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need help, 2 cat/kitten problems

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by DeanFamily, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. DeanFamily

    DeanFamily New Member

    First of all - Im still a fairly new "kitty" grandma... Our cat had kittens. Backing up really fast - she would have been spayed if she was our kitty originally, but she adopted us by running into our house and not leaving. Found out later she was abused by a neighbor and her child. So, shes our baby now.
    Anyway, we got her set up with a litter box, which was great because she already knew how to use it.
    When she adopted us, she was pregnant. Now, we have kittens.. had 6, 2 died at birth/shortly after ... now, on to the questions.

    (1)... the mama kitty... has now decided to poop on my living room carpet. OFTEN. Maybe using the litter box one or two times vs using my floor 5 or 6 times. The litter is same; box is same; scooping 2x a day... what could be wrong? Someone told me it was behavioural.... which makes me feel awful, because we've done nothing different!

    (2) the kittens are 10 days old. one has fully open eyes, one has nothing going on there yet.. one has 1 open, one closed.. then the other one.. has one good open eye, but the other eye looks really awful.. its very swollen. We've been taking a warm washcloth to keep the mucous look down... im worried to death it could be a tumor on its eye???? The only reason kitten hasnt gone to the vet yet is because it would be one major ordeal to haul all the babies plus mama to the vet and I only wanted to do this if 100% necessary.... but I sure dont want to be the cause if kitty ends up blind! is this normal if kittens are just opening their eyes??

    Thank you , I would appreciate ANY help...

    ~Adopted Kitty Mommy~
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Anything to do with the eyes requires immediate medical help. It doesn't take much for a kitten to end up losing an eye due to any infection. Vet will probably prescribe antibiotics in case it's an upper respiratory infection - but you need to act quickly. It's going to cost you much less now to do something than to wait until this kitten's eyeball ruptures and requires surgery, and it can happen.

    I would deal with that first before worrying about mama cat. Is she a good mom? Does she act stressed out with her kittens? Could be simply the ill kittens(s).

    But please deal with the hassle of getting them all to the vet as this kitten most definitely needs medical treatment.
  3. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    marys right, eye problems are the worst problems and they only escliate, try to get her to a vet as soon as possible, Good Luck with your new kittys, and as far as the moms going were she shouldnt it may just be becuase after giving birth shes a little of-balance with all the kittys.
  4. fleafly

    fleafly New Member

    Kittens open their eyes at diferent rates. What is worrisome is the one with the mucous. It probably has an eye infection which are very common in kittens.

    You need to take them to the vet, my guess is it will be a quick exam and he will give you some antibiotic ointment for the eye. I know it is a hassle, I've been there. You can use a carrier or a tall box that the kittens can't jump out of to transport them. I would take them all just so the vet can take a peek at them and make sure they are okay.

    The mom may be pooping on the floor for a few reasons. She could be off balance from the kittens as Obelix put it. Or in the wild momma cats don't like to leave smells, like poop, near the babies so that predators can't find them. If the kittens are near the litter box this may be the reason she isn't using it. At any rate, you can try a few things: Confine them to an area like a bathroom, or put a box in a different part of the house from the kittens. Maybe you can put on in the living room for a little while. The kittens are going to be learning to use one soon, and they will need a few boxes in the house anyway. I ended up having to put one in the corner of my living room kind of behind the couch for a little while till my kitten got the hang of it, then I moved it slowly to where I wanted it to be.
  5. DeanFamily

    DeanFamily New Member

    thank you!!

    Thank you both!
    I am going to take the kittens and mama to the vet on monday (i live in a backwards place or I would have them at a vet today.. carpets roll up on fridays here...). I want whats best for them!
    I never even thought of the litter box being near the babies - and its in the same walk in closet... we also have 2 children in our home - so in the best interest of the kittens we are leaving them in the closet, and moving mama kittys litter box to our bathroom (we have a cubby in there to keep smell down). Hubby is right now moving it and introducing her.. Thank you BOTH so much.. I dont think I worried this much over having my own 2 legged babies!!!!!!
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Excellent advice already offered, kudos. The only thing I can add is that some cats are very very fussy about location (as mentioned above) of box and the litter used. Try to avoid scented litters if possible. And go for a fine grain. Also, keep the box as far from where momma nurses and eats as possible.

    I'm glad to hear that you're taking them to the vet on Monday. Be sure to mention that you rescued preggie momma and they may give you a break on the visit charge ;)

    Please keep us posted on what the vet says/does.
  7. DeanFamily

    DeanFamily New Member


    Proud to report that I actually had to get up and scoop litter last night, out of kittys box in my bathroom! shew! LOL!
    Happy to have spot free carpet.... this is great news!

    The first kitty to have both eyes open also went "wandering" last night!!
    I heard its meowing.... I got up to see if he'd fallen from his nest... did a head count... missing a kitty! I looked all in the closet (the only thing in the floor is their nest)... i went to wake up my hubby to tell him help ! and.... right at the foot of my bed was the lil ball of fur! its a good 10 yards from his brother and sisters!!!!!!
    Betting by weeks end, we have a whole pile of furry babies everywhere :)

    I will definitely mention about getting mama cat by "default" lol.... and we are also going to make mama cat's appt for spaying!!!!!

    Thank yall SOOOOOOOOO much :)
  8. DeanFamily

    DeanFamily New Member

    Just wanted to update.

    Mama Kitty is doing great now with her litterbox in a new location. We ended up taking all the kittens and mama too (got her a tentative spaying date too, if shes weaned babies by then). 2 of the kittens had eye infections, we got 2 little tiny tubes of ointment. The vet also cleaned all their eyes with a saline solution. The trick is - put the ointment in the corner of one eye, let mama cat see it... she licked it right to the other corner! wow! and within HOURS literally of the first treatment, both babies had their eyes open!
    We are still treating one because her eyes continue to stick at night - the vet said their tear ducts are probably not completely working yet.

    The happy kitten family is starting to get out of their nest and test their limits - and we named them -
    Black and white male - Max
    Calico female - Callie (the one with the worst infection)
    Gray female - Lillie (also had a small eye irritation)
    Gray Male - Gizmo (the outgoing fella of the group!)

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone! We are now a completely happy lil family now :)
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm happy to hear they are doing well. Those are cute names you picked for them. :D
  10. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    wow!!! great story. somehow i missed this post. can you post pictures of the babies? i would love to see them.

    i was going to say...yesterday when i was at the vet they had this product that attracts cats to the kitty litter box. some woman thought it was catnip, but then when we looked at it, it was a cat box "atttractor".

    but...it sounds like the advice you got worked really well. i just love this forum.... :)

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