with the lead helped or she is just that obediant. Must say though that alot of times she doesnt listen to anything else but that is one command she would always listen too. Shocked me cause I have called her off more that once. I dont know her backround at all aside from strong indications she was abused. So who knows what kind of training she had before we got her. Truthfully I dont know what we do that makes her come cause she loves to chase small animals. I guess we just got lucky with her. I just know I am really impressed! This was all before we had a fence up and would occasionaly let her outside with us in the yard with no leash. She still will stop chasing something if we tell her. Who knows lol.
    Sorry for rambling. Wish I had some better answers cause I know Nala has problems chasing the cats.
  13. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    When Rufus was about one he would bolt after anything that moved. He thought anything alive wanted to see him. Usually it was going from our back door to the car. I got to the point where if he bolted then he was not going for the ride to where ever. He started to clue in. Now I can just say a few sharp eh eh eh's and he will stop in his tracks. I think it comes along with maturity too. I think also if you walk them alot around your neighborhood they don't feel thgey are missing out on (the outside world).
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala will sometimes come to me at agility now if I call her. We've done the long lead training. She just needs a strong reason to obey and usually there isn't a good enough reason to stop chasing something. :|


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