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Does Bamboo Need Obedience Classes ?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Brian, Jun 20, 2004.

  1. Brian

    Brian New Member

    Hi Guys!
    First I would like to say thank you for all your contribution to this forum. I have done a lot of research and have been visited this site for about 1 months ,reading as many posts as I could for info on puppies/dogs training etc before we went out and got our first furkid. Without your tips/advices our Bamboo wouldn't turn out to be such a good boy he is today. So 2 thumbs up to all of you!

    We got Bamboo the shih tzu at 8 weeks old from family raised. Now he's 3 and 1/2 months and pretty much potty trained. During the day we let him do his biz outside and he does everything within 5 mins which saves us so much time waiting around. After I often take him for long walks as I am confident that he's not going to * embarrass * me. LOL. At night when he wants to do # 2 he scratches at my bedroom door and I will let him out to relief on papers in the sun room. He doesn't want to pee on paper for some reason but that's ok because he mostly sleeps thru the night and hardly has any peeing accident.

    He's well behaved , very inquisitive and playful but quiet and calm too. He hardly barks which we WON"T allow anyway. He loves to play with other dogs and loves meeting people esplly children. He's not really scared of any loud noises as I took him on street cars, subway, walks, car etc the day we got him.
    The only thing is that he 's teething and likes to nip and bites sometimes. But when he bites our hands , we say NO, give him his toys and ignore him until he stops biting * I learned this tip from you guys * :). He likes to chew on magz a bit but not our good furnitures. Besides we have bitter apple just in case we need to use it. We leave him alone in our sun room for up to 3 hrs occasionally and he's fine with it.

    Bamboo is a very intellegent puppy. At 3 months he knows * Jump, sit, down, left paw, right paw, kiss and fetch * because of me. He learned the *down* command in 12 mins! No kidding. Now I am teaching him * Stay, Come and roll over * and believe in a short time he will master these new commands.

    Did I mention that he's a good boy? LOL. 2 days ago, he let me cut his hair for the first time as he's always hot. I plucked hair in his ears, cut his nails and filed, trimmed his face hair and even trimmed around his behind for easy access. I used just regular sizzor for the hair and people thought it was done by a pro! No kidding.

    Ok, do you think Bamboo still need obedience classes?

    Sorry if I did sound like a stage mom.

    Thanks for any advice.


    Bamboo's site http://www.geocities.com/tomat20/bamboo.html
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Bamboo sounds like a wonderful dog. Obedience classes might be alot of fun for both of you whether he needs them or not.
  3. oso

    oso New Member

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Very impressive Bamboo! And way to go Brian!
    I have taken 3 of my 5 dogs to Ob classes.
    (And ummmm it's obvious which have gone and which have not but I won't name any names) LOL.
    I throughly enjoyed attending OB classes not only do you and your dog learn so much but also your puppy gets some great socialization skills and it's fun to!
    Im very glad you joined and are enjoying the forum. But WARNING it is very addictive!!
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    if you have the time and money, why not. It could be a "special" time that you guys get to spend together
  6. Brian

    Brian New Member


    Thanks guys. I will talk with my partner and will decide.

    Oso, it's pretty easy to train Bamboo to do tricks and listen to commands. Some stuff may take a bit longer than others for them to learn but eventually they will get it if you give them treats and big Praises.

    With my puppy I find he listens and learns quicker when he's not in active/playing mood like 10 mins after he gets up from a sound sleep. I usually just teach him what I want him to do without treats first because once he sees treats he would go nuts and doesn't concentrate too well. So once I think he gets the idea of what I want him to learn then I give him treats to encourge him.

    Fetch- Start by taking away toy from his mouth and say Good Boy! Repeat this a few times and then throw the toy away and say FETCH! when he brings it back , take the toy away from him and say Good Boy! and give him treat. Repeat until he's good at it but don't over work him. If he doesn't do too well at first then try again with him a few hours later.

    Jump- This one i think is the easiest. Stand in front of him and snap your fingers and say JUMP! It would help if you let him see the treat your holding.

    Down- While he's sitting, pull his front paws forward and say DOWN. Or you can tap your hand on the floor and say DOWN while gently push his neck/head forward. Always give treats.

    Today, I taught Bamboo * Roll Over and Huge * He 's very good with Roll over but Huge I need to teach him again tomorrow.

    I have been kinda showing him how to do * Shy * having him cover his eye with his paw. I think this one is very ambitious but I would like to officially teach him this trick sometime next week.

    Tell me what your dog can do guys.

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Once your dog knows basic commands, an intermediate obedience class can be nice to use as a training tool. Not only does the dog get some good socialization with other dogs, but you can use the class time to work on obedience with the distraction of other dogs around.


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