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Agressive Community Fish?

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by mknuth, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. mknuth

    mknuth New Member


    I keep trying to add fish to my 30 gallon tank but they keep getting eaten!! Especially the fancy tail guppies! Each day I come home and at least 1 new one will have its tail half eaten and by end of day or next, they are dead. This is getting very discouraging.

    I have 2 mollies, 4 zebras, 2 tetras, 1 neon, and currently 3 guppies, and 2 larger guppy fry (which somehow have survived by hiding)

    Which fish would be attacking?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    My guess would be the tetras. They are known fin nippers.

  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Like t_chelle said tetras are big nippers and fancy guppys are prime targets, since it would be more fair to remove the tetras rather then the guppies thats what I would do.
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    wow your tank has grown! yeah its the tetras, i had to move my glass tetras for the fin nipping
  5. jamin_rb

    jamin_rb New Member

    what kind of tetras do u have ????
  6. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Tetras are known but fin-nipping.. They couldn't resist the temptation of your striking-coloured guppy! Remove the tetras to prevent more damage.
    Best of luck.
  7. mknuth

    mknuth New Member

    I'm not sure what type of tetra they are actually, they are silver with 2 black stripes. I will remove them and see how it goes.

    Thanks for all of the replies!! :D
  8. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    They should be black widows.(blackskirt tetra).
  9. mknuth

    mknuth New Member

    More problems.....

    On everyone's good advice, I am trying to remove my 2 black widow tetras from my 30 gallon tank because they are eating my guppies. Now my last male is missing and I can't even find the body!

    The trouble is, I'm having trouble catching them to get them out and in the meantime, the other fish are getting very spooked. Any suggestions?

    Thanks. :?
  10. bloodpain

    bloodpain New Member

    Try using a big net to catch them.. Do it as fast as possible so as not to stress other fishes.
  11. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Try looking on the floor around the tank for the missing fish. He could have jumped.

  12. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    the fish that is gone do you by any chance have bottom feeders? because they are known to eat dead fish.
  13. mknuth

    mknuth New Member

    I don't have any bottom feeders but another guppy is dead, a female and still no sign of the missing male. No body, and I have a lid on the tank so he couldn't have jumped. I'm assuming he's somewhere in the back where it is difficult to see. The aquarium is bow shaped with the point in the corner and with plants. He might be back there somewhere.

    I'm going to get a bigger net to try with the tetras. Worse case I'll drain a larger portion of the water on my next water change to catch them and just have to start rebuilding my community after the tetras are out.

    Thanks for all of the help! :0011:
  14. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Try removing all the decorations. That way you'll know for sure if the missing fish is in there (& be able to remove the body if he died) and it will be easier to catch the other fish since they won't be able to hide.

    When I have to catch my cichlid fry (who are incredibly fast and difficult to catch), I have to remove all the decorations and drain the water down to about 2".

  15. mknuth

    mknuth New Member

    Thanks Chelle,

    That will be the project for this weekend. The gravel needs vacuuming anyway, so I will do it all at one time.

  16. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    as in algae eaters because those are common to eat the dead fish, im not sure if i just repeated myself.lol. im way to tired

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