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Help! Sores on my pekingese's belly ...

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Juana Chavez, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    I have a two month old pekingese and she has had these weird sores on her belly that have a dark red scab on them, they do not ooze they just appear near her belly & private area.She also has this black type of dust flim near the sores. I thought it was because of the urine touching her skin but I applied Desitin to see if they would go away but they remained. I am truely confused I would appreciate any advice to help my pup.
    Thank you
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: Hi Juana...WELCOME!!! :eek:

    Unfortunately, I am afraid I will be of absolutely no help to you...I don't have the slightest idea as to what the problem might be! :( However, the sores sound pretty bad, so I would most DEFINITELY bring her to your vet ASAP to have the sores checked out, diagnosed, and treated!!!

    I hope she gets better soon!!! :D
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well, now I am thinking back to when my dog used to get a rash from the grass when laying on it. Sometimes he would get these little pimples and they would pup. Well then they get crusty and with his laying on things would get stuf stuck to them sometimes darkness. I would try using a mild cleanser or dog antiseptic called sulfedine. Clean them a few times a day till they clear. But if it really looks bad and is not healing see the vet. Some dogs get allergies to grass, or even household cleaning products. You can clean your floors with diluted vinegar if it seems he;s allergic to what you use.

    Also for long haired breeds, it will be nesesary to do a sanitary hair trim on the vulva and anis on your dog to help it stay clean.
  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member


    First, let me WELCOME you to the board!!! :eek:

    Now, honestly.. I've never heard of anything like that. Mybabyshihpoo usually has great advice and has a lot of "vet experience", so I'm surprised she hadn't heard anything either. :roll:

    I think you should call your vet, at the very least. It's probable and possible that it's an allergic reaction of some sort... but, bottom line, better to be safe than sorry. Good Luck! :y_the_best:

    Please, keep us posted!!
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    What an adorable picture in your avatar...is he/she yours? That face is just too cute!!! :y_the_best:

    I hope your peke's sores are getting better! I must agree with puttin510, it could very well be allergies, but I honestly can not say for sure - there's just too many possibilities. I have seen a multitude of dogs (mainly in the shelter) with sores, and the reason for which the sores occurred varied so greatly among many factors and/or problems (ranging from mild to severe).

    As a matter of fact, just recently, there was a little shih-tzu with a couple of sores on her underside that weren't terrible looking, but enough to cause concern, so I made sure the vet took a look at the little girl. And after a check from the vet, she was diagnosed with a mild skin condition that is very treatable, mainly through prevention (i.e. not using certain products on her, or on surfaces in which she comes in contact with). To be perfectly honest, most of the dog's in which I have seen with sores/spots were diagnosed with only mild forms of various skin conditions. Therefore, that very well may be the issue with your peke!

    Hopefully your vet can help you out with your peke and her sores!

    Do keep us updated! :D
  6. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    Ya, it's my dog ... her name is Bubbles :)

    I don't know what the sores are yet, but tommorow she's going to the vet ... so I'll let all of you guys know :):):)

    I think she's getting better cause they are actually starting to go away ... but the vet will help get rid of them for good :)
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    SUCH a cutie...love the name as well!!! :eek:

    Good for you for taking her in...it'll be interesting to hear what your vet has to say about the sores!!!

  8. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oh my goodness, i agree... GRRRRRREAT NAME!!! :) keep us posted on her vet visit too! I'm curious what it could be.
  9. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    Well Today we went to the vet she got some vaccinations :p But the Vet told us that the sores werent that bad, he said if they get worse to contact them again so we could see what it was. He just said to keep her clean to minimize the sores. Problably the reason he said this was beacause they have started to go away but hopefully he is right. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Yeah, just keep them clean. Buy a bottle of sulfedine if you can get it. It's a product thats been around for years. Its like peroxide to us humans. But peroxide on dogs supposedly eats up good bacteria too. Clean it a few times a day to avoid infection.
  11. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great advice Puttin! :y_the_best:

    Juana, I'm so happy to hear that the sores aren't real bad and that there is no significant problem...great news!!!

