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I need advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by papillon/mom, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I got some good advice on the whole leash thing but I haven't had any time to practise because I just moved into my new house two days ago and I am still unpacking and just really, really busy well anyhow listen to this.
    let me explain the layout of the house as best as I can to the left of my house is a fenced in yard I had put in for my dogs, to the right is a double lot all paved no grass or fence. Well my little guy can get out of the fence in like 5 different spots, he is 4lbs and very, very tiny framed. Well he is the one that won't use the leash, he is so quiet that he sneaks away really fast too, well yesterday I took the boys outside and walked Rosco (little guy) to the back yard, they go and walk by the garage well next door to me on the right there is no fence there because of the huge lot and I can't afford it this year so anyways I went to go in my truck 2 seconds I am talking I turned around he was gone, my mom was over me my mom and my boyfriend were all on the hunt for this little guy well I live in a really quiet area so no one was out well turns out after about 10 min of hysteria and nearly a heart attack we herd him, our neighbor two doors away has a huge shepard well what my little guy did was he went to the right and snuck under my neighbors (actually two houses away's fence where the shepard was) and we herd him he yelped I thought that was it well we called our neighbor and she brang her dog in and he was fine well I wanted to kill him I patted him on the but and he started to run to our house and then he went under my our car and we had to crawl under to get him out, he is so stubborn.

    me needing advice is for what do I do I want to get a really really long cable for him but then what length to get him, see Max he will just go and come right back or stay wherever Rosco sneaks away so fast so no matter what I don't know what to do, we tried putting more dirt around the fence, it is wooden on one all outsides but to our side its chain link and he gets out of anywhere he is so little. what to do?
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Is he sneaking out of the bottom of the fence (as opposed to jumping over it)?

    If he is sneaking out of the bottom, buy some 2 X 4 (or whatever size would work best) wood boards and line the bottom of the fence all the way around with the boards.

    Otherwise, you can always buy a tie out. He shouldn't be able to get out of the tie out if secured properly. The cables used come in various lengths, I think the longst I have seen is 50 feet.

    I don't know if that was the info. you were looking for or not?!?! :0011:
  3. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: yes that is what I was looking for when you say tie out you mean like the cable that you hook them up to? 2 x 4's I don't know if that would work becasue he sneaks out on the sides where the chain link conects to the garage, and the other side to the wood fence he is sooooo tiny he escapes through anything so now I took him out yesterday and I made sure I watched him closely because 2 sec's he sneaks away....thanks, I actually went to the dollar store yesterday on lunch from work and I seen the stakes for the cables but the cable they had was only 6 or 8 feet where can you get the 50foot one? :wink:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Glad that helped! :eek:

    Yes, that is exactly what I am speaking of!

    Okay, I just looked on the PetsMart and Petco website, and the largest they have is 40 ft. However, you could always buy two 25 foot cables and attach them to make a 50 foot cable.

    As far as the stakes go, there is quite a variety of those out there. They make just the regualar old stakes, but they also make stakes that are designed to prevent the dog from tangling him/herself up in the cable. (Although, with those, you are stuck with whatever range the cable attached allows - in other words, you can't add length. So, you may want to take a look at those as well, here's a website if your interested in looking at them:


    Hope you find something that works! :D
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I swear that MyBabyShih has stock at Petsmart! LOL hehe.... :)
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I tell ya', the way I shop there, I ought to have some stock at Petsmart!!! LOL :lol:
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Okay, I know it is kind of late to answer your question for ideas, but I was thinking yesterday (I try not to do it too often :lol: )...how about you buy a small roll of garden fencing (there is a variety to choose from) and line the bottom of your fence, or even just the area that he escapes from?!?!

    Don't know if it will work, but I thought I'd bring up anyway! :D
  8. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek: :y_the_best: :eek: :eek:

    excellent ideas w/the cables I think I will go get one as for the fencing I plan on doing that but w/just moving in my new house I just don't have time yet, I think I might be ok now I just know that I can not take my eye off of him for a second or he's gone ya know.....Thanks......ttyl.....

    as for petsmart all pet owners should have stock there, its like toys r us for animals......I actually took my Max to training there, it was so cute they actually have graduation w/a cap and you get to keep it, of course it was too big for him but I got a few snaps, they are cute....Thanks. :wink:
  9. mknuth

    mknuth New Member

    Cable tie

    My husband solved the cable problem with our Papillion by going to Home Depot. They have longer cables but light enough that CoCo wasn't dragging anything heavier then her!! Try there if you haven't solved your problem yet. :)
  10. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great idea mknuth...I never thought about doing that!!! :y_the_best:

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