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Who says dogs don't mourn

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I have heard people say dog's don't mourn but that is completely false.
    Pinky and Bluebelle have been miserable since Izzy passed. I always fed the 3 of them together and Punkin & Princess together.
    Pinky and Bluebell look around and wait for Izzy everyday at breakfast and dinner. Last night after I put their food down I went and sat down on the couch and was watching TV when Pinky brought Izzy's bowl to me.
    She dropped it in my lap and just stared at me. She wanted to know where Izzy was. I felt so bad for the poor girl. I took Izzy's bowl to the kitchen and put it on top of the refrigerator and Pinky watched me do it when I started to walk away she let out a low moan almost a whimper and she and Bluebelle sat staring at the bowl on top of the refrigerator for a long time before slowly eating their own dinner.
    It's amazing how human dogs can be at times.
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I think what is more amazing is how much more we need to be like them.

    Dogs mourn. If a creature can feel love I believe it can mourn the loss of it.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Dogs definitely do mourn. I don't remember what book I read it in - possibly Bones Would Rain From the Sky - where they had one of their dogs PTS at their house. They left the body "lying in state" in the living room overnight and the owner kept a vigil and so did a few of the dogs. She thought it helped them to realize the dog was dead and would not be coming back.

    The worst part is not being able to explain to your other dogs what happened. I hate seeing children or animals upset and confused and you have no way to explain.

  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Wow! That's amazing. Poor girls. I always thought dogs can mourn. I mean, they know when their owner is sick or gone, why wouldn't they notice and miss their buddy.

    I am so sorry once again for your loss. Give them both a big hug and kiss from me.
  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    That's so precious, Gina.... your other pups are trying to ask where she is, and sad about her not being with them. I KNOW animals mourn....they may not have the same reasoning abilities as we do, but thet do have bonds and attachments to others.
    It might sound weird, but there is a woman who is an animal expert in this area who does an animal show on the radio....and she believes strongly in animals ability to communicate and understand in sort of a psychic sense. She always tells people to be with your animal, and visualize what you want to communicate to it, in feelings and pictures an animal would understand--- Like if someone is trying to ease their dogs anxiety about them leaving, she tells them to sit with their dog and visualize the scene of themselves walking out the door, the sun moving across the sky (to demonstrate passing of time) and then walking back in the door----or something to that effect that will represent what you want the animal to understand.... she swears it works wonders. Maybe you can do something like that to communicate with them about what happened to Izzy?
    Like I said it may sound weird, but you never know..... And again, I am so sorry about Izzy
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh your poor pups. they are definitely in mourning, even though I think you said Izzy stayed away from them, she was a part of their life and it will take awhile for them to get back to normal, they dont understand where she went.

    Interesting what Jimiya said about the lying in state, to get the dogs comfortable with passing on.

    I just love all of their names.

  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    That is just incredibly sad. Tears in my eyes now.
    I believe they mourn also. Our neighbors chow had to be put down and the lab that shared the yard with him just moped around for weeks, until they people went and adopted another dog. Lab was very happy then.
  8. leo2

    leo2 New Member

    that is sad how did your dog die?

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