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"Humane" Society gassing cats...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Kou, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. Kou

    Kou New Member

    The humane society where I live gasses cats. I don't know if they ever stopped, but the last time I checked, they did (That was under a year ago.) I'm disgusted by it, and I did not think this was Humane Societys' policy.. but then again, this "Humane" society is an 8' x 11' trashy trailer run by hillbillys... (Not that hillbillys are a bad thing.. I've got a lot of them in my family, LOL) ... but how do these people get the rights to call themselves an animal shelter, especially one so large and well known? And what do you guys think about "gassing"?
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'd rather see them gassed that shot like some "backwoods" shelters (and I use that term loosely) do to animals. Too bad this shelter doesn't try to raise some funds so they can better their facilities and do more for their animals
  3. Kou

    Kou New Member

    I've heard the screaming, and I live over a mile away. The screaming sounds like people. They don't want to die.. and they know they are dying, it's very, very inhumane. It's a slow death compared to a gunshot.. lest of course the gunshot doesn't kill them automatically. I don't agree with either method, though.. while feline overpopulation is a problem, there are better ways to 'send them off'..
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when I think of animals being "put down" by gunshot I'm thinking of the ones they don't kill but toss into the pile of deceased animals...and it happens.

    Isn't there something you can do? Can you record the sounds you hear (that would rip me apart as I'm sure it does you)? Take this to someone
  5. Kou

    Kou New Member

    I am going to say something that is going to offend most people.. but here goes..

    This part of the U.S. is filled with christians. Not kind hearted, loving christians, but cynical holier than thou christians. I called the cops about a man shooting dogs three houses down and they humiliated ME and laughed with the shooter. They thought it was stupid and a waste of their time. It makes me sick and it is frustrating to try to explain to an ignorant person who is raised to believe that animals are here to be used and abused that they could possibly be mistreated..

    I may sound a little frazzled but this issue is extremely frustrating.. there's a freakin' law here that says you cannot molest a dog lest it be stressing your sheep.. yet it never gets enforced.. blech.. sorry, I'm off track.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you are obviously upset by this...time to get to work. Can you contact maybe HSUS for assistance? Sometimes the squeaky wheel and all.

    And I know what you are saying. I have friends who live in the same state as you and their ideas of having pets is so opposite of mine. I don't think their little dog has ever seen the inside of their house, their horse's only purpose in life is to wait for attention (their daughter HAD to have this horse) and their cats get to live on what they can catch...but they are extremely Christian. And (although I don't want to get this post religion related) their idea of Christianity is to be tolerant only of those that belong to the same church they do.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    Kou, that really sucks. I did'nt even know it was legal to gas cats in the U.S. As Mary stated, maybe the HSUS can help you or aleast direct you to someone who can.
  8. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    That's HORRIBLE! I hope these people get what they deserve when their time has come! :x :x :x

    Those poor animals. :cry: Just thinking about it makes me want to go and hug Aoisha and cry for all the others that I can't protect. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  9. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Its insane I know... even though it might take awhile to work something out i relaly hope you fix this somehow... and yet people wonder why pets attack them :!: :!: :!: :!:
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Lou, whatever actions you take please be careful. Stay anonymous. The people that are insane enough to hurt and kill animals will also try to destroy your property or worse if they found out who you are and what you did. I'm sure you already know this. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents. Good luck!

    Sorry Kou about misspelling your name. You reminded me of my favorite aunt whose name is Lou. It was a subconscious error!
  11. Kou

    Kou New Member

    Sorry it takes me so long to post a reply, as I said, I have to go to the library to access internet and we have a limited amount of time we can be on the computers each day, which is even shorter when it's busy.

    You're right, vene, they would do things like that. There really isn't much I can do with this situation, after I get my home life straightened out (we're moving, it's a pain) I will definately figure something out to do.. thank you guys, though. HSUS? Humane Society US? I'm confused..
  12. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i would make a call to your congressman. that is what they are for. they try to help common citizens. ultimately, they want your vote. or go to a lobbyist. i would try the political route. you never know...you might have a congressman that loves animals and would be appalled.

    that is so awful. i worked in virginia for two years, and know about the "good ole boy" network. i had to work with the sheriffs in the outlying counties around fredricksburg for two years.

    i wish you luck...this is just awful...poor animals.
  13. momma

    momma New Member

    wow i cant belive that goes on still. gasing and shotting animals. I guess i'm really lucky to live in B.C. where that is totally against the law. And people would definatly go to jail for thing like that. Here in B.C. we have a no kill law as long as the animal is not suffering or very sick the s.p.c.a. does fund raisers and other then a few jerks breaking in to get there animal out.. ( which can cost abit if it happens more than once.) it all in all is preatty good. People when they adopt a animal it costs $110 which includes the spay/nuter shots and chip in the ear. the Petcetra out here also helps out by taking in animals from the s.p.c.a to help find them homes too. Hopefully the laws will soon be changed and stop this from going on....We do live in the year 2000 not 1900!!

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