  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm thrilled to hear that the sores were nothing to be worried about!! congrats! :)
  13. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    I luv the pic of your dog, Monster Bailey :D :) :D :) :D :)
  14. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    hehehe... thanks... it's definitely a "CLASSIC" monster pic! LOL
  15. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    Bubbles is sick

    Well bubbles was doing fine until she started to vomit her food in the afternoon today. She got her shots two days ago and a dewormer, She was doing perfectly fine before, the only thing that was wrong were her strange little sores. Her appetite was normal, also she went to the bathroom fine. She is not an outside dog she is a litterbox pup and she is always watched on what she eats. The only thing that was out of the ordinary these last few days were her vaccinations which were given to her on the 22nd of this month and now I have a sick puppy :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    :cry: Do you think this could be happening because of her shots and dewormer????????????????????????????????? :cry: [/img]
  16. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I have heard of dogs having reactions to their vaccinations.... even allergic type of reactions. I'm not sure if that's what's going on here, but you definitely need to call the vet just to be sure! :( That poor baby has had a rough couple of days, huh? :cry:
  17. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Okay, how many times did she throw up?

    If it was only once or twice, she is *probably* okay. It's quite normal for puppies (and adult dogs) to throw up every once and a while. A dog doesn't necessarily have to eat something they shouldn't have (or whatever could happen) in order to throw up...sometimes it will just happen for no apparent reason.

    HOWEVER, the only thing that concerns me is the fact that she was vaccinated recently! Like Monster said, dogs can have reactions to vaccinations and medicine, so that could be the culprit here. In these cases, sometimes medical attention is needed, and other times, it isn't - it really depends on the severity of the reaction. In my experience (and I'm not a professional) the dogs that I have seen react to vaccinations or various meds, reacted within 1-2 days of receiving the vac. or med. - that's only what I have seen though. So, that makes me wonder if the vaccs are really causing the problem at hand or not?

    If Bubbles continues to vomit, displays any signs of lethargy, doesn't eat and/or drink, or doesn't act like her normal self in any way, then I would definitely bring her into your vet for an examination tomorrow...there could be something more than just a temporary upset stomach!!!

    So, unfortunately, I am not quite sure what to tell you, Juana. If the vomiting has stopped, and Bubbles is acting normal in all other ways, I suspect this isn't anything severe...just an upset stomach. On the other hand, I really don't know if it is merely a coincidence that she is throwing up shortly after her vaccs, or if the vaccs truly are to blame?!?! :0011:

    I strongly advise you though, if you are worried that there may be something wrong beyond just the occasional upset stomach, don't hesitate to call a local 24 hr. vet clinic...it's always better to be safe than sorry!

    Please keep us updated on Bubbles! :y_the_best:

    Wishing the best for her, and hope she feels better soon! :D
  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I recall different people saying that there pups thru up after being given dewormers. If she has any reactions that myshipoo has mentioned then bring her in for a check up. If she is acting normal then it may pass. Keep your eye on her.
  19. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Very true puttin! I completely forgot that she mentioned that Bubbles had been dewormed as well, so yes, that could also be a cause.

    I hope she is better?!?!

  20. Juana Chavez

    Juana Chavez New Member

    Well sorry you guys i havent been able to keep you updated lately I ve been really tired because My bubbas has been feeling sick and I have a newborn Chihuhua to feed every two hours also I have a baby on the way. Well Bubbles had a fever, thats why she was throwing up everything. She vomited from 6:00 pm that day to 3 or 4:00am in the morning until she was vomiting nothing but saliva, poor thing was so sad and tired. I called the vet and he told me to give her a half of tsp of peptobismol. She is back to her normal self but a little tired of the ordeal. She sleeps alot but she is back to her spoiled self and now I have to deal with the little chihuahua and Bubbles temper tantrums. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) and yes iit was related to the vaccinations. :| Well I really appreciated your advice and thank you all and once again Im sorry

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