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Can someone tell me if my Pacus would survive if....

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Lindsey, May 15, 2004.

  1. Lindsey

    Lindsey New Member

    I took them out of their tank and put them a river? They are over a foot long. I'm guessing the change in the water temperature would be fatal for them.

    Thanks for the replies, I didn't know it would damage the eco system or that it was illegal to release them in rivers or lakes.

    I don't feel I'm being irresponsible, that's why I asked what other's thought. I need to get rid of these fish.

    One morning they freaked out and hit the tube that connects to the filter, it flipped backwards and water was running out the back of the tank onto the floor. We have our computer in the same room, and if we wouldn't have been home, the water would have probably shorted out the computer possibly starting a fire, we have a 500 gallon tank, that's a lot of water. Not to mention, we'd have come home to 4 dead pacus.

    I love these fish, they each have their own personalities and loved to petted. I make sure everyone gets petted when we clean out the tank. I've tried to give them away on swap & shop sites with no luck. And if someone was interested, I'd worry that they weren't being taken care of. They're high maintenance fish and we have to stay on top of tank to keep it clean. They're not for a lazy person, that's for sure. They stress out so easy, and when they're stressed out they don't eat right. People say pacus eat just about anything, well these sure don't. They are very picky eaters. The nearest pet store is 50 miles from us, we've made numerous trips buying them something different to eat, as they get tired of eating the same thing all the time.

    I thought maybe if I released them in the river, they'd make it, not knowing what you guys had told me.

    I've called every pet store within 100 miles of me asking if they'd take them, no luck. I've been trying to find some kind of fish sanctuary I could donate them to, also no luck. I just don't know what to do.

    If anyone has another idea please let me know.
  2. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    are they a native from your area? if not then I would suggest not putting them in a river as that will cause problems if they do survive.
  3. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

  4. tina1

    tina1 New Member

    That is a very bad and irresponsible thing to do! In all likelihood your pacu would survive and would damage the eco system of the river unless you live in south america where they have a native habitat. This is the reason that many states outlaw the sale of large fish like pirahnas or even furry pets.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Releasing non-native fish into rivers & lakes is illegal. Don't do it.

  6. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    My brother once released a pirhana into a local pond in the area without telling me. The pond is closed off from any tributaries, but is regularly stocked with catfish and trout. It is a large pond that runs about 4 blocks long and 2 blocks wide. People do fish at the pond and it didn't take long for someone to catch it, and of course it was huge. The media and all of the people thought it was a pirhana and of course the pacu was damaging and eating fishes. In an open tributary, the local fish wont stand a chance. Do not ever release non-native species in your local waters. Temperatures in North American rivers and lakes are way too cold for South American species to survive. They will, however, live long enough to damage the environment.
  7. pacumanzxc

    pacumanzxc New Member

  8. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Hi, It seems like you really cared about your pacus and up until now treated them well but its extremely illegal to put them in and if they on an off chance do survive they'll die in the winter after slaughtering many other fish, on a scale from 1 - 10 dumping non-native fish anywere is caveman dumb not to mention very illegal. I beleve around here the fine is close to 2 grand becuase we had people dumping oscars, pacus, piranahs and many other fish in the cheeseapeak bay (Maryland) and if anyones lived in maryland then you know that the water in the stremes and rivers and lakes wouldnt rise above 70 on a good day, really sorry you had to do that but it sounds like you didnt know.
  9. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    500 gallons are enough for pacus to live in.. But since you cannot cope it, why buy it at the first place? Putting them in a nearby river or lake will affect the ecosystem and its a very irresponsible thing to do. And I am sure the fishes living in the river will not want anymore new neighbours. I know you've done your best.. But next time, do some research and see if u can handle it or not.. Best of luck for you and your pacus.
  10. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

  11. Fish Addict

    Fish Addict New Member

    hopefully not if you put it in a stream
  12. fishy_chick

    fishy_chick New Member

    I don't understand why you can't keep them. 500 gallons is enough room for them (could you maybe take a picture for us?) and you seem to treat them very well and care about them a lot. Why exactly do you want to get rid of them? There are things you can change in the tank so they don't spook and throw water everywhere, or you could move the computer if that's what you're worried about.

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