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Hoping you can help me crosspost this??

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh bullylove, poor girl. these BSL are just terrible.

  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    ARRRRRGH!! Can't these people at least find NO-KILL shelters to dump their pets at? I mean, if they HAD to move to Junction City and there was no choice of a nearby city that allowed pit bulls, didn't they KNOW they were going to be moving? Didn't they check into the laws? Couldn't they find a friend to keep her while they looked for a home for her or waited for rescue to have room?

    I mean, COME ON!! Could any of you "dump" your "spoiled and loved" dog at a kill shelter?

    That just burns me up.

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Crap. I can get to Junction City, but I can't foster her. No multi-dog households allowed. I am not even sure if we can have pit bulls in Overland Park. If anyone can take her, I can help transport.

  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Bullylove I am very sorry to say this...But when I saw your post I got offline and called a few people with the rescues in my area and Allison with Mutts & Stuff said she believed Eden has already been euthanized. IM very sorry I know how hard it is to see pictures of these sweet babies and want to help.
    But the sad thing is sometimes you just can't. I have guilt at the end of everyday over some poor dog that was pts because of an irresponsible human. If everyone could be as responsible and caring as the people on this board what a perfect world it would be.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Eden. What a beautiful name. I hope she found her Eden, and I hope her former owners can't sleep at night.

  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Eden. What a beautiful name. I hope she found her Eden, and I hope her former owners can't sleep at night.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: I cnat stop

  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    OMG! I'm crying now. That is so horrible. If only I'd seen the post sooner. ARGH! This crap makes me so mad!! I agree with you Jamiya. Who the hell does that to their "lovign pet". I know if BSL was put in our city, I would move. No questions asked. I will never let the city or government tell me what I can and can't love as a pet.

    Now. This was posted on the same board. A wonderful woman with TONS of years of experience with APBT's has tried to adopt/foster from PBRC and was turned down because of multi-dog home. They didn't even check her out. As soon as she said two dogs, they pretty much hung up on her.

    Now don't you think it should be more case by case than a general list or rules?

    I'm gonna post some of the convo. Let me know your thoughts.

    This is what happend to the woman who inquired.

    I haven't tried this particular group but I did try Midwest Rescue and several others through PBRC, because I own both a male and female pit they told me no, this is all w/o even checking me out. I really wonder if these rescue groups have the dogs best interest at heart. I've given up trying and to say the least these groups can kiss my butt. If the groups had checked me out and then said no I could accept that but they didn't even give me the respect of checking me out. I can tell you this my home beats euthanasia! Here's what these groups said no to:
    1. 1/4 acre fenced-6' wood privacy, locked gates, electric fence along the bottom
    2. An indoor Air conditioned kennel during the day when it's hot,
    3. Individual metal crates with two latches, Midwest and Precision brands, crate pads, and stainless steal bowls
    4. A person with pit bull knowledge
    5. A person with obedience training experience
    6. A person with a strong medical background
    7. A person with no small children
    8. A person with a good dependable income, 34 yrs with the government
    9. A person with a vehicle that can transport animals
    10. A person with both vet and personal references
    11. A person with neighborhood references!

    Should I say more??? It's funny how rescue groups can have more of one sex but those of us who are reputable and knowledgeable aren't even allowed to attempt to rescue/adopt/foster. There are plenty of dogs I can adopt/rescue/foster w/o having to go through PBRC, it's just a shame that you allow dogs like Eden to be PTS when there are people willing to help. I am not condemning you personally but this organization needs to rethink it's policies vs. letting dogs die! JMHO

    This is from a different woman inquiring with one of the groups that works with PBRC.

    When we were looking for another dog we checked with one of these groups also and it was crazy just trying to get any info out of anyone. Took us days to get an e-mail back and in cases like this one that could have cost a dog their lives. Also, we filled out the app and everything and sent it in letting them know which dog we were interested in. Took almost a week before we heard back. We asked if we could come and see the dog and see if we though it would work out. They would not even tell us what city the dog was in and insisted they bring the dog to our house. I don't even know at that point if we would get along with the pup much less let them bring a dog I don't know into my dogs property for their meeting.
    We would have had to problem with driving to meet the pup and then them bringing the pup to our house and doing a home check but I could not understand why they would want to stress the dog with hours in a car to come meet us and possibly a ride back if it didn't work. We finally gave up after them seeming to give us the run around over and over. We moved on and ended up rescuing Leo after an application, a home check and we drove 6 hours one way to meet him and brought him home. We were checked out, vet check, home check etc before of course.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Those people couldn't have left her in a no kill shelter in the city they moved FROM? Or stayed in a hotel room in the old city until they made arrangements? Or found a friend to take her temporarily? Or SOMETHING?! Did they wait until the day they moved to go "Oh my gosh, what do we do with the dog? We love her, but let's send her to a kill shelter in a city where she can't be adopted anyway because there are laws against her breed"?

    Sometimes I want to move to Alaska and sever all connections with humans that are not my family. :(

  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I know the stipulations with Rescues are so frustrating! But I guess in the end they have the dogs best interest at heart.
    I do not understand the no out of state adoptions rule that some rescues require. It makes no since to me? I had no problems getting Princess and I have 4 other dogs. But I guess it is determined by each individual dog.
    When I adopted Pinky I was told she needed to go to a only dog household? Why? She is great with my other dogs and has no problems with strange dogs either. Punkin was practically given to me by the shelter when she broke with parvo. I guess considering her circumstances they just wanted her outta there.
    As far as those people who dumped their dog..Why did they not check BSL laws first before they moved? Ughhhhhhh!! Some people should be treated as they treat their dogs!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, I know what BSL means, but what does it stand for? Wait. "Breed specific legislation" - is that it?

    You'd think the owner of a PIT BULL would definitely look into these things before moving. Duh.

  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Good point Jamiya. I know I would. Geez, what morons! Its too bad she had to die truely at the hands of her irresponsible owners.

    Ginah: I think the point this woman was making is that they didn't even look farther into her situation to determine if there was a potential threat. This woman has YEARS of experience in this breed.

    I think if a dog is on deathrow and someone goes, "I'll foster/adopt", the first thing the rescue should NOT do is hang up the phone because there will be another dog in the house. There should be a case by case evaluation, an initial meeting THEN a decision. Had it not have been for those quick rejections, these two wonderful women would now have PET bulls that are now dead.

    Just my opinion. I hope I didn't offend anyone.
  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Bullylove I completely understand where you are coming from. I feel the same way. I have been turned down before for just fostering a bully out of ST Louis because I was out of state and they could not do a home check? Which I thought was ridiculous! I had many references from my vet the humane society and a 2 rescues in my area and they still said no. But luckily he was adopted a week later. But he very well could have been PTS. I mean I truly do understand the reasoning behind a lot of their rules because they do put so much time, love and effort into saving these dogs. But in some cases especially when it's do or die for the dog the rules should be bent.
  14. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I agree Gina. You are such a great person to do all you do with rescuing and fostering.

    The animals in your care are truely lucky to have such an angel like you watching over them.
  15. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I've heard this same complaint on other message boards where people want to adopt and have been treated very rudely by people working at the rescue shelters. They want no part of transporting out of state adoptions. One person even had references from her friends, employer, and Vet. But then some shelters will do whatever they can to place pets in qualified homes even in Canada.

    If BSL should ever be introduced in this city, I would fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. I can't believe this poor dog's owners gave in that easy. I'd fight with everything I had and if worse came to worse, I's pack up my dogs, (and cats) burn my house to the ground and leave town.
  16. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Bullylove You are so very sweet!
    Lovesdapits LOL..You crack me up!

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