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Dog Regerstration

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Sook, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. Sook

    Sook New Member

    Ok, i just want to raise wat i feels a valid point when it comes to paying the local "council" in my case "fees" for owning my dog.

    How the hell does this work out... Hes my Dog, I pay for his food, look after him, treat him like any other family member.... Vet visits and everything else that goes with it.... i can be 100% honest and say hes with me 24/7, some say thats a bad thing, some dont......

    Yet each year i have to PAY the Local council to tell them where i live and where my dog lives and what type of breed he is etc....

    I for one find this actually pritty obserd....

    Peoples thoughts.. :?: :?: :?:


    Your regerstration fees go towards what exactly, we all scoop our dogs poop, keep them clean, healthy and nice....
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    hehe, I do agree with you on that part.
    Although in my city the fees go to the Humane Society and help with city animal bylaws to send ppl out to check up on complaints or abuse. So, in my case, I don't mind too much, but unless your city does this, I don't agree with the fees. There should still be a yearly "check-up" form to see if you still have your dog and to keep info up to date, but there should not be a charge for it.
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Now that I have my two PitBulls I do everything by the book. Some of the reasons are:

    1. If something should happen like a house fire or a home invasion and they got loose, I wouldn't want them at the mercy of animal control. An unlicensed dog is kept on an average of 3 days before they're p.t.s. PitBulls usually don't get special treatment no matter how friendly. So by having them licensed, they are in the data base system and kept longer until we can be reunited. (I live in a city with 3 million people)

    2. If my dogs are falsely accussed of biting or attacking someone, they would be quarantined at the animal control center up to 21 days if they're not licensed and rabies vaccinated. Being that they are, I can quarantine them in my home.

    3. If my neighbor desides they don't like PitBulls living next door and call in a complaint, animal control can come and TRY to confiscate the dogs and impose fines which have to be paid before your dogs are released.

    I figure the license fees aren't too much, $10 for sterile, $25 for unsterile. I just don't want any excuses for this city to have physical control over my dogs.
  4. Sook

    Sook New Member

    Ill say one thing that makes this whole dog registration thing obsrerd...


    And not just cats, your pet rats, mice, birds etc.... the whole dog fees is completely stupid
  5. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i dont mind paying registration fees at all. its 18 dollars for 3 years on a pension rate. there is no way id complain over that. councils will always make up some way of getting money. if dogs dont get registered they will probably make it so something else has to be registered. all the points loves da pits made are good, another reason registering is good is so the council can work out how many dogs they have in their area. no registered dogs = no dogs at all = no dog facilities! on the note of registering cats i wish it was compulsory to do that. so many god damn cats around and idiots who own them. it would certainly make people think twice about buying that unsterilised cat they are going to let wander around.
  6. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I go both ways on this subject.

    The last place I lived at required dogs to be registered. I was going to do it until I read that unsterilized animals are $30 more. That really @#$@ed me off so I didn't pay it. At that point in time my dog was 98% inside so I figured I'd chance it. But I do see where the $$$ goes. Esp where I live, the shelter is way underfunded. I am cheap, I'll admit it, but I would have gladly paid the $5 the sterilized dogs pay; I just didn't see why I should have to pay more just b/c my dog isn't spayed (I have not and will not ever breed her.)
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    We have to register our cats here (in Ottawa, Canada). This by-law was just passed and new this April. I just think it's not really enforced unless you file a complaint. I'm happy to say that Moe is registered and tagged! Gives me piece of mind if nothing else.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    if i could register my cats i would. the closest my cats come to registration is their microchips. all the laws here are placed on dogs and not on cats.
  9. spencerpits

    spencerpits New Member

    This is off-topic, but elizavixen, if you don't ever plan to breed your dog, why don't you go ahead and spay her? Just curious.
  10. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Why don't you PM me and I'll tell you rather than cluttering up this topic?
  11. Goyda

    Goyda New Member

    heheh I just think if your going to pay 500-1000 dollars for a pit why complain about 20 bucks to register them :). All in all if you register them it could prevent you alot more time, effort, and money in the furture. Better to be safe then sorry :).
  12. carbuff

    carbuff New Member


    Sounds like to me that having to register your dog or what ever is all about money and not about anything else but MONEY.
  13. the_maine_pitbull

    the_maine_pitbull New Member

    This is quite interesting.. In my area it is $6. for a spayed/neutered dog and $15. if it isn't. The money goes to Low Cost Spay/Neuter programs through out the state, starting with the local area. The reason being for them charging more is because an unnuetered male dog is more likely to roam at will or take off by breaking loose or getting out of a fenced in area if they smell a female in heat. A female in heat is likely to draw male dogs in. It is more of a problem because you have dogs running around everywhere. It is nuts but makes sense enough for me. Having an unatlered dog can also create more of a hassell for the town, for the towns tax money that goes to paying Animal Control officers as well. So in reality, the more pups you have, the more taxes will go to ACO's in order to control these dogs. Maybe some of these dogs or all of them won't go to local but that is a way for them to look out for themselves. The reason cats aren't registered is obviously becasue there are too damn many of them, but also because cats are not a serious threat. You can run over and kill a cat and keep going and the only people who will care is the owners, you run over a dog and keep going you will have some problems. A reason they like to have them reigstered is to know where these dogs are. If they pick up dogs, they do not have to spend time with flyers and advertising they can just go to their computer and do a search. Even without tags, they can go by breed and who has one and the colors will match up and the gender and whether it is altered or not (Hard to tell with some females, some states don't do the tattooing when spaying) but you can usually feel bubble like bumps under the skin on the abdomen anyhow. The reason is also because they need to be aware of dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs. Any aggressive behavior will be marked that they know of, and if this dog is getting loose a lot they will question your level of responsibility. Cats are not dangerous or much of a nuisance. Never heard of a cat getting loose going into the neighbors and biting them or attacking their cat.. haha. In all it is worth it, because you are safe in most ways and there are no problems. Hope this helped you...


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