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Tips please

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hello, I dont know if any of you remember but a while back I posted about my puppy Syd making aggresive noises when playing with dogs she is cmfortable with. I was hoping after playing with dogs at the park she would grow out of it or learn not too. Syd still does this and I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how I can train her not too. She does it a home all the time...she snarls,growls and sounds really mean but she is just playing....i could confine her to a room but dont want to punish her for playing....at the park i give her time outs because she doesnt do it as much so i can control it more. She really only does this with my other dog, and two playmates she knows that she plays with at the park and at home, and any dog that comes over to the house. She just gets so worked up...Any help would be aprriciated....thank you

    Oh I did call a trainer a while back too and she said i should take her to a puppy group play thing but i figured since we go to the dog park everyday that it would be the same, also she said she might grow out of it but that was when she was 3 months and Syd is almost 6 months now. Maybe I could have a trainer actually come over and witness this?
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I really think if it is only during play that she growls then it's no big deal.
    My Pekingese growls during play with other dogs and even with me when we play tug of war.
  3. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Hi there,
    My brothers dog growls and barks when he's playing with mine. It sounds awful sometimes and anyone who's around when they meet worries that they're fighting. He's 3 now and is only getting louder, so I'd say not to worry and just try to get used to it.
    You'll soon learn the difference between his playing growls and his angry ones, and so will other dogs.
  4. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Hi Winnie,

    My Catahoula boy, Witt, is very very vocal. After I had had him a couple months my neighbor and I were talking over the fence and she asked about all the dog fighting. I was confused...then realized she was actually hearing my dog and all his vocal antics and thought they were fighting. I let her watch them play and she was shocked at first and then after a bit was able to see that they were just playing. She has since seen them get into a spat and was able to see the difference very clearly. Being vocal is a part of my dogs character, as it is of your dogs...I don't see any reason to try and make him stop. It's doggie communication and play. It wouldn't be fair to punish the dog for something like that. I tell people in advance of our dogs playing together that Witt is very vocal and sounds like a viscious monster...if it seems to make them nervous or uncomfortable I end the play or don't let it start in the first place. I think a puppy play group sounds like a great idea, it would give a professional a chance to observe your dog and let you know if there is anything inappropriate about your dogs level of vocalization. But if you know it's just play...I wouldn't let it bother you.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yep, what they said. Soon enough you can identify every sort of bark and growl your dog will do. The I want to play bark, the stay away from me growl, the someones walking down the street one, mail mans here. You will really know whats going on and won't have to worry so much. Play growling is normal. Dogs never play silent.
  6. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I'm not worried about the noises myself, its just at the dog park she will bark and nip at my lab and then gets all these other dogs chasing my lab cause she is so loud and then the lab gets over whelmed and starts to get mad that there are 5 dogs all ganging up on her. Syd the puppy is such an instigater (sp)
  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Luther everynow and then does the play growl thing, only when he is really excited. I always get embarassed bc I feel that people look at me and say why don'T you do yomething about your mean dog. But i can't say anything (too nervous my german isn'T good enough?) so I just walk away smiling. These people must think I am an idiot!!
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harley growls/barks when something REALLY exciting is happening. Every evening when I am getting ready to put dinner down she dances in 3 circles, barks 2 times then sits to wait for me to put the bowl down.

    Also, when some of Curt's friends come over, she makes some weird growl/whine sound because she is so excited to have them over. (She is a HUGE flirt)

    I thought it was pretty weird at first, and some people are standoffish until they realize its a happy growl, not a mad one.
  9. Maisey

    Maisey New Member

    Winnie, How old is your pup? Puppies commonly push too far and are annoying..it's what they do! Adult dogs will likely put the pup in it's proper place with a scolding. Pups learn from these experiences and they are an important part of the pups socialization. Maybe take your two dogs separately to the dog park.
  10. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Maisy...she is 6 months....shes been doing it for 3 months since i got her, its not getting better, and ow she does it with more dogs at the park, sounds really bad. :) Thanks for the replies everyone
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Here's a tip: Don't eat yellow snow.

    Okay, I'm sorry for that. My b/f used to come by and say that to me all the time. I worked the door at a bar and had a HUGE jar that said TIPS on it.

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