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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Kou, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Kou

    Kou New Member

    I am new to this forum, so I'd like to say hi.

    Here's the situation: I have three cats. Two males fight, and spray. Does anyone have any advice on this? They're brothers, but they've only been fighting the past few months.. they're not neutered (though within the next two or three months they will be) and they tear up carpet with their claws. I am getting softpaws from www.softpaws.com to fix this, but I want to know if any of you have used softpaws? Do they work or what? Thanks,
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Welcome to Auspet. :D I've never used soft paws. Although, a few members here have. What's worked for me, is having various scratching posts, such as tall ones, flat ones and so on. Also those floor to ceiling cat trees that are covered in carpet make enticing scratching posts.

    How old are your cats? It must be difficult for you to have your cats spraying around the house. Are you sure they are spraying and not urinating? Can you not have them fixed sooner?
  3. Kou

    Kou New Member

    Thanks. :eek: They're almost two years.. well, the two brothers are. The other one is maybe.. six months, almost a year old? I may be a little off. I couldn't have gotten them neutered earlier because I couldn't afford it. When I finally did save up the money to get them neutered, I had to use it on my females (I've adopted them out since I am moving-- I don't like talking about it, it hurts) to get them spayed so we had no more kittens. I'd saved Fuu from the Humane Society (they were going to GAS her, can you believe it?) so I hadn't even planned for another cat.. which led to more cats... >.<
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Nern has a 'sticky post' at the top of the cat forum posts, called low cost spay and neuter. Since you live in the U.S. you may want to look into this. Your local shelter will often do very low cost spay/neuter. Some places will even do it for free. Check out that sticky post and see if they have this in your area.
  5. Kou

    Kou New Member

    Oh my god, thank you! We're so tight on money right now, we were going to have to sacrifice OUR food to get them neutered, LOL! Thank you so much. I found some pretty close by, maximum about an hour away, not too bad.. I would still be saving money reguardless. Thank you again. :eek: :y_the_best:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum!

    I think once they are fixed your fighting/marking problems will likely cease. Scratching is also a way of marking so they may even tear up your carpet a little less after they're fixed. I have heard good things about the soft paws from other poeple who have used them.

    I'm glad you were able to find a low cost spay/neuter clinic. When I was broke and had taken in unexpected new cats the low cost clinics really helped alot.

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