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Pool phobia

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Wylies pretty good around water, she has her kiddie pool she loves, when we go to the lake she runs right in, she will jump into fountains with no hesitation, but when it comes to our inground pool its a big NO. Its been hot this week- so my husband very gently put wylie on the big step. You would have thought her feet were in cement. I took her frisbee which she is obsessesed with and put it just out of reach. she then stretched as far as she could to get it but no way she was budging. she finally scooted one foot on the bottom trying to stretch, but know way she was going to move.

    When we first got it 2 years ago, my husband threw her in. To see if she could get herselg out if she ever fell in.

    Do you think she remembers this and that is why she has this reaction. She will put her front paws on the tops step to get a drink but thats it

  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I will gladly take Wylies place in the pool! I might even bark every now and then! :lol:
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It could be she remembers being thrown in. Or could it be she isn't quite sure how to get in? I'd let her go slowly and keep encouraging her to go in. She might be more likely to go in if one of you is in the pool coaxing her. Or will she let you carry her while you are in the pool?

    I think I need to come use your pool and help you out with this issue. 8)

  4. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Maybe it's the chlorine in the water. That odor is irritating to me so I can only imagine what it might do to a sensitive nose. That could explain why she dosen't have problem with the lake or the fountain.
  5. Nik

    Nik New Member

    lol Jamiya.

    I'll gladly offer my services too, I'm sure between the two of us we could have her swimming in there in what, say 6 months, by the end of the summer? :wink:

    But to answer your question, I say it'll be she's remembering being thrown in. They remember everything don't forget.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    you guys can come but then you have to like our 100 heat, but you just may since we dont hve humidity. :D
    Its probably a blessing she doesnt want in the pool since Jake already hogs it.

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yeah, except what "Come" means. That they forget....

  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    They remember everything don't forget.
    Yeah, except what "Come" means. That they forget....

    you got that right, its called selective hearing :?

    dukesdad, she drinks out of the pool, never her water bowl. I think she is just scared to death, she must remember.

    And then she plays this game that drives me nuts. I am n the pool and course so is Jake saying play wiith me. and Wylie wants to too. Well then Wylie drops her frisbee in pool knowing I will go get it and throw it. She has me trained good.

  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I would think it could be a few things. one is the chlorine ( I just got done reading that post about Tide) and dog generally know when something can be harmful and I think that the chlorine could be harmful to a dog. And the next thing is that some dogs don'T like to jump in they only want to be able to walk in (obviously not the dock dogs) but only when my old dog thought I was in danger would she jump off the side (of a lake or creek she never went to a pool) otherwise she would find some rocks or something to climb down to get in. So maybe if you make a ramp or soething that would be better for her. I would think it is nt the pushing in thing, because I think she would show angst towards your husband and all water too if it was that. But my dog now hates water! If I am hiking and cross a stream he will sit on the other side and wait for me.
  10. Jules

    Jules New Member

    It sounds like fear to me. I have a fearful dog, and I understand when you say it's like her feet were in cement! Bender will also plant his feet and not move if I'm trying to get him to do something he's afraid of. I'm doubtful whether it's the chlorine considering she drinks from it.
    I am still trying to get Bender over his fear of cars... it seems it's really been ingrained. I can only get him in with a really tasty treat, and if I pick him up and put him in, it takes us back to square one, he prefers to do it on his own, and not forced to do it. If you feel sorry for her coz it's so hot, maybe you could get a little kiddies pool for her!!! If she wont get in the pool for her fav frisbee then she must be really scared. What if you try some treats?
    I totally agree that she remembers being thrown in too.
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harley has a HUGE fear of all water. Last summer we were at the lake and she got pulled under by th current. It only took like 4 seconds to get her up, but since then NO WAY will she go near it!

    On Sat. it was SO hot out. I was doing yard work, then decided to set up the sprinkler to overcome hr fears. She kept trying to run in the house, so I got some yummy treats and put them right on the sprinkler so she would have to get wet to get it, well she got her treats but didn't really warm up to the sprinkler. She was mad at me for about an hour after. Just looked at me like
    "Just because you know I will do anything for food doesn't mean you can take advantage of me".

    I had a blast running through with her a couple of times though. If only she would chase water like "normal" doggies. heh

